Chapter 1082: Insight

Chapter 1082: Insight

With his words in the originally noisy hall slowly quieted down, everyone's eyes focused on Yan Aotian and the master of Xuantian Palace

Although the forces on the Tianwu continent did not know the true identity of Qiong Linger, Wan Xin and Yan Qing, the forces from the Hongmeng and Meng realms all had a certain understanding.

Qiong Linger and Wan Xinnai are the new core children of Xuantian Temple. They are the treasures of Xuantian Temple. This is on the bright side.

It's not to mention Yan Qing's identity. Although she has never revealed her true strength, but by virtue of being the daughter of Yan Aotian, the owner of the thunder hall, she has already surpassed the level of core children.

However, in the eyes of the Hongmeng forces, the three women can come together with Feng Hao. It should be that the two use the beauty plan as the source can be more divided.

And the messenger of the Confucian family at this time was not envious when talking about Cai Li, but just ironically.

Although he is only the elder of the Confucian family, he is not lighter than the helm at the helm. He is definitely able to represent the Confucian family, so he dares to speak to the masters of Yan Aotian and Xuantian Palace.

In fact, he did n’t want to come, but the helm of the Kong family asked him to do so.

After all, now Feng Hao is also in control of Yuanmai ’s right to divide, and she is also forming an alliance with the Qingyu tribe.

"Yeah, Lord Yan Dian, Master Xuantiangong, just show it to us and open your eyes."

The messengers of other extraordinary forces have started to coax and want two clowns.

After all, what good can a Fengjia force in the Tianwu continent come up with?

Everyone knows that there is a divine source on hand since Feng Hao robbed the Wuling tribe

This is indeed an important gift, but there is only one gift if Feng Hao gives it to one and gives another one a price that will naturally cause dissatisfaction.

This can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

However, the Feng family still looks unchanged. They believe that Feng Hao and Yan Aotian and the owner of Xuantian Palace are not as calm and flat as they expected, and they are smiling. This is a bit disappointing to them.

As for the other people in the hall, they are afraid to express any opinions, but they are a little curious, especially the forces of the Tianwu mainland. They all want to know how Feng Hao did so to make these two extraordinary forces recognize him.

"Coincidentally this gift is still in my hands"

Yan Aotian had a faint smile on his face and his eyes were as bright as Ruogujing. He calmly turned his face and turned his head to the side of Xuantian Palace, asking "Where is Xuantian Palace?"

"Hehe mine is still there"

The Xuantian Palace Lord smiled with a smile, noble and elegant, not anxious and impatient

The two of them seemed to have expected this scene long ago, so there was no surprise.

But this makes people doubt whether they deliberately took the treasures themselves in order not to lose face.

But it ’s not good to take different treasures, because many higher exotic treasures are not on the Tianwu continent. This can be hidden, but their golden eyes are so good.

"Haha ... since you want to see and see, I'm not good at hiding myself"

Yan Aotian laughed and turned out a jade box.

As the two jade boxes were slightly opened, a strange fragrance spread and it was refreshing and refreshing. At the same time, colorful streamers were thinned out and the halls were illuminated with these pair of shocked eyes.

The two fruits slowly rise from the jade box and are suspended there. It is crystal clear. If the crystal casts a fragrant fragrance, it looks like a **** fruit.

"Colorful glazed fruit"

The messengers of the extraordinary forces stood up calmly and whispered a shocking look in their eyes, and those at the helm of the Hongmeng forces were stunned. Some people even couldn't believe this. I rubbed my eyes and reconfirmed several times before I took a breath

As an extraordinary force, there is basically nothing that they can't get in this world, but there are not many things that can make them feel good.

But colorful glazed fruit is definitely something they can't get, but it's priceless

Although they have not seen the colorful glazed fruit, they are clear about the appearance and efficacy of this fetish.

Suddenly there was a fiery look in their eyes

Jealousy envy hate ah

They are already very envious of the division of the thunder temple and the Xuantian Palace in the source veins, but they just want to pull back a game on this.

So what else do they have to say other than envy or envy

Next, of course, it is a suspicion that Feng Hao's purpose is achieved again.

Compared with them, these forces in the Tianwu continent are slightly calmer than they were.

Different locations have different perceptions of colorful glazed fruit. Naturally, they do n’t know how much colorful glazed fruit can be exchanged for.

And the most important thing is that Fengjia has auctioned a colorful glass fruit before, which confirms that there must be more than one Fengjia, so they are so calm.

Only one person is at ease ...

That is the palace master of Xiangtian Temple

Although he is old, the heavenly courts are full of red light and his temperament is ethereal. Like a god, he always has a faint smile on his face. Feng Hao's twinkling eyes were like looking at a Kuibao

"Ha ha"

Looking at their surprised expressions, Yan Aotian and Xuantian Palace's masters were very comfortable and quickly took the colorful glazed fruit back to the jade box and hid them carefully. When they looked at each other, they saw the satisfaction in their eyes.

Then it was natural to congratulate the helmsmen of the Hongmeng and Mongolian circles. They all secretly regret it.

But this is Fenghao's wedding. It would be rude to bring a junior over here.

Soon the guests gathered at noon to Liangchen and the wedding was officially held ...

[Two o'clock is very sleepy and sleepy, shrimps will get up tomorrow morning and start coding. There will be no fewer chapters. This month's update will be around 300,000 words.]

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