Chapter 1743: Stele space

Chapter 1743 Stele Space

The ancient altar, the mysterious stele, the pillar of light that breaks through the sky and the earth are all telling Fenghao that here is the key to the realm of eternal life.


Feng Hao still didn't quite understand what Wei Fat said, and his eyes were full of doubts, until he saw someone cut off the head of a phantom, but after the phantom appeared again quickly on the scene, he understood. After the meaning of this sentence,

Suddenly, a shocked expression flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, he also faintly understood the role of the so-called Universal Spirit array.

In fact, it is very simple to say. Here, this is the core of a great power in ancient times. It laid down the Tailing of the Universal Spirit. The role is definitely to pour the aura into the stone monument.

Just a little thought, Feng Hao couldn't help but take a breath.

So accumulated, the aura in this stone monument will reach a horrible level. If you practice inwardly, you ca n’t imagine the speed.

"Is this the essence of the top forces." Feng Hao's eyes flashed a stun, and the light flashed past.

In the past, he was puzzled as to why the speed of cultivation of Penglai ’s arrogant princes was infinitely faster than those of the geniuses of the hundreds of continents. Now, after seeing this ancient array of world spirits, he understands why ,

"If so, in the stele space ..."

Thinking of this possibility, Feng Hao looked at Wei Fatty with a stunned look,

"It's not as scary as you think. Yin and Aura will mutually exclude each other. In a space that normally has vitality, there will be no Yin." Wei Fatty gave him a white look, looking at him like a monster. ,

Wei Fat is very confused, why this guy does n’t even understand some basic common sense, and he does n’t even know that there is a great array of ancient spirits, which makes him unable to understand.

He glanced at Lotte aside and found that the latter still had a calm face. After opening his mouth, he still didn't ask.

"So it is." Feng Hao nodded his strange look, and suddenly nodded,

It is no wonder that there is no ghost in the outside world. Only in such a closed space, the yin cannot be dissipated, so the ghost will be born.

"However, there are dangers in there."

It may be that Feng Hao who saw it did not understand these common sense, so Wei Fatty continued to say, "In the space of the stele, there must be some ancient beasts raised by that power. I am sure they are there. Descendants, and passed down from generation to generation. "

This sentence is undoubtedly the heart that let Feng Hao originally let go, and it was raised again instantly.

Ancient beast,

Moreover, it is still a strange beast selected by a great force, and it is absolutely tyrannical. For now, each head is basically a sacred beast, a divine beast, and because it has always been in the same In a space, the strange beast in this stele will surely have more pure blood and will not weaken.

In other words, in this stele space, each of the strange beasts they encountered is basically quite similar to Kirin, Qinglong ...

Thinking of this, Feng Hao couldn't help but feel scalp numb, and became more cautious,


The fat man who saw him explained the situation almost. Lotte did not squint, and spit out a word, and the person was already walking towards the square area in small steps.

"Hmm ..."

With a wave of his hands, Feng Hao's energy of heaven punishment forms a circle, sheltering them all.

At this moment, there are also people coming towards this place, and there are countless people rushing into the square. The screams and screams are endless, but no one can stop.

After all, hope is right in front of you, and no one is willing to give up, so the three Fenghao did not attract much attention at this time, because everyone's eyes are on the altar, because they want to enter each Write down the people in the stele space,

"Woohoo ..."

When Feng Hao and the three of them entered the square area, they had four head spirits pounced on them. However, after touching the barrier of the energy of sky punishment, their bodies were They started to smoke, and suddenly they made a sharp howl, like an electric shock, they quickly retreated, as if they had encountered natural enemies, and their cold eyes were full of human fear.

Just walking along this way, the surrounding ghosts have no accidental choice to avoid, this is to make those who break in around them suffer, because these ghosts are more irritable,

"With this thing, it saves a lot of things." Wei fat man smashed his lips, his eyes flashed inexplicable light,

With such a close proximity, he didn't believe that he would still make mistakes. This is the energy of heaven punishment, and he was 100% sure.

Searching through all cognitions can make the phantom feel as if it meets natural enemies. It seems that there is nothing other than the power of heaven and earth to destroy the will.

"It still seems like a waste."

Watching that body almost condensed into a substance, the phantom was locking himself. When the fat man changed his face, he turned out a stone platform, "Ready, three, two ..."

When Feng Hao had not responded, a bright light enveloped him. Suddenly, he felt that the whole person seemed to be sucked into a dark space somewhere, but it was just an instant. He When my eyes light up, I find that I have come from under the square to the altar.

"hurry up."

Wei Fat's rapid voice sounded in Feng Hao's ears. Then, he saw that after Lotte and Wei Fat put their palms on the stone tablet, the two disappeared in place.

Suddenly, Feng Hao did not hesitate to put his palm on the stone tablet.


A suction that made him irresistible came, directly inhaling him, and after opening his eyes again, a world like a Taoyuan was revealed in front of him,

The mountains and rivers are full of bird groaning, beast roar, a lively scene, and the deadly ruins outside are like two completely different worlds,

At the same time, Feng Hao felt that the whole person was in an extremely refined package of aura, just like being soaked in a hot spring, extremely comfortable, and even he could clearly feel the existence of the surrounding heaven and earth avenue.

"Hey, do you want to occupy this place?" After Feng Hao opened his eyes, the sound of Wei Fatty came from his ears,