Chapter 1917: Bare hands

Chapter 1917: Immortal Hand Sage

"I, Feng Hao, this generation of nothingness, assure all the people, I will do my best to protect the people, please believe me."

Feng Hao's voice lingers in the heavens and the earth.

This is the first time that Feng Hao has publicly acknowledged himself as a body of nothingness, and the sound caused is extraordinary, but it is a simple sentence that directly awakens the passion of all the people below.

"Meet the Lord of Nothingness."

With one person kneeling down, the crowd on the ground fell down like a wave, all kneeling slowly,

They look sincere, just like worshipping the deities in their hearts. Their panic and anxiety have all changed into hope and excitement.

"As long as our peoples are united, nothing is impossible."

Although the Fenghao people have left, what he said has remained in the hearts of these people, and has been widely spread, spreading extremely fast. In just a few days, almost the entire ethnic area has spread. ,

Although they are worried about the alliance between the Wuling and Mangyan peoples, as human people, everyone is full of confidence in Feng Hao, the new Lord of Nothingness.

Because every generation of nothingness has not let the people down.

The Lord of Nothingness, deservedly the first person in the human race, even the two Lord Gods of the Nine Nether Phantoms and the God of Shura, also appears dim in his aura,

Later, the Emperor's Mansion guarded the law, and took the opportunity to announce Feng Hao's record on the race of hundreds of people. At the same time, he also announced that Feng Hao officially took over the post of Emperor Mansion House three days later.

These days, there are singing and dancing everywhere in the Terran area, celebrating the Terran's return to the top of the 100 race,

To them, it was like dreaming. Feng Hao defeated all the strong men of the Reckless family and captured such glory. This made many older generations of tears and tears.

Everyone knows that everything about the human race has been rewritten. If the human race can win this battle, then it can well deserve the seventh name of the hundred.

At this time, no one is willing to hold back, rubbing their fists, planning to make a name of their own in this troubled world.

At this time, the peoples up and down have achieved the true heart of all peoples.

If this is known by the senior members of the Wuling clan, they do n’t know if they will spit blood. The years of hard work have turned into a necessity.

And at this moment, Feng Hao is rushing back to Tianwu mainland ...

No matter when and where, how much glory is gained, in Feng Hao's heart, his family will always occupy the largest piece of land in his heart,

Think about it, he grew up from an ignorant boy, step by step, hardships, how many sufferings, how many setbacks, what he has achieved today,

However, Feng Hao still feels that he is a lucky man, because along the way, he is accompanied by many confidantes, who give them hope and give him the motivation to move forward.

"Wuer, Ninger, are you all right?"

Thinking of the two wives at home, Feng Hao was both excited and guilty.

It's been so long. He has been busy practicing and never went home to visit. Although the two wives have never complained about themselves, Feng Hao knows that these two wives are considerate and unwilling. Adding chaos to his busy life, so he suppressed his grievances,

I would like to ask, which woman in the world does not want to spend time with her husband,

Thinking of this, Feng Hao's heart was even more frightened, and the speed under his feet was faster.


Yu Ning, although she will go back to Tianwu Continental Wind House to accompany Feng Hao's mother, Qiong Su, but more often, she walks in major cities in Hongmeng and Mongolia to help those in need.

Even if you have a high weight, if she does not want to be ruled, then she will die. Even if you are poor and penniless, she will shoot, no matter how poor or poor,

In the past few decades, the people she treated with her own hands, even if there were no seven figures, at least as many as six figures, so in the folk, Yu Ning is also known as ...

In people's hearts, Xian is flawless. Xian represents all their beautiful illusions in their hearts. ‘Sin’ is used to describe Yu Ning.

Where Respect Has Got,

"Om ..."

With the transmission of the ancient array in the middle of a city, a woman who looks like a fairy, is quiet, and has a soft smile on her face, accompanied by four guards, walks out of the lotus step, and slowly walks out. ,

"Shouxian Shengxian came to build Zhengcheng ..."

After the first person found the woman, he first stunned, and then the exclamation of excitement came from his mouth, spreading the whole name up and down,

Soon after, the Pharmacist Guild of Jianzheng City was surrounded by water,

Because everyone knows that this sacred hand can cure all anxieties, even if it is a variety of terminal illnesses, she also found a solution, the worst, can also suppress the spread of symptoms,

Furthermore, that is because, in the rumors, the prime minister is extremely beautiful, like the fairy in the legend, and looks like a fairy. Therefore, people who come here are not sure how many,

"Please pay attention, let's open the way, so that friends who need treatment can come in, don't delay the time of the holy immortal ..."

The people in the pharmacist's guild maintained their order with sweat, because out of respect for the priests, they were crowded and crowded. However, from the entrance of the pharmacist's guild, there was still a road that spread to the street. Rows of walking come,

"What a good girl, she's so kind, she's definitely a reincarnation ..."

One who came up with a cane and trembling came out trembling with excitement in her mouth. It was just how far she went out. She even found that there was a warm current on her feet that could not help. In the flow, not long, she felt that her horns were full of power, and she could walk independently without crutches.

After a try, as expected, the old lady let go of her cane, and after walking a few steps in situ, after a little familiarity, she was able to walk like a normal person.

For a time, a lot of exclamations and exclamations and praises burst out among the crowd, and even Feng Hao, who was not far away, heard a smile.

Fortunately, he knew his Jiao wife very well, knowing that Yu Ning would not be able to relax. As soon as he asked, Yu Ning was still in the Hongmeng and Meng Realms. No, Feng Hao changed course and came to Jianzheng City and saw this. One scene,

Allowing patients to recover, looking at the excitement and smile on their faces, Feng Hao's mood became relaxed, and it seemed to have some kind of infection.