Chapter 1242: Dangerous

Chapter 1242 Danger

"Booming ..."

The battle continued, and the Chiyan Copperhead Ape chased all five people from Guihe, colliding with the giants gathered from the Guiyuan formation over and over again. The surrounding area was a messy scene.

And Qiong Linger and others standing in the back did not stop.

Qiong Linger spurred the power of the Nine Heavenly Spirits to give the Guihe five people an increase. At the same time, he pressured the Red Flame Copperhead Ape, while Wan Xin controlled the temperature of a small square where the Red Flame Copperhead Ape was floating. Snowflakes, slow it down.

Ge Hong applied defense to the five people, and before Yan Qing hit them, they would always lead to a thunderbolt, which greatly reduced the power of the red flame copper-headed ape, sometimes good luck, and even paralyzed it.

It can also be said that if it wasn't for Yan Qing's existence, I was afraid that relying on the ability of the Guihe Five, even if it was the Guiyuan Great Formation, it would not be enough to resist this red flame copper-headed ape that was already the emperor's realm.

While it was being led away, Xie Yandong and Longyueguan approached the nest where they were, hiding all the way, not being found by the red flame copper-headed ape that was already full of rage, and once it was paralyzed for the thunder The chance of being photographed on the ground by the giant, the two successfully broke into its lair.

Things went smoothly, but everyone's face was not the slightest joy, and even relaxed.

This red flame copper-headed ape is not so easy to cope with. In the current state of everyone, in terms of speed, there is absolutely no way to compare with it.

Therefore, even after successfully taking the Guiyuan clan's foreign treasure, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it, and it takes a lot of effort.

And because of the sound of the war here, it also attracted the attention of many people who entered it ...

"That's the Guiyuan people."

Many people are surprised why the five members of the Guiyuan tribe caused the anger of this giant ape, and began to figure it out in their hearts.

However, some people have chosen to avoid.

Because this giant ape obviously doesn't look like a mess.

The Wuling tribe, naturally noticed ...

Originally a team of more than 30 people, at this time, there were only eight people left.

It can be seen that they were also severely hit in the passage.


Wu Neng's face was gloomy, but with a glance, he turned his head and walked in the other direction.

He can't afford to lose.

"Well, those guys."

When one of the men of the Wuling tribe turned his head, he happened to find Qiong Linger and others in the other direction. Suddenly, a flash of fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Human race."

Hearing this, Wu Neng's figure paused directly, and following what he pointed to, saw Qiong Linger and others, and his eyes narrowed suddenly.

"It's those **** guys."

One of the men of the Wuling tribe said with gritted teeth.

They just wanted to take advantage of Feng Hao and others in the beast sea, but they didn't think about their previous marriage.

"Master Witch, what do you do?"

All Wuling people looked at Wu Neng, and waited for his order to start.

"Wait, look at the situation first."

Because there were no people who found Feng Hao, Wu Neng did not impulsively, and drank a little. The group was resistant to patience, lurking in place, watching the dynamics of Qiong Linger and others.

"They seem to be helping Guiyuan people ..."

But after a few observations, they found some clues, and they were all surprised at a sudden.

"Don't ... they are united."

One of them said weakly, and suddenly the look of the party made them brighter, their faces paled and changed.

The resentment between the two sides has ended, and it is absolutely endless. Now, Qiong Linger and others have united with the five members of the Guiyuan tribe. If the two sides meet again, they will have no good food.

At this moment, the five members of the Guiyuan clan have gathered the power of the Guiyuan large array, but they see it in the eyes, and it is definitely not what they can resist now.

Moreover, if Qiong Linger and others are beside them, they are absolutely dead.

"Damn, how could Guiyuan people unite with them."

Wu Neng was scolding in his heart, a dripping face with a gloomy face, and even anxious.

He couldn't figure out why the powerful Guiyuans chose to join them.

He has played against Feng Hao several times. He also knows the strength of this passerby. He believes that the Guiyuan clan will choose a team to join, and it will be much stronger than Feng Hao.

At this time, the main force is the people of the Guiyuan clan, but Qiong Linger and others can only help them a little in the distance, which is not very useful at all.

"Well, two more races have appeared."

When Xie Yandong and Long Yueguan snatched from the lair of the Red Flame Copperhead Ape, they discovered it for them.

"Brother He, retreat."

Xie Yandong was out of the lair some distance, and he sang a reminder. Under the guidance of Xuemo, the group began to evacuate slowly in the other direction.


Guihe five people flashed a happy look on their faces, and they did not fall in love, and began to change direction.

Among them, they did not remove the Guiyuan formation, and the five of them swiftly moved. At the same time, they carefully guarded against the attack of the Red Flame Copperhead.

"Don't ... they got nothing in the lair of the red flame bronze-headed ape."

Everyone around them saw some ways, and so did Wu Neng and others.

"Master Wuneng, what shall we do now?"

Looking at the group of Joan Linger chased by the giant ape, a man of Wuling tribe asked Wu Neng.


Wu Wu hummed, and there was a stern flash in his eyes, "Since they are going to unite with those people, they can't blame us."


There was a weird arc in the corner of his mouth, and his body was instantly covered by the mantra, and then turned into a residual image and pursued it.


Because of being chased by the Chiyan Bronze Ape, Qiong Linger and others could n’t be faster. After all, they couldn't ignore Guihe and others, and now they just hope that Chiyan Bronze Ape can give up chasing them.

"Hmm ..."

A series of blasting sounds resounded, and ugly and disgusting faces were presented in front of the crowd. Suddenly, their faces were dramatically changed.

"Witch spirit."

The faces of the group suddenly became pale.


Seeing their discoloration, Wu Neng suddenly felt particularly happy in his heart, and an ugly radian was curved on an ugly face, "Give up the treasures taken from the red flame bronze ape's lair, or else ..."

"Don't think about it."

Answering him was Xie Yandong's red fire dragon.

He knows very well that these guys don't just want the treasures.

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