Chapter 1811: airflow

Chapter 1811: Air Flow

The entire top floor space of the Baizu Tower is filled with an unusual atmosphere. Some people are ecstatic, some are gloating, some are sighing ...

The audience, almost half of the eyes, focused on the rather broken figure on the ground, focused on the sixth platform.

This is not just broken, even many people think that under that shock, Feng Hao can no longer survive, because his breathing seems to have stopped ...

Such a talented person ends so sadly, no matter who it is, there is a kind of pity,

God ’s body is exhausted, each one is extraordinary, but they are still unable to compare with the virtual martial body from the human race in front of them,

Obviously, this virtual martial arts body already has more talent than the body of the Lord of God, and his achievements may even exceed that of the Lord of God.

For such a person, no one would think that he would be tied to the holy order, and even the older generations believed that he might be able to break the imprisonment between the present and the world and create a prosperous world.

If anyone with such an innate talent can't break the barrier, then in this world, who else can do it,

Now that he has fallen, so who else can replace him,

Some people's eyes slowly shifted into the human camp, but it was found that the person in charge of the imperial palace's eastern look was strange,

It stands to reason that as the person in charge of the imperial palace, he should not watch this tragedy happen, but will prevent it. However, when Feng Hao has been completely suppressed and is in a critical situation, he still has not stood. Come out and say a word,

This is thought-provoking,

Some people even suspect Dongfang Zheng's intentions,

After all, as the person in charge of the imperial palace, his strength is not inferior to the person in charge of the Mangyan tribe. In an emergency, it is easy to say words of resignation, but he did not do so.

So, what is his purpose?

However, the positive look of Dongfang is telling everyone that he seems to be hesitating, and his heart is also being tortured.

Dongfang is very confused, why the small ball will stop him, and the small ball now seems to be a little different from what he saw before, but it is just a look or any action that makes him feel The pressure of suffocation, it seems that this seemingly harmless beast can easily take his life,

Moreover, every time when he really couldn't bear to admit defeat, he couldn't say anything, it seemed that someone was stopping him,

Dongfang is thinking, this is what this little beast does,

As Feng Hao's closest partner, Dongfang Zhengda does not think that the small ball will make a bad move to Feng Hao. Moreover, it has been proved in advance that under the external pressure, Feng Hao made one after another. A series of breakthroughs have never resisted, so that they can slightly compete with the leaders of the Mangyan family.

This fully shows that the small ball is intended to be tempered by Feng Hao. In this difficult environment, it can grow rapidly,

"Don't ..."

Suddenly, the East was thinking of a possibility,

Perhaps, at this moment Feng Hao has not yet reached the limit ...

This possibility surprised him, and realized that the look on his face didn't change too much after he came over. He just stood still as usual.

But what he didn't know was that the small ball was betting at this time. Although it could feel Feng Hao was still there, it wasn't sure that Feng Hao would be able to break through. If you do, then Feng Hao is definitely a dead end.

"Potential, can you really control this unprecedented energy ..."

At this time, the small ball is still on the ring, observing the state of Feng Hao, and plans to rescue at any time.

On the platform, the white-haired old man frowned slightly. He wanted to rescue Feng Hao, but because of his identity, he couldn't do such a thing that broke the balance. Otherwise, it would cause turmoil.

After all, the reason why the hundreds of people respect the Guardians now is that the Guardians have never intervened in the conflicts between the various races. If there is some favoritism, the situation will be different.

"It only depends on your life ..."

The old man sighed, but in the end he still didn't make a sudden move.


At this time, Feng Hao was almost in a semi-coma state, his mind was a bit vague, and a series of drowsiness struck his mind, like a devil, trying to drag him into the boundless darkness ...

"Can't sleep, can't sleep ..."

Feng Hao only kept a thought in his heart, and it was this thought that kept a trace of sage,

He knew very well that if he fell asleep at this time, maybe he would never get up,

At this time, his chest was severely traumatized, and it can even be said that the entire chest was smashed, the internal organs of the body were exposed, and the endless energy tides around him swept up, making the injury more serious. Even the medicinal properties of the Divine Pesticide Code could not keep up with the speed of this destruction, which made his trauma more serious.

This kind of trauma is impossible to survive on any one person, and Feng Hao is also because of the magic pesticides. At the moment he was injured, Shennong Xiancao spread a medicinal property, Some important viscera in his body are wrapped, otherwise, if the heart is injured, Feng Hao's physique, even if it is strong, will have died out.

He is human, not immortal,

"That's it."

Feeling the increasing trauma on his body, Feng Hao couldn't help feeling a little sad. However, it was because of this sad derivative that his mind was being devoured by endless darkness ...

"Brother Ho ..."

"Fu Jun ..."


"Hall ..."

One by one, the familiar names, the familiar faces, and when Feng Hao's last ray of consciousness was about to be swallowed up, like a horse and a flower, flashed in front of his eyes, and finally settled on Qiong Su's kind face In my ear, I seem to hear the gentle call,

"Hor, mother, waiting for you to come back, you must come back in peace ..."

"My dear."

Feng Hao yelled, a flash of light flashed in the already dim eyes, "No, I can't just die like this, they are still waiting for me to go back, I can't die, I can't die ..."

This idea, if a candlelight is lit in the darkness, in that darkness, the light glows and dispels the darkness and brings warmth,

At the same time, Feng Hao, who had almost no sense of his own body, felt that a little warm air flow appeared in every corner of the body.