Chapter 1989: Astrology

Faced with the strength of Dao Sheng, Huangfu Wushuang did not have any timidity, and his voice was indifferent: "Feng Hao and I are from Penglai. His constitution is the body of virtual martial arts. According to that prediction, Feng Hao is the person you are looking for. "

Virtual Martial Body,

Dao Sheng is meditating. Li Xiangtian and Ao Jian also looked at each other, and could not judge the truth and falsehood of Huangfu Wushuang.

A moment later, Tao Sheng slowly said, "In that case, you have to stay and get rid of Feng Hao."

Huangfu Wushuang nodded his head, just as she wished. Feng Hao had to let her kill herself. If other people in Taoist knew that Feng Hao had Xianfu on her body, things would become extremely difficult.

"Yes, but it takes time. Now no one knows where Feng Hao is." Huangfu Wushuang also sighed. If he could keep Feng Hao on that day, why would he spend so much effort at this time, like the real military continent? Vastness, a person has lost his trace, and who can find it,

"Xiantian, can you infer it?"

Dao Sheng slowly raised his head and looked at his big disciple and asked, if even Li Xiangtian said no in this world, then no one can really find the whereabouts of Feng Hao at this time,

"I can try it." Li Xiangtian hesitated for a moment, and he was not very sure, because he had previously tried to infer the origin of Huangfu's unparalleled history, but he suffered a backlash of some kind of force. If it was not for him in time Withdrawing hands, I'm afraid it's also terrible.

The voice fell, and Li Xiangtian squeezed a handprint together with both hands. The whole person's expression became extremely solemn, his lips moved slightly, he seemed to miss something, and his body began to slowly emerge.

These gods floated in front of Li Xiangtian and condensed into a light group, and then this light group was constantly distorted, with an inexplicable wave of power flowing out.

At this time, Huangfu Wushuang Qiao's face flashed a mistake, looking at the light, because she saw countless mountains and rivers from it, as if reflecting another world,

"The master ’s Xiangtian technique is also becoming more and more refined. I am afraid that in this world, except for the master and the academy, no one in Zhenwu can conceal the brother's inference."

Ao Jian sincerely praised beside him, Li Xiangtian's cultivation is not only in the holy order, but also has an incomparable secret technique in his hands, that is, the technique of Xiangtian, which can infer all people and things,

Dao Sheng glanced at Li Xiangtian, and nodded without a trace. This technique of Xiang Tian was left by a certain ancestor of Taoist Temple, but he has not been able to learn it for tens of thousands of years. Worshipping under the door of Dao Sheng, I occasionally saw the art of the heavens once, but I have learned this mystery,

Li Xiangtian closed his eyes tightly and turned a deaf ear to the words of Ao Jian and Dao Sheng. At this moment, he was completely immersed in his own world. At this moment, he was like an incarnation of heaven and earth, and was quickly searching for it among all beings. A different person

However, after searching for a long time, he didn't catch any traces of virtual martial arts. It was not even possible to infer that he could not find even a trace of Fenghao. At this time, Li Xiangtian saw a deserted desert, dimly Watching a figure advance in the sand,

What Li Xiangtian saw was naturally shown in the ray of light in front of him. When Huangfu Wushuang saw this back, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she recognized that it was Fenghao!

"it's him."

Ao Jian cried out in a cry, and he also recognized that this back belongs to Feng Hao. After all, when Feng Hao left, the shock that he said was really too great.

Dao Sheng saw Feng Hao's back eyes narrow slightly, his eyes became extremely sharp, Xu Wu, the Xu Wu said in the prophecy is this person!

However, when Li Xiangtian tried to deduce this back, the light mass burst suddenly and opened. Together with Li Xiangtian, he also spit out blood, his face became extremely pale, and he retreated.

The exploded light shard did not disappear, but turned into a light arrow-like energy spot, and rushed towards Li Xiangtian!

The next moment, the sword in Aojian's hand was pulled out abruptly, and a frightening rainbow flashed over, shrouding these light mass fragments, even if there was a sound of low-level explosions,

After a while, the scared rainbow disappeared, the light group fragments were annihilated in the scared rainbow, the sound of breaking air sounded, and the sword of Ao Jian returned to its sheath, but Ao Jian's face at this time also became slightly pale, and the corners of his mouth even became Spilling blood,

"Why is the power of back phasing so strong, and all of you will be injured." Dao Sheng's face flashed with surprise. He knew that Li Xiangtian's desire to infer something, sometimes caused some back phasing, but he had never seen back phasing. It ’s so powerful that even the Holy Order can be harmed.

"Master, please forgive the incompetent." Li Xiangtian took a deep breath, calming the surge of blood in his body, and said, "Feng Hao is not a man from the real continent, and his cultivation is far beyond me. There is a rule protecting him, and I can't peep with me. I just tried to peek into the strong, but I was suffering from that kind of rule. "

Dao Sheng nodded, which is no wonder that Li Xiangtian, unless it was changed to a strong man like him to perform Fengtian Hao's technique of Xiangtian, it will not cause backlash. Otherwise, it may be a bit tricky for others to come.

"That one was indeed Fenghao just now, but he couldn't capture his specific position." Ao Jian wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, a little helplessly, it was a step away from seeing,

"Where is the desert in the Zhenwu continent the most?" Huangfu Wushuang was silent for a moment and asked,

Dao Sheng slowly raised his head, a flash of bright light flashed in his eyes, and said, "Desolate Desert."

Li Xiangtian and Ao Jian beside them also took a moment to glance at each other and said, "Feng Hao actually went to the barren desert."

Then, Li Xiangtian closed his eyes, thinking about everything he had seen just now, the kind of desert that looked beyond the horizon, and the violent wind that was blowing constantly, indeed like the desert of desert,

"Where is the barren desert, and why even you all show such a look." Huangfu looked at this proud sword with wondering expression, wondering,

At this time, Feng Hao, walking in the sandy sky, suddenly raised his head in his heart and glanced at the sky. At that moment, he felt that someone was looking at him.