Chapter 1898: half year ago

Chapter 1898 Six months ago

Time back to half a year ago ...

In a wilderness, there is a woman walking alone on a shallow walk. Her clothes are covered with dirt and dust, and even her face is covered with a lot of mud. However, her eyes are It ’s very bright, it looks like the stars in the sky, pure, but flawless,

Although her face is covered by the dirt, she still sees it. This is a beautiful woman with a beautiful national fragrance, especially the weak temperament, which makes people feel pity and want to take good care of her in the arms.

She just walked aimlessly, not knowing where the end was or where she was going.

"Woohoo ..."

There was a scream of howling in the lush primitive jungle, filled with bloodthirsty and brutality. The woman who was scared was trembling, her eyes were horrified, and she was staring at a jungle not far away. Backed away, but stumbled on a stone behind his feet, and fell to the ground,


When she stumbled to the ground, a brown bear rushed out of the lush jungle, with a body like a hill, more than three meters tall, and eyes like a copper bell, staring at a woman not far away, showing her addiction. Blood thirst,

Every step it took, the ground was shaking, and the smell of that stench in the storm was even scared by a woman who stumbled backwards. There was a lot of weeds and mud marks on her clothes.

"Don't come, don't come ..."

The woman didn't seem to have the slightest resistance. She was already scared by the brown bear in front of her. Her eyes were embarrassed and she watched the brown bear approaching herself.

However, the brown bear did not mean to be fragrant and cherish, just like a cat catching a mouse, slowly came to the woman, looked down at the thin prey, opened the mouth of the blood basin directly, and bit her towards the white neck of the woman. go with……

"Do not."

The woman closed her eyes in despair, and had a strong desire in her heart to live, because she had to find her own husband ...

When the brown bear's **** mouth touched her, she almost reacted instinctively, and she struck the giant monster's head with one palm ...

"Hmm ..."

An inconceivable bright light burst out, and it was contact. The brown bear's head burst directly and was blown into blood mist, and its huge body was thrown away like a duckweed. Going out, knocking down countless trees, dragging out a deep gully, stagnation after breaking a large stone, thousands of kilometers away, and thick and thick, its huge body is already broken Unbearable, not shaped, like a pool of ground meat,

Such a large energy fluctuation directly attracted the attention of people in a city thousands of kilometers away,

Although the burst of energy fluctuations was only an instant, but it made all the strong men in this city tremble.

"Is there a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm?"

At the gate of the main city hall, a gloomy middle-aged man came out, his face was quite ugly.

"Unexpectedly, the People ’s Palace would send such a strong man to clean up our medium-sized city. It seems that the heritage of the People ’s Palace is not as strong as it is ...”

Beside him, a character with a mustache like a master also said in a panic tone,

It turned out that this place turned out to be a medium-sized city in the Nandoufu area. Since the last Nandoufu hijacking event, Renhuangfu has adopted a series of crackdown measures on Nandoufu.

Because of the fear of causing panic among the people, the people ’s imperial palace did not send a large number of strong men to directly deal a devastating blow to it, but gradually eroded and narrowed the area of ​​Nandou.

And here is a medium-sized city near Xuanming Tian,

"Abominable, are you really bullying me into nobody in Nandou."

The middle-aged man snorted, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "Go, let's face it."

After all, he took the lead in the air, and then, behind him, a number of city guards followed, and a team of thousands of people darted away towards the primitive jungle not far away.

However, only when the location of the strong fluctuations came out, they saw a panicked woman, which made the middle-aged man and others look ashamed.

The young and beautiful woman is like a pearl covered by dust. At this moment, she is staring blankly at her hands. In front of her, there is a deep gully.

Although they did n’t understand what was happening here, they did know that the strong fluctuation just now should have erupted from this seemingly harmless and delicate woman.

The middle-aged man quietly looked at the woman sitting on the ground for a long time, but there was a look of doubt in his eyes,

Because in the body of the woman in front of him, he didn't notice the slightest fluctuations in the breath, it is hard to imagine that the power that was so powerful that made him fear was erupted by her.

However, after glancing at the corpse of the brown bear with the peak of Wu Huang, the middle-aged man trembled, took a cool breath, and made a defensive gesture.

"Who are you? Get your name."

The middle-aged man was hesitant, but didn't find it, with a trembling sound in his voice,

Judging by the level of fluctuations just now, if the woman is going to kill him right now, it will be easy.

When she heard the scolding, the woman looked up, looking at all the people who were watching her with vigilance, and she could not help shrinking her eyes, watching them defensively,

Seeing her response, the middle-aged man frowned, his brows frowned,

"Citylord, maybe this man was not sent by the imperial palace ..."

Aside, the master with the whiskers reminded,


The middle-aged man also nodded. Judging by the current appearance of the woman, she should have been running away from the jungle for a long time. If the strong man sent by the imperial palace, there is no need to make herself look like this,

"Girl, we are not bad people, we just want to know, what happened here ..."

After a little silence, he asked tentatively,

"I ... I don't know ..."

After repeated inquiries, the woman answered timidly, just like a frightened bunny,

After looking at the master, the middle-aged man fell down tentatively, standing ten meters away from the woman, and after carefully looking at the woman in front of him, there was a shock in his eyes, even some Look dumbfounded,

Although the woman's white dress was stained with weeds and dust in front of her, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face,