Chapter 783: The only way out

Chapter 783: The Only Way Out

The reason why the other three imperial cities did not dare to touch the Bright Alliance was actually very simple.

This bright alliance comes from the Hongmeng world. In terms of its heritage, it is far from comparable to the four Emperor cities. Even if the three companies join forces to kill the Bright Alliance at this time, there will be more powerful characters coming. It is unthinkable that all three can't afford it, and can't even offend it.

But now, with their own details, they still have no problems in maintaining stability. After the news of the bright alliance's defeat passed into their ears, they are even more relieved, so they began to plan for the Imperial City.

When the three heads of family come together, they begin to discuss the perfect strategy.

They will never dare to destroy the Alliance of Light. Then they will suffer even greater trouble. However, if the three of them really join forces to drive the Alliance of Light out of the city of God, there will be absolutely no problem.

This point, the Bright Alliance is also very clear!

Therefore, when the three companies were thinking about how to drive the Bright Alliance out of the imperial city, the Bright Alliance was dispatched to travel to and from the three companies, each of which provided a huge amount of compensation that made the three companies irresistible. And signing a contract together, they can compete for each other's rankings, but they cannot invade each other, otherwise the other three companies will fight against each other and so on.

In a major change, the power of the Bright Alliance skyrocketed several times. Although he did not move the three affiliated forces, now in Shenen City, it is definitely the largest force on the site.

Regarding these, after thinking of huge compensation, the three companies opened their eyes and closed their eyes. As long as they did not infringe their interests, they did not think they had happened. However, they also grew their eyes and secretly paid attention to the light. The development of the alliance, some forces ready to rely on the Bright Alliance, they also jointly shot to destroy it.

The Bright Alliance also behaved very calmly, and did not make any small moves. It is still the same as before. The people of Guangji smiled at everyone.

The four major forces got along peacefully in this weird atmosphere ... However, in a quiet way, it was the status of Fengjia Emperor.


These things, the wind family naturally got the news, but there is no way to this, the mountain of bright alliance, not the current wind family can be removed.

Inside the closet, the ancestors of the Feng family, the wind shocked the sky, the elders of the six elders, Feng Hao, gathered together.

Faintly, they already regard Feng Hao as someone who can sit upright.

Not much, just one point, can heal the wounds of the emperor soldiers!

Furthermore, after Feng Zhentian told some of Feng Hao's hole cards to Feng Family's ancestors, Feng Family's ancestors directly regarded Feng Hao as the future of the family!

And the elders of the Sixth Brothers, let alone, Feng Hao, will definitely be more than their existence, sitting here, sooner or later for him.

"That's the way ..."

The wind shocked Tian with a heavy face and finished the situation of the imperial city. Suddenly, there was silence in the secret room.

As a matter of fact, they knew the other three major families very well, and also faintly guessed that there would be such an ending, and no one expressed surprise.

"The League of Lights is definitely not a simple force. He has the heritage of Hongmeng and Mengmeng. If you want to deal with him, you can't do it with the current strength of Fengjia ..."

Feng Zhentian sighed deeply and said sadly.

"Hongmengjie ..."

Feng Hao frowned, thinking of the mysterious man who appeared in Tabitha Square, and his brows frowned deeply.

Too strong, so powerful that he couldn't imagine it. He couldn't help wondering whether such a person would succeed in the Bright Alliance of Hongmeng and Mengmeng? If so, if such a person appears in Tianwu, the Feng Family will definitely not survive!

This could not help but make the heart urgent.

"Patriarch, how can we fight the Alliance of Light?"

An elder elder asked out loud.

"Unless ... there are great forces in the Hongmeng world who are willing to support our Fengjia, otherwise, the Bright Alliance cannot be destroyed!"

Feng Zhentian shook her head and said slowly.

"The power of the Hongmeng world?"

There was a flash of light in Feng Hao's eyes, and at the same time, the three old men also turned their eyes to him.

Xuantian Temple!

This is an absolute big thing, and it can definitely be compared with the coming power of the Bright Alliance in the Hongmeng and Meng circles!

If you can get the support of Xuantian Temple, then you don't need to worry about this bright alliance anymore.

"The price of opening the Hongmeng Mengjie channel is too great, and now my Feng family has been driven out of the imperial city and is not qualified to use it ..."

The elder said with a little dejection.

"Does Tianwu mainland only have this one channel?"

Feng Hao asked a little unwillingly.

"Early war has destroyed all the channels, and now there is only the Imperial City, and the beast **** city of the barbarians, each with a channel ..."

The ancestor of the Feng family explained, his turbid eyes flashed brightly, looking at Fenghao.

"The Beast God City also has a passage ?!"

Feng Hao felt a joy in his heart, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

It's really an invincible road!

"It's impossible, the barbarians and my people have fallen out in the ancient times, and they have been like water and fire since then, and they can't lend a channel.

The ancestor of Fengjia shook his head and sighed.

"What if I have it?"

Feng Hao dragged the little black dragon hidden in himself and placed it in front of everyone.

"This is a virtual dragon!"

The ancestors of the Feng family recognized it at a glance. Except for Feng Zhentian and the Three Elders, the other elders were also exclaimed.

Xulong, this is the inverse existence of the space talent, it is impossible to catch people. Even the emperor, I have not heard of the invincible space talent of the dragon pet.

Anyone who can swim again can't compare with the fish in the water.

"Oh! ..."

Seeing their fiery inexplicable gazes, the little black dragon raised the head of the dragon, and with a low whistle, the majesty of its king came out and swept the entire secret room.

However, it can not cause any trouble to several elderly people due to its cultivation in the realm of King Wu.

"If you are led by a virtual dragon, you can indeed enter the beast **** city."

The ancestor of the Feng family lost his mind, and said with a little surprise.

Xulong is the descendant of Qinglongyan, the head of the five great beasts of ancient times. In the barbarians, it is called a holy beast!

Hearing that, everyone in the secret room was excited.

This undoubtedly made them see the dawn of existence ...


Feng Zhentian frowned, and looked worriedly at Feng Hao.

This young man ca n’t afford the loss of the Feng family. The Hongmeng and Meng circles are not so confusing. The competition there is far from what Tianwu mainland can compare and imagine!

"Relief patriarch, I will bring back the good news!"

Feng Hao was full of self-confidence, patted his chest to ensure that, suddenly, a figure flashed in his mind, the figure that appeared in the forbidden area of ​​Beibei.

Congratulations, lin has become the first person immortal of Wu Ni. At the same time, Sami thanked all the big chapters on the cover of Sima who supported Sami. Sami was impressed to know how to say it, only the code word broke! Today is more than six, and it should be at least early in the afternoon. ~ {om Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}