Chapter 2059: Dark Heart Eater

2059 Dark Heart Eater

Under the rescue of Feng Hao, the remaining two people who were wrapped in black light were also rescued, but the situation was very bad, because Wu Xue and others were trapped, and all the vitality in the body was absorbed, if not Feng Hao felt in time that the power of the spirit beads held their breath, and there was no way to come for the Holy Book.

"Feng Hao, how are they?" Wuliang had recovered a lot at this time, but still looked swaying when he walked, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"It's terrible. I can only stabilize their last vitality, but it takes a long time to treat them, and it requires the cooperation of many herbs." Feng Hao frowned, and Wuxue was slightly better, but the rest The two are not good. Even the power of Lingzhu can only restore some vitality, but the delay will sooner or later be a fatal end.

I heard that the countless pale face is also a look of despair. Feng Hao means taking them back to the academy, and with the help of a big brother, they can save their lives. Otherwise,

"What are the creatures around here." Feng Hao glanced at the creatures that were constantly beheaded by Thunder Dragon, and he was curious. It seemed that his recent move was a good thing to destroy them.

"They are just a bunch of puppets. Real monsters have not appeared yet." Wuxue said weakly,

"Well, you know this kind of creature." Wuliang looked at Wuxue in amazement, because no one knew which space the space node would connect to, and each space would have inexplicable creatures.

"Well, I've seen it in the book records of the academy. These things appeared once tens of thousands of years ago." Wu Xue's voice gradually weakened, and her condition was very bad at this time,

When Feng Hao saw this, she quickly put her palm on her eyebrow, and the continuous energy of the bead in her body was the output. This lasted for a moment, and her snow-free face was much better.

"They are dark heart-eaters, those little unknown creatures are their guards, and the real dark heart-eaters are hidden in this darkness, and it can even be said that these darkness are their bodies." Wuxue said Out of their own cognition,

"If that's the case, why didn't the Dark Heart Eater come out and attack." Feng Hao asked puzzledly, glanced at the unknown creatures around him, although it was difficult, but it would not be difficult to deal with,

"Dark Heart Eater is a very strange race without any fixed form. It can be said that they are the same type of soul body. They make themselves stronger by capturing the vitality of other creatures, and they are devoured by them. People become those guards, like puppets. "

Hearing that Feng Hao was also stunned, his heart sank, and the invisible soul power spread out. Although he was still suppressed, he could not feel any fluctuations.

"Useless, this darkness is the Dark Heart Eater, you can't feel it." Wu Xue continued slowly: "We were attacked by them before, and then the Dark Heart Eater absorbed the vitality in our body."

"Is there no way to deal with them." Feng Hao's face became dignified, looking at the constant appearance of the guards around him, I am afraid that even if I stand and let myself kill, I can't finish myself.

"Zhenwu continent once appeared this kind of creature. I remember that there are ways to deal with them in the books. Now if we go back and gather the strength of all people, we can drive these dark heart-eaters back."

"Are these things so terrible?" Unbounded frowning. "They should be inseparable from the swamp land."

"I've read books, as mentioned above, a long time ago, because of its appearance, it almost led to the demise of the Zhenwu continent." Wu Xue hurriedly said: "You must not despise this matter. You must return to the academy as soon as possible and tell the master . "

Feng Hao fell into silence, and now they are all in the boundless darkness. Even if he himself wants to leave, there is a certain degree of difficulty, let alone to bring the wounded,

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down. After a while, Wuxue slowly said, "Wanliang, you leave here with him. Just return to the academy and tell the master that there is a solution."

"No, I must not leave you." Hearing at this, it was anxious, how could he do such a thing,

"You listen to me, this matter is not only related to our academy, but also to all the people in the Zhenwu continent. If we all die here, how many people will be killed as a result of these dark bite-eaters appearing outside." None Xue's bloodless face showed a smile,

"So what, I will never leave you." He shook his head infinitely, and at last he dropped his gaze on Feng Hao and calmly said, "Feng Hao, I believe that you alone have the ability to leave here, you simply cannot. Bring us, I hope you can return to the academy and tell the master what happened here. "

"What about you," Feng Hao groaned,

"The academy did not abandon the habit of its companions." Wuliang laughed, looked at Wuxue, and showed a rare tender look, saying: "If you can die together, it is not a bad thing."

"Shut up." Wuxue saw Wuliang's expression, and sighed in her heart. Wuliang's interest in her has always been known to everyone in the academy, but everyone didn't break his face because of his skin.

"Predecessor Feng." Wu Xue glanced at Wuliang fiercely, and then said to Fenghao: "Take Wuliang with you, the academy cannot lose too many strong men at once."

"If you don't go, I won't go." Wuliang angrily,

"You idiot."

Feng Hao watched the two men arguing constantly and laughed unknowingly. Both of them were interesting to each other, but they didn't break the point. Now that they are dying, no one wants the other to die, even if it is true. To die, to die together,

"Well, don't bother you two, I didn't say I won't take you away." Feng Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly. He hadn't spoken yet. Both of them finished everything.

"Ah, you want to take us away."

"Feng Hao, leave by yourself, leave us alone."

Both Wuxue and Wuliang stopped and cast a strange look on Feng Hao, not knowing what he meant,

"If I had to leave, I would not leave alone. Although I am not in the academy, I did not abandon the habit of my companions." Feng Hao said with a smile, then glanced at the guards that were constantly appearing around him, and he began to think about solutions The way,