Chapter 1296: Weijia

Chapter 1296: Wei Family

Pulling the two strong men back from the death line, the villagers in this village looked differently to Feng Hao, and they were full of respect, especially those who had a bad attitude towards Feng Hao before. They all looked ashamed.

Under Quan Yong's orders, the villagers dispersed, and the main task was to bury the two dead.

"Thank you, Master, for your help."

Quan Yong thanked Feng Hao with his fists, even his title changed.

He knew very well that the young man in front of him was definitely a big man, but he didn't know what the reason was, so he was hit hard in the stream.

"It's just a hand."

Feng Hao responded with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

From his observations, he was able to discover that this quan-yong was definitely not a village husband.


During the speech, he again popped a liquid-like medicine into Quan Yong's body. A little, Quan Yong's pale face was flushed with a touch of ruddy, and a very strong momentum was sprayed from his body. Out, the surrounding space was full of bursts of sound.

Where is this Wuzong realm? Obviously, it has reached the level of Wuwang realm.

However, Feng Hao did not show an unexpected look, the corners of his mouth were still with an unpredictable arc.

A strong man at the peak of Wu Wang's realm was severely damaged, his realm fell to the realm of Wu Zong, and was hidden in a small village, which shows that he should have offended some people who could not afford to offend.

"Thank you Master for remaking."

The hidden disease in the body was healed, and Quan Yong's body shuddered with excitement, shocked by his heart, and tears in his eyes.

He did not expect that his strength would still be restored one day.

"It doesn't have to be that way. Besides, the kid's life should also be saved by you, what's the little thing?"

Feng Hao calmly, a flash of doubt flashed in his eyes, but soon returned to normal.

He did not understand what happened after he passed out in coma, and why he appeared in this small village. Where did the woman in white go?

"Actually, we didn't do anything ..."

Hearing this sentence, Quan Yong is the one that suppressed his heart, and the smile on his face became thicker.

Indeed, the wounds on Feng Hao were not cured by the ordinary herbs he had taken.

The two of them set out a few words and went all the way towards Quanyong's wooden house. Quan Rongrong followed beside Yongyong, with a pair of big eyes and water, full of curiosity.

In her mind, Feng Hao was an out-of-the-ordinary weirdo. She was wounded and she didn't know to wake up. Now she was awake to rescue the dead, which was so strange.

After coming to the wooden house together, Feng Hao knew it. It turned out that he lived in Quan Yong's room. Suddenly, he was more grateful to the middle-aged man.

He can see that these villagers are all led by Quan Yong, that is, those who decide to save themselves should also be Quan Yong.

"Big brother, I think the wounds on the four brothers should not have been caused by the beasts, they were caused by man."

After sitting down, Feng Hao asked loudly.

Because when he went out, he found that the atmosphere on the scene was a bit wrong. The old men were full of indignation, and he also observed the wounds on the four people during the treatment. It should be caused by some martial arts injuries, so the degree of trauma also varies.

Therefore, he concluded that these villagers should have encountered some trouble.

Originally, he wanted to return to Xuanmingtian to find the trace of the woman in white. However, at this time, he was saved by life. If there are some trivial matters, he still wants to solve before leaving.


When mentioning this, Quan Yong sighed, and there was a look of indignation in his eyes.

It turned out that today, when they entered the depths of the mountains, it was only occasional that they found a rare elixir, but when they took it down and were about to leave, they dropped a young man out of nowhere and the heroic four. A guard.

The young man was only in his teens or so, but he was not less than Quan Yong in his realm of cultivation, and the four guards were spreading a wave that made Quan Yong not have the power to resist.

In order to save his life, Quan Yong quickly made a decision and surrendered the elixir. However, the young man was wrong in the way they took it, saying that it weakened the elixir's medicine, and suddenly shot and wounded. Quan Yong, some strong adults are not embarrassed, swarming up, if not for Yong Yong's efforts to stop, they are afraid that they will not be able to return.

"He said that he is from the Wei family in Lanjiang City ..."

Quan Yong shook his head, a dark meaning in his eyes.

The Wei family in Lanjiang City, how powerful they are, how he might have been living in Lanjiang City, how could it be unclear.

The Wei family, one of the two major forces in Lanjiang City, can sit on an equal footing with the city's main government. According to rumors, the Wei family has a strong person who has reached the peak of the Emperor Wu, so he can sit high, even if he is the city owner. How is his Wei family.

Therefore, even if someone robs you of an elixir and kills you, telling your name, you can't take him.

If you don't swallow it, you have to swallow it. Otherwise, it will cause death.

It is not that they are afraid of death, but if they die, what will happen to the young and old women in the village.

"Lanjiang City, Wei Family."

Feng Hao's eyes flashed sharply, making the whole courage startle.

This is really not an ordinary person.

"Oh, tomorrow, the elder brother will take me to this Lanjiang City, I also want to see and see, this Weijia majestic."

Feng Hao's mouth evoked a slight arc, although it seemed to be laughing, but it was cold and cold.


Hearing this, Quan Yong frowned.

After all, Feng Hao is too young, even if he is extraordinary, but how can a man in his twenties be able to fight against the strong emperor of the Emperor Wu Huang who is hidden behind the Wei family.

At that time, no one would hesitate about his pharmacist status, and he would still be poisonous.

So he hesitated.

"Elder Brother rest assured, Wei family, can't treat me like that."

Feng Hao's eyes were full of confidence.

It is impossible to say that the person who is the peak state of Wu Huang, even if it is all holy state, as long as he is given time, that is not a problem.

Now that he has all the tricks on Dao Nuclear, as long as he is aware of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, he can be promoted to the Holy Order at any time.

"This ... okay."

Quan Yong hesitated a little, still agreed, and in his eyes, there was also a look of hope.

[Fifth more, I wish you a happy New Year and a successful new year,]

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