Chapter 1175: Go together

Chapter 1175: Come Together

After Liu Canyan came out of the second floor, she did not go down, but walked towards the third floor. Feng Hao and others did not understand what she was doing. However, her heart could not help but have a bad feeling.

"Come in with me."

After arriving on the third floor, there were rows of rooms. Liu Canyan took out the jade card that he had just obtained at the counter and opened the door of one of the rooms, and walked in.

This small room looks like a small room on the outside, but it is huge on the inside. It is no less than a football field. Liu Yanyan walks to the middle wall and inserts the jade card in a groove.

"Hmm ..."

As the sounds of breaking through sounded, the bright lights rose, enveloping the entire room, forming a huge dais.

Looking at these familiar barriers, Feng Hao and others have a bad feeling in their hearts.

"Hurry in, don't you want me to invite you."

Liu Canyan frowned, and the light inside his eyes was very bright.

Under her threat, everyone could only enter the room, and then the area was closed automatically, while Wan Xin and Ge Hong both felt that their cultivation was suppressed and could only be at the peak of Wu Huang. .

"You look very unconvinced."

Liu Canyan's narrow eyes swept across the crowd, and he said coldly and indifferently, there was more coldness and less charming in the words.

She also knew very well that these people in front of them were all proud and proud. Perhaps, they had always suspected that they were oppressed by their realm.

The corner of her mouth evoked a shocking arc.

"Now, I will give you a chance to go together, as long as you can defeat me, and I will not care about your business in the future ... but if you cannot defeat me, then if you dare to show me a little bit of my decision in the future Dissatisfaction, I will make him look good. "

The curvature of the corner of her mouth is so beautiful and so charming, but it makes everyone cold.


Feng Hao's eyes lightened slightly.

In this special space, most people will be suppressed below the Holy Order, but this person ...

He was not quite sure.

"Why, you have so little confidence in yourself."

Seeing none of them moved, Liu Canyan frowned and uttered provocative words for the first time, but in Feng Hao's view, it was tantamount to a big wolf trying to seduce them.

Don't do it, don't do it.

"Tutor, have you been suppressed in the Wuhuang realm?"

Only Longyueguan was alone, and asked stupidly, there was still an excited light in his eyes.

Obviously, this guy also wants to find Liu Canyan to report his revenge.

"Giggle ... Of course."

Liu Canyan smiled softly, a little starlight flashed in his eyes.

This silly boy, really can stay.

"Haha, ..."

As soon as Long Yue Guan heard it, his eyes burst into a flash of light, bursting into the dark, his undefeated body showed, and he yelled, "Take me a punch."

After all, people rushed up, just like a Taikoo chariot. It was rumbling, the gas field was huge, and the casserole-sized fists smashed at Liu Canyan's face without mercy.

Feng Hao and others could not help but close their eyes or tilted their heads.


With a muffled sound, then, everyone heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and could not help but tremble, opened his eyes, and sure enough, Longyueguan was lying there with a sad expression on his face. I fell a few times when I got up, and I felt a bit anxious.

Deserve it.

"You guys ... I really don't plan to attack."

Seeing Fenghao and others hiding at the door, Liu Canyan frowned again. "Since this is the case, then ... I will attack."


As the words came to an end, everyone saw a pale green streamer flash, and suddenly appeared in front of Feng Hao. The jade hand made of white jade crossed the palm shape and printed on Feng Hao's chest.

"Tiger Boxing."

Feng Hao's hair was upside down. He didn't expect this guy to strike suddenly. He took his fist and hit the jade hand with shocking strength.


With a muffled sound, Feng Hao was hit by a chariot, and was directly thrown out and hit the barrier. His face was pale and almost vomited blood.

"Brother Ho."

As soon as Qiong Linger hurried, he rushed towards Feng Hao.


Liu Canyan looked stunned, turned his hands, and patted a palm directly, hitting Qiong Linger's back.

"Be careful."

Feng Hao slammed behind behind Qiong Linger, raised her fist, and greeted him, but as a result, they were both shot and flew out.

"Ahem ..."

Wounded twice in a row, Feng Hao spit out blood, leaving Qiong Linger's face pale.

"Brother Ho, are you okay?"

Watching Feng Hao spit blood around her, she was about to jump out of her chest.

"How can you be like this."

Wan Xin and Yan Qing hurried in front of them, and asked angrily, with shock and coldness in their eyes.

They did not expect that Liu Canyan would actually do something to them.

Others also reacted. Xie Yandong was full of flames. Ge Hong offered a 'Qing Minggen Mountain Soil' with a pale yellow curtain of water covering the crowd. The eyes of the snowy desert were like stars, a mysterious and vast atmosphere Spread and oppose it together.

"Recklessly, if on the battlefield, the two of them are dead."

Liu Canyan's face was cold and scary at this time, and he said slightly to Wan Xin and Yan Qing, and then scanned the crowd, "Now, this is the battlefield, I will not show mercy, if you do not want to lie down and rest for a month, It's better to give me all the strength. "


Anyway, she shot it again with lightning, her palm was flipped, and a majestic momentum rose up, and she shot it directly, hitting the water curtain, and printed an obvious palm print. The inside was shaken back and hit the barrier, looking pale.

"Brother Ge is in charge of defense, Qinger and Xie attack me, Brother Xue pays attention to her movements."

Feng Hao stood up, covered with golden light, and issued instructions in his mouth. At the same time, Long Yueguan lying on the distant side also bounced off a potion, then raised his fist and attacked Liu Canyan.

At the same time, Yan Qing's eyes shone with thunder, and the whole man's momentum changed, full of tyranny, the jade hand raised, pointed at Liu Canyan, and his mouth was filled with words of violence and destruction, "Ten square thunder fingers."


A thunder pillar, if it was substantial, burst out from her fingertips, and struck Liu Canyan's chest.

"Do not extinguish the fire."

Xie Yandong's mouth read an ancient spell, a flame of flames jumped up at his fingertips, he flicked his fingers, and the flames fell toward Liu Yanyan,

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