Chapter 1801: No one can resist

Chapter 1801 No One Can Resist

The voice of the person in charge of Shura House resounded throughout the hall, echoing in this spacious space, so that many people looked at it.

Suddenly, the person in charge of the Mangyan family looked as ugly as if they had eaten a fly. Rao is a stable heart. At this moment, his eyes are also full of severe murderous power.

In the three fights, they lost two games, especially in the third game. They lost extremely thoroughly, so that many strong men of the Mangyan family showed an uneasy look.

After all, the miserable and defeated old man has a certain status in the reckless family, and he is also a monstrous person. If it is a **** in their hearts,

However, this deity ended in a fierce defeat, which made them even more responsible for this Shura House.

Of course, the person in charge of the Mangyan tribe naturally sees it. The reason why he is about to go violent is related to this. The morale of the Mangyan tribe has fallen at this moment.

If you want to recover, then you have to defeat the head of Shura House on the ring.

Thinking, the person in charge of the Mangyan clan brought in a strong man with the same ancient blood, and ordered in his ear, the latter nodded, and then went to the ring.


It was on the platform. The strong man of this savage clan burst into an unparalleled atmosphere. He could roll around, and if it was boiling water, the surrounding space would be rippling. At the same time, it also spreads across the entire platform area.

Although the blood energy is still able to penetrate his divine energy, at the same time, the person in charge of Shura House also suffered a great deal of pressure, and his complexion suddenly diminished.

The Mangyan family is not stupid. After the last game, it is natural to know the advantages of the person in charge of Shura House. Therefore, the strongman of the Mangyan family who came up to the stage is not like the last one. Raging a desperate offensive, on the contrary, it also showed a posture to fight protracted war.

In this way, both sides have received tremendous pressure. Although the strong man of the Mangyan family has suffered a lot, but after the consumption of the last game, the situation of the person in charge of Shura House is not optimistic.

Moreover, looking at the blood energy that has gradually begun to fade around him, his face sank, and it became clear that it was not good for him to continue dragging, and finally chose to take a shot.

The person in charge of Shura House sacrificed a scarlet flag. On this flag, there were traces of obscure marks. If it was a blood trough, it was quite shocking.


After he poured a blood energy into the banner, the marks on this banner turned as if they had come alive, twisted and twisted, and finally, even out of the shackles of the banner, turned into The blood-stained, blood-stained faces were directly toward the strong man of the reckless family not far away,

There is no doubt that in order to sacrifice this banner, the person in charge of Shura House hunted many dragons and incorporated their spirit into the banner to have such an effect.

The dragons that I saw rushed over and over, and the strong man of this reckless family did not panic. Between the hands, a bright long knife appeared on his palm, dancing into an afterimage, and chopping off the **** dragon , With ease,

Obviously, when the strength of the two cannot absolutely overwhelm each other, they are still fighting attrition. In the end, when the two leave the field, they will not have the power to fight again.

As a result, the five ancient bloodline sacred step peaks and nine step strong men on the side of the Mangyan family went to the fourth, and one remained.

However, on the human camp side, there is no strongman who has no rivals.

Although the human race is at an advantage in the current situation, the mood of Feng Hao and others is relatively heavy.

There is no doubt that if no one can find a person who can resist this ancient bloodline strongman, then the human race will definitely lose,

At this time, the person in charge of the Mangyan tribe showed a relaxed smile on his face. After explaining a few words to the people around him, he personally went to the ring.

"Some people in the Terran will dare to fight me."

The vast voice roared from his mouth, and the sound was like a sea, rolling the entire audience, spreading to every corner,

He has a strong body and stands upright on the platform. If it is a giant, his eyes are indifferent, and he is overlooking the powerful people of the human race.

That contempt has made many people angry, and if his eyes could kill people, he would have been shot a lot.

"I come."

A little, a strong man at the peak of the Holy Order in the people's palace camp roared, like a leopard, rushed to the ring,

"bad thing."

Seeing that he was so impulsive, Dongfang and Feng Hao's faces changed at the same time, but they could not stop it. They could only watch him rushing to the ring.

"Hmm ..."

The man in charge of the Mangyan family only shot once, with only one punch, that is, they bombarded the strong man of the imperial palace, the ninth-ranked peak of the imperial palace, and hit the barrier of the platform. He vomited blood and was severely injured.

"We give up."

Seeing this scene, the East is not hesitating to shout loudly,

Although the person in charge of the Mangyan clan wanted to end the life of the strong man in the imperial palace, but after glancing across the high platform, he still endured,

"It's vulnerable."

The scornful words spit out of his mouth, and the cold eyes made all the strong men in the human camp feel ashamed, no one can refute,

You know, that is the same as the strongest of the 9th level of the holy order, but he can't resist even one punch. It can be seen that his strength is by no means ordinary people.

Looking at the strong man who has been lifted off the ring and being treated by Feng Hao, the human camp is silent.

Who can fight one,

Everyone looked at each other, and there was helplessness and gloom in their eyes,

"If the Terrans don't send someone to fight within ten minutes, they will even concede."

On the high stage, an old man beside the white-haired old man spoke, and his voice spread throughout the audience.

In this way, the morale of the human camp has been lowered ...

In order to save the morale here, the imperial palace, Shura palace, Jiuyou palace, and even some of the strong races with the human race are like moths fighting fires, desperately going towards the ring, and finally falling one by one Defeat, even a few directly damaged on the spot, just to delay the time of defeat,

Looking at the strong men who were lifted off the ring, the atmosphere in the human camp has once again changed from low to sorrowful. This kind of sorrow has made everyone angry, and one by one can't wait to rush to the stage and go Beheaded the guy who showed off his strength to himself,