Chapter 1306: Disappearing tomb

Chapter 1306: The Disappearing Tomb

"Brother Wu, don't hesitate, it's our job."

Feng Hao left, and Gan Taiwen first reacted, and stunned Wu Xiangyun, who was commanding the army, rushed into the Wei family for the final annihilation.

The strong men in the Emperor's Realm were all solved by Feng Hao alone. Wei Zheng and Sanye Wei were directly blasted. A dozen strong men in the Emperor's Realm were quickly smashed by random swords. Therefore, the coalition forces were not How much of an obstacle rushed into Weifu.

While Gan Taiwen and Wu Xiangyun, they stood in mid-air, looking down at the dynamics in Weifu, from time to time they made an attack to solve some stubborn people and reduce some casualties for themselves.

"I said, Brother Wu, that whole brave man looks good. He is loyal and honest. If you do n’t want to, I just have a daughter. Why not just let him be my son-in-law."

Holding on to the extraordinary skill of Quan Yong below, Gan Taiwen's mouth turned slightly, and then he pretended to say to Wu Xiangyun, his words were full of interest.


Almost without thinking about it, Wu Xiangyun vetoed it, and suddenly he stopped.

It seems that in the subconscious, he did not want Quan Yong to marry her.

"Haha, ... I'll wait to drink your brother Wu's wedding drink."

Seeing him like this, Gan Taiwen laughed, shot quickly, and a series of strong winds popped out, and then someone fell down at the convenience.

If he could, he really wanted such a son-in-law.


Looking at Quan Yong, who killed the enemy below, Wu Xiangyun sighed, and he also acquiesced in something.

He doesn't have much desire now, just hope that his daughter can be happy and accept his father again, which is enough.

"Master Gancheng, I have left in advance, and I will leave the matter for the elder brother."

"Brother, boy, we'll leave without saying goodbye, remember, we must grab the mule back, haha, ..."

At a high altitude in the distance, watching the situation is very good, and no other accidents occurred, Feng Hao heard two words, just swept away towards Feng Mingcheng.

He believes that Gan Taiwen, who knows his identity, will arrange everything.


"How could it be like this."

Distant, looking at the pale green sky, Feng Hao's eyes flashed with a complex look.

Only then did he seal the inside of the Underworld, and probably inquired about something that happened in the Xuanming Day after he left.

Qiong Linger and others have already been brought back to Shengtian Academy by Haotian.

This relieved him.

Otherwise, if the three women are really arrested, this will be a big trouble.

In Xuanming days, some changes also occurred ...

A few days ago, the tomb in Xuanming's day disappeared.

That ’s right, it just disappeared. There were many people from various ethnic groups who had watched the cliff. They tried all kinds of methods and failed to find out the location of the tomb and re-inspire it. Just like that The cemetery has never existed the same, leaving many powerful people scratching their heads.

Although there are still many people coming to Xuanmingtian, they all watch it and then leave.

Staying is definitely just a waste of time.

Imagine that when the Lord of the First Emperor Xuwu entered Xuanming's day, the people of the ‘xian’ organization did not find any trace when they went searching.

Feng Hao could not enter Xuanming Tian, ​​but could only stand on a high ground, lit up the purple pupil, evoked to the extreme, and faintly, also saw some conditions in Xuanming Tian.

Sure enough, the cliff had returned to normal, and the tomb had disappeared.

"Did she ... fall asleep again."

Feng Hao frowned and muttered to himself.

He remembered that when the old man was burned, it was because of the essence of Qiguo that the white woman was resurrected, so the tomb was revealed, just like opening the door to let the white woman go out.

But now, the cemetery is closed again. Does this mean that the woman in white has left, or that she has fallen asleep again, or that something has happened ...

"No, that's impossible, she's so strong, absolutely impossible."

Thinking of the last possibility, Feng Hao shook his head fiercely, and wanted to shake this idea out of his mind, but found out that the idea was deep-rooted in his mind, and it became more and more obvious.

Jiuqiao, never in this world, no one knows exactly what will happen when it is opened.

Who exactly is that horror figure that came out of Jieyun and what it represents?

He didn't know, he just knew that the figure could easily take his own life.

No doubt, it was definitely the woman in white who saved herself.

The small ball is impossible, and Fen Lao has also fallen into weakness. No one except her has the ability.

However, what Feng Hao couldn't figure out was why he appeared outside.

"What happened after I was unconscious ..."

Feng Hao hammered his head, but he couldn't remember anything.

Xiaoqiu may know, but he can't communicate with this guy, which makes him feel a little angry.

He hadn't responded to the call, and now he feels helpless and helpless.

Maybe, if you want to solve this series of mysteries, you must enter Xuanming Tian, ​​but with his current strength, if you break into it, there is only a dead end.

Not to mention those special energies, there are almost all the monsters who reach the realm of holy realm, and that is not something he can handle.

"Boy ..."

An old voice was abrupt, resounding in Feng Hao's mind. Although very weak, Feng Hao was true to hear.

"Master," he said.

Hearing this voice, Feng Hao's heart was filled with an inexplicable surprise, and his eyes were filled with excitement, so that people passing by thought he was a faulty person.

Master, still alive, Feng Hao only had this idea in mind, and he was happy dancing.

"Boy, hurry up and find a place where nobody is."

The weak yelling sounded, calming down Feng Hao. He didn't go back to Fengming City, but instead ran towards the endless mountains in the distance.

In a valley, Feng Hao stopped and lit up Zitong's glances around him. Then he evoked the burning, "Master, there is no one here."

"Take out a Qiqi flower."

According to Fen Lao's words, Feng Hao took out a Qiqi flower from the ring, and then the essence of Qiqi flower was extracted, and, under his miserable eyes, it actually penetrated into his forehead.


Feng Hao looked stunned, because he found that he did not feel the medicinal properties of Qi Guo, "Did ..."

Suddenly, he knew that the old hiding place was burned.

[Fifth more, thank you for your big seal, thank you for voting, and I really appreciate it]

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