Chapter 1294: wake

Chapter 1294: Awakening

I don't know how long he was lethargic. Feng Hao's consciousness has been in chaos. He can't think, can't move, just lies quietly ...

Early in the morning, Quan Yong went into the mountains with the villagers to hunt again. In the wooden house, only his daughter Quan Rongrong was left to take care of the young man who had picked it up.

Now, half a month has passed, and in this half month, the young man who suffered the most has undergone tremendous changes. All the stabbing wounds on his body have healed, and the broken bones are also miracles. It's a general recovery, which surprised Quan Yong, and it is certain that the young man's history must be extraordinary.

However, even if he was healed, the young man still had no trace of resuscitation.

At this moment, the young man put on Quan Yong's suit and lay quietly on the bedside, next to the bedside, Quan Rongrong supported his head with one hand, the dormant Zhengxiang, the corner of his mouth, and a trace of crystal water. The pure pretty face with a slight smile seemed to be dreaming.

"Water ... water ..."

A faint voice came from the bed. Suddenly, she was full of sleepy Quan Rongrong. She looked for a moment, and even when she looked up on the bed, she saw that the young man who had been lying quietly was open. He opened his mouth and mumbled weakly.

"You're awake."

Quan Rongrong suddenly jumped up like a rabbit, with some surprises in her eyes, and anxiety, she ran out of the room, but a little, she ran in again.

Because, Quan Yong has not yet returned.

"How to do it."

Looking at the young man who was still muttering on the bed, Quan Rongrong was swaying like a headless fly. I don't know what to do.

"By the way, feed him medicine, it should be useful."

Thinking of the herbal soup made by the herbs that Quan Yong took back every day, when Quan Rongrong's eyes brightened, he ran out again. When he walked in, he held a wooden bowl in his hand, and it was cold in a bowl. The medicine soup came in front of the bed.

Then, she was careful, holding a wooden spoon, spoonful of medicine soup, and fed it into the young man's chapped lips.

After a bowl of medicinal soup was fed, Quan Rongrong was sweating profusely, and the young man fell asleep again, recovered quietly, and his breathing became longer.

"It's a weird man. He recovered early in the morning. It's strange that he still can't get up in bed."

Even after calling several times, the young man didn't react at all. Quan Rongrong muttered, holding a wooden bowl and walking toward the outside of the room with a lotus step.

However, what she didn't see was that after she turned around, the young man's fingers on the couch moved slightly, and the closed eyelids also trembled slightly ...

Time passes day by day ...

In the darkness, pictures flashed through Feng Hao's mind, pictures of various battles, shapes of various characters, and finally, a few rosy faces like raindrops appeared in front of him, and those red eyes, let His heart was trembling, his soul was trembling.


With an exclamation sound, the wind lying on the bed opened his eyes fiercely, and in his eyes, there was a flash of terrible light, a little, it was restored to normal darkness, as if it were interstellar, deep Bottomless.


Opening his mouth, he spit out a long stream of air, which was to look at everything in the room. Suddenly, there was a daze in his eyes, "Where is this?"

He remembered that he was supposed to be in the inner tomb world, how could he appear here, and that his clothes did not seem to be his own.

"What on earth happened."

Feng Hao sat up and rubbed his dizzy head.

He just remembered that he had successfully passed a heavy nine-layer sky punishment, and then a figure walked out of the dark and black cloud ...

It seemed that he felt the coercion again. Feng Hao was standing upright with cold hair, sweating, and looking pale.

Too strong, he seemed to hear only a few words, and then a familiar voice came. As soon as he was light, he fell into darkness. He didn't know what happened later.

"Where is she? She brought me out."

Feng Hao thought of the woman in white, and the voice that finally appeared in his mind was very similar to her voice.

Just as he wanted to go deeper, some noise outside the room drew his attention.

At this moment, several strong men were carried in blood at the door of the village, and immediately they caught the attention of the people in the village, and some crying rumours came out, adding a sense of sadness .

The strong men in some villages stood side by side with indignation, their fists clenched tightly, their teeth creaked, and Quan Yong was also pale, standing there silently, in his eyes, his eyes flickered. In the end, it turned into a helpless sigh.

"Rong Rong, why are you out?"

Lian's own daughter trot over, and Quan Yong's expression changed, and she was nervously welcomed to prevent her daughter from seeing the **** scene.

"Dad, what happened to those uncles."

Quan Rongrong's petite and pretty face was a little pale, and some hesitant to ask.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Quan Yong's body froze a little, but soon it returned to normal, and touched the girl's head with a touch of love, comforting him.


Then, a shocked expression rose suddenly in Quan Yong's eyes, mouth closed, but speechless.

Because, a young man wearing his clothes was walking towards him.

"Brother, you woke up. It's been 17 days before you woke up."

Feeling his father's abnormality, Quan Rongrong also turned his head, and when he arrived at Fenghao, he suddenly exclaimed with surprise, a few bright eyes flashed in his clear and bright eyes, and his cheeky face returned to ruddy.

"Seventeen days."

Hearing this sentence, Feng Hao couldn't help but glanced at her father and daughter in doubt, and blurted out, "Did you ... save me?"

Suddenly, an ominous premonition erupted in his heart, and his face sank a little.

He thought of the woman in white. He can be sure that he was rescued at the last moment. It was definitely the woman in white. However, how did he come out of the inner tomb world and appear here? Then, where is the woman in white? went.

Questions flashed through his mind, but none could be answered.

Because of his abnormality, Quan Yong carefully guarded his daughter behind him, watching him with some vigilance,

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