Chapter 1028: Chenhui

Chapter 1028

There were two people standing on the large-scale performance martial arts field on the Xiuwu Palace of Xuantian Palace. One was standing there with great momentum and one was suspended behind him. There were a pair of huge fire wings from him. There was a sound of thunderous thunder. Weird


If the sound of the broken glass is clear, and then there is a little more breath, it will roll out from the Feng Hao's body, and the space will thunder, ripples, and the sharp breath will hit the sky.


The shock of everyone's heart was shocked and speechless

It has broken through under heavy damage

"Is it really a monster"

At this time, even the Lord of Xuantian Palace couldn't help doubting that his eyes were full of astonishment.

"Brother Ho ..."

The three daughters of Qiong Linger are better, because they have met once in the source world, so at this time they have only surprises in their hearts.

It ’s only two months before Fenghao meets with himself. It ’s only two months. He actually broke through from the four to the level of the six. The last seven is just one order away.

"how is this possible"

Feeling the rush of coercion Chen Hui moved, he felt the threat, and the momentum was surging, like the mountains, the sea, and the vastness of the sea. He stood there as a holy god. Locked in Feng Hao is very vigilant

"Om ..."

Feng Hao is the sixth trick that wakes up from a humming song. It opens up the meaning of the ringing and plays a symphonic symphony with the other five tricks. It seems that there is an inexplicable symphony with the outside world.


After a moment's surprise, Feng Hao quickly reacted to know that he was blessed again because of the pressure and entered the state again.

But do n’t think it ’s good to be in that state

In this state, there is only war, regardless of the other. If Feng Fenghao meets an unmatchable opponent, then Feng Hao is doomed to tragedy.

As if this time was a life-and-death fight, he wouldn't have been spared when he was hurt just now.

Fortunately, this time he can be considered a blessing due to misfortune, once again promoted to a realm and stepped away from the holy order.

This step is not small. After having at least the power of the Six Realms, he feels that he is qualified to fight with Chen Hui.

"Just take your hands to practice"

After feeling the surging power in the body, especially the active energy of the day punishment in the Wuyuan vortex, Feng Hao's mouth curved a tiny arc

The symphony of the six tricks seems to make the energy of the energy of the penalty of the day punishment stronger and stronger than before

"Om ..."

With a humming sound, everyone saw the mysterious array of a party revealed from Feng Hao's chest and spreading the whole body. The bright lines covered him all over him. Sacred armor gives people an indestructible visual impact that shocks people

He finally revealed his basalt talent

The hole cards he has now are actually exposed, but they have not been verified.

However, Feng Hao is not afraid to expose these because his real hole cards have been hidden.

Virtual Martial Body Penalty Energy

The body of the virtual martial arts, the first **** in the world, can tolerate chaos. Although he has not really controlled it, this card will surprise many enemies.

Only the destruction brought by the will of heaven and earth will bring about destruction. Although it looks the same as the thunder pole attribute, Feng Hao, the owner of the energy of heaven and punishment, can feel its true strength.

At this time, Feng Hao felt that the energy under his control was based on the penalty of the sky. At this time, his strength was at least twice that of the thunder force.

This is an obvious but invisible hole card. No one will know that this is the energy of sky punishment.

"Booming ..."

The power of the stars, the power of the blue energy, the power of the thunder, the power of the energy of the remains of the Phoenix God, the power of the madness, all the surge in his body, all of them rushing towards the arm of the unicorn, and the sky exploded as if it could not bear this arm. Ripples exist


Feng Hao bent a crazy smile and furiously raised his fists while wearing the armor, raised his fists slightly, and fought the body. If the electric power was urgent, he smashed the past space towards Chen Hui and thundered like an ancient tank. Overwhelming

"Eight Wild God Fist"

Chen Hui looked serious and never dared to look down on Feng Hao. He grasped his fist, smashed his figure on the ground, and was imposing, as if a holy **** from ancient times greeted Feng Hao.

"Ben Lei Jiu Jiong"

Waves of wave of extreme energy surged inside the unicorn arm, and directly increased the weight to make the unicorn arm more inflated. However, there is a basalt pattern fixed but there is no trace of cracking. The fierce atmosphere is like a fierce god. Raised his fist and fell straight

"Hmm ..."

The two fists smashed together under the eyes of the eye, and a blast of wind that broke through the sky shattered hundreds of meters around the sea of ​​clouds. Some of the children in Xuantian Palace who were weakened in the distance were like duckweeds. I flew out and fell under the sea of ​​clouds. If I did n’t respond in time, I would have broken my arms and legs.


The two clashed with each other and drove a fierce drink of energy from the sky. The energy of the punishment surged again through the unicorn arm and burst out. It hit the brilliant fist and pulled Chen Huizhen out.

"Ben Lei Quan"

Feng Hao's heart flashed with joy, and he raised his fist and rushed up again. The fist fell toward Chen Hui like a raindrop, and he went back and forth without a backhand.

"how is this possible"

The eyes of all the disciples of Xuantian Palace are almost staring out of the eyes, and the eyes are full of unbelievable looks. Just like a ghost, their mouths are open and they are full of dust.

What did they see? The invincible young Supreme of the younger generation of Xuantian Palace was beaten down by an outsider.


Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Xuantian Palace also returned a bit, but the look came with a sluggish mouth and Zhang Hejian didn't say a word.

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