Chapter 673: Wind Elder's Fury

Chapter 673: Elder Howling's Wrath

The almost dramatic changes in front of us all made some people unable to react. God's savior was driving him out, and, looking at it, there was a meaning to kill him. ".."

The prince of Langxie and the four olds are naturally pleasantly surprised. As long as the Tianwu Auction House does not step in, they are very confident to leave the two in front of them!

The talents of Feng Hao and Samsara made them feel threatened. They can no longer tolerate their existence. They must be killed before they can feel at ease!

In particular, the reincarnation of this killing **** is the biggest threat to them!

After the old four looked at each other, they had faintly gathered and were ready to shoot!

For a moment, Feng Hao almost fell into a desperate situation, his heart was anxious, but Wang Kang still did not appear.

"Is it because it was transferred so well last time?"

The thought of Feng Hao was a draw.

This possibility is not without it. If so, today will really be in trouble. People in Tianwu Auction House will not keep their hands because they hijacked the Son of Lang Xie!

The reincarnation also had some reactions. I didn't understand whether Feng Hao came to find a helper or found a way out. Facing the confrontation between the two kings of war, his complexion was also heavy, and he was in a dilemma.

If the two kings of war are to be attacked, he must make a decision to kill the prince of Lang Xie, or let them go. These two choices will make the next four powerful old men jump up. In that case, the situation will only be more serious. That ’s bad, but if this is the case, Feng Hao, who has already been hit hard, cannot resist the two kings ...

As a result, it seems to be dead!

"Why are you determined to kill me?"

Facing the two martial kings, Feng Hao calmed down, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked Sun Guanshi.

He didn't understand that he didn't have any grudges with this Sun steward. Why did he do this? What's the secret of this?

"Nonsense, come to my Tianwu Auction House to make troubles and not kill you. What is the majesty of my Tianwu Auction House?"

Sun Guanshi evaded Fenghao's gaze, and yelled in his mouth, "Kill it directly, leave no living!"


The two strong men responded, and all of them suddenly emerged from Wu Yuanzhang, pressing directly towards Fenghao.


An old voice resounded like a thunderbolt. Everyone felt confused and dizzy. The two strong men trembled, and the condensed Wu Yuan was scattered. The ears were overflowing with blood, kneeling on the knees. Ground, did not dare to look up.

This yelling was specifically targeted at the two of them, and they also knew very well who the vocalist was, and suddenly felt dead in their hearts, but they did not understand what they had committed!

With this shout, the people on the scene have undergone various changes ...

Sun Guanshi, the evil son of Langxie, and the four powerful old men were all ashamed. They naturally heard who this voice was, and his voice at this time undoubtedly meant that he wanted to protect the boy again.

The people in the distance are inexplicable. Are the people in Tianwu Auction House helping this boy or killing this boy?

Sun Guanshi wanted to kill Feng Hao. Everyone knew it clearly. It seemed that he had resentment against this boy, and he had to put it to death.

And this vocal old man is undoubtedly to shelter this boy ...

"It's him!"

Hearing this voice, Feng Hao felt an ecstasy, and then he saw a familiar old figure and Wang Kang walked out of the Tianwu auction house.

Come, it is Elder Wind!

At this moment, his face was full of anger, and his body was full of breath. His coercion swept the audience like a tsunami. At once, everyone was as if he was carrying Dayue, and his pressure was a little breathless. Everyone looked at him in terror.

Even if this old man is not a sage, it is estimated that it is not much worse. It is clear at a glance when he looks at the heavy face of the four old men.

After seeing Feng Hao's blood bathing and fleshy skin, Elder Feng's eyes were glared, and he had no hair to move automatically, and flew up. A more majestic pressure came from his old body, like a respected man. The holy deities walking in the world are powerful and embarrassing, so that people can not help but have a kind of kneeling psychology, can not give birth to resistance.

"Who moved?"

Carrying a mighty and overwhelming voice, like Lei Jun, rang through the hall, Sun Guanshi collapsed, and all the people who had repaired the weakness also fell to the ground and even stood unstable.

The Sacred Son of Langxie and the four elders were all ashamed, all looking at the elders in the wind a bit stupidly.

From the voice of Elder Feng, they heard the anger in his heart ...

This old man is really angry!

They don't understand why the old man sitting in the Tianwu auction house looked at the young man in such a way. Could this young man already weigh more than a holy place in his mind?

If it is an interest relationship, this is impossible, then there is only one point, this young man is his uncle!

The only way to say the past, otherwise, the potential of a teenager is as high as he can not be compared with a holy place!

"Don't ..."

Looking at the angry old man, Feng Hao also trembled in his heart, and immediately he saw Wang Kang standing beside the old man with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Does he already know?"

Feng Hao froze, and there was a daze in his eyes.

He didn't understand how the old man knew his identity. He hadn't known it since he left last time. Why did he reveal his identity after leaving?

Seeing this scene, reincarnation was also slightly relieved, and at the same time gave a deep glance to Fenghao.

His surname Feng is likely to be a child of the Emperor Feng Family!

It was just that he couldn't figure it out, why were the children of Emperor Feng's family born in a small town in a small kingdom?

"I asked, who did it ?!"

Seeing no one making a noise, the elder Feng was even more furious. The immense intimacy of the rolls directly pressed the evil master Lang Lang and the four elders.


All five of them vomited blood, and the fourth elder fell from the sky. Reincarnation glanced at the evil son of Lang Xie, put away the short blade, stood silently beside Feng Hao, and watched all this coldly. .

"Bang! ..."

Elder Feng grabbed it with his hands, and all the four elders were caught in the distance, one by one, like winged birds, falling embarrassingly on the square in front of the Tianwu auction house.

Broken clothes, messy hair, **** mouth corners, and wind elders are just using coercion. The four powerful men have already been so embarrassed that everyone would not doubt. If the wind elders wanted to pinch them The four of them will not have to work hard at all. ~ Please see "No .."

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