Chapter 1394: Reputation

Chapter 1394: Reputation

Feng Hao couldn't help but look at this strange man, but when he saw his face with goodwill, he asked, "You are."

"Hehe, Tianji Academy student, Chen Bo."

Chen Bo, who was black and thin, was very polite and arched his hands towards Feng Hao.

He knows very well that although this young master is in the first stage of Fansheng, he will definitely need to look up for his future achievements. He does n’t ask for more. He only wants to get goodwill. Maybe.

"Brother Chen."

Feng Hao didn't understand his origins, but still politely returned the gift, but he was also indifferent.

I am afraid that if you want to gather all the materials within three days, it is almost impossible, and his Divine Pesticide Code is still a few kings of medicine king.

The King of Medicine King, unlike the ordinary Medicine King, is considered a spiritual creature in the world and is rare.

Therefore, even if you want to gather these Kings of Medicine Kings in this sacred school, it is not easy, it is not a few days, or half a month of work can be collected.

"Ha ha."

Hearing this sentence, the smile on Chen Bo's face was much richer, a little, it settled down, and asked, "Master Feng is looking for what is needed to eat heart poison."

The rumors are true, and this person really does not have the slightest shelf, he speaks well and treats others like one.

Come to think of it, this kind of person is definitely the kind of love-loving generation.


When he heard this, there was a flash of light in Feng Hao's eyes, and he asked, "Did Chen have this material?"

"Without concealing the wind master, I have two kinds of this kind of material, which can be dedicated to the master."

Then, Chen Bo turned his hands and took out two dark things.

A black snake-like tree vine, like a cobblestone, is a small stone dazzling with black gas.

Of course, this was not what he obtained earlier, but when he saw the scene in the square, he knew that Feng Hao would definitely collect these materials, so he exchanged them in the other three hospitals' trading squares. .

The purpose is to win the favor of Fenghao.

Not to mention other things, the dual status of the top-level pharmacist and the eight-bodied body is destined, and Feng Hao's position in the imperial palace will be absolutely transcendent.

It is easy to be kind to him now, but it will be difficult to please him later.

After seeing this scene, many people secretly regretted that some clever points disappeared in situ. They should have been collected when they wanted to, but there were several people who came towards Fenghao. With a smile on his face.

Although these materials are precious, they are only scores of credits. Although they are very painful, they are definitely worth it.

This is to send charcoal in the snow, Feng Hao will naturally not refuse, and the materials are in his hands, including Chen Bo. However, some of them are unwilling to accept credits, and their mouth is a little careful.

After a moment's thinking, Feng Hao understood the reason, and he was arching towards several people. "Thank you, Feng Hao, for today ’s grace, I dare not forget. If a few brothers have difficulties later, I will definitely Give a helping hand. "

"Master Feng is polite ..."

"Where does Master Wind say ..."

"Master Feng doesn't have to keep it in mind. I'm the same as a student of Tianjiyuan. I must work with one heart ..."

The good words continued to spit out from their mouths. Although it was said that they did not accept the affection, the joy on their faces could not be hidden.

This promise is undoubtedly a talisman. As long as you do n’t do anything evil, if you encounter irresistible trouble, mentioning the person in front of you may save your life.

Of course, those unreasonable demands are naturally dare not to mention them.

After all, these materials are not rare, and usually no one can use them. They donated them just in exchange for Fenghao's goodwill.

"Master Feng, those materials may not be gathered in the school for a while, but masters can post tasks so that they can gather the required materials faster."

Chen Bo reminded enthusiastically.

"Students can post tasks."

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but hesitate.

The various missions in Shengtian Xuefu were jointly issued by the three provinces. He has never heard that students can post missions.

"Of course it is possible, as long as you have enough credits and get the permission of the dean, you can carry out publishing tasks ..."

After hearing this, Feng Hao understood the hidden rules in the Heavenly Academy.

Credits, in fact, are to be obtained by those who have contributed to the institution. Therefore, for those who have made great contributions, Shengtian Academy will naturally provide convenience in many aspects. Naturally, the task content is reasonable and can be released .

"Feng Hao thanked several brothers again."

After thanking a few people, Feng Hao was marching towards the residence of the dean of Tianjiyuan.

In his current capacity, posting a mission is definitely not a big deal.

However, what made him hesitate was that he could gather within three days. If he could not gather, would he not have missed the time to enter the realm of enlightenment.

"Don't go."

On the way, Feng Hao made up his mind. If he couldn't gather the required materials, he would not enter the realm of enlightenment.

Although this opportunity is precious, compared with Qingwu mother and daughter, he did not hesitate to choose the latter.


At the gate of Wan Hongwen's courtyard, Feng Hao was intercepted by two middle-aged guards at the gate.

Both of them are extraordinary, and their cultivation is unfathomable. According to Feng Hao's observations on the fluctuations of spillage on their bodies, even if they are not great saints, they are at least the peak of van saints.

"The two elder brothers, the boy is very kind, want to meet the dean if there is something, and also hope that the two elder brothers can tell us."

Feng Hao, with a slight smile, arched his hands at them, and said politely.

"Feng Hao."

Hearing the name, both guards were stunned, and looked at each other, both seeing the shock in the other's eyes.

"You are the one who has won the first prize in the Royal Palace for my people.

One of the bearded guards stared and asked Feng Hao, with an inexplicable excitement in his voice.

"Just kid."

Feng Hao has no pride and is still smiling.

"You wait, I'll report."

He didn't confirm it either, he just ran towards the yard, but only when he entered the door, an old and powerful voice sounded.

"Take him in."

The guard froze slightly, even if he turned around, "Come with me."


Feng Hao exhaled slightly, followed him and walked into the yard.

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