Chapter 2276: Strong

Chapter 2276: Strong

Feng Hao actually returned to its peak again at this moment, and the injury was very serious the moment before, but in a matter of seconds, Feng Hao was born again, how can such changes make the colorful Jinwu wait in unsurprising.

You need to know the peak of Fenghao, but under the siege of five colorful Jinwu, you can still kill the existence of the fourth child, and now only three colorful Jinwu siege, but also injured.

In this state, the situation of Colorful Jinwu suddenly became a disadvantage.

Perceived the change of Feng Hao's breath, all the people present were shocked. What mystery was this? It turned out to have such an ability against the sky. The black fire unicorn monarch haha ​​laughed wildly, admitting that even if he had never dared to despise Feng Hao , But found that in the end, he still can't see through.

"Fortunately, it is an ally, otherwise it would be terrible to be hostile to this kind of person." This thought flashed in the heart of the black fire unicorn monarch, and as Feng Hao recovered again, the momentum of the black fire unicorn monarch became more powerful For the fierce, let the colorful Jinwu at both ends be miserable.

Even Lan Yu is constantly blooming in the beautiful eyes. Feng Hao has an inexplicable charm to her. It seems that everything that happened is under Feng Hao's grasp.

"Brother, what can I do?"

Suddenly, there was panic among the colorful Jinwu. In the face of such a strong Fenghao, they started to be indecisive. Fenghao was able to kill the fourth child, and naturally he was able to fight again and seriously kill one of them. .

Moreover, even if Feng Hao was seriously injured again, God knew that he still had no weird hole cards, like this ability to directly reverse the situation and heal the severe injuries instantly.

The boss of Colorful Jinwu fell into meditation. Indeed, at this moment, it did not dare to mess with it, and even the cohesive offensive was dissipated. Unless it had penetrated the foundation of Fenghao, it rushed to do it again, and the loss still remains Are them.

"I can't delay any longer. I'm afraid this boy is holding up. How can there be such a mystery against the sky at this time? Keep going, he won't be able to last long."

Just for a moment, the colorful Jinwu and others have already made a decision, because at this time the tremor from the colorful gods is getting stronger and stronger, and this phenomenon makes them more disturbed. Once that figure really accepts With the inheritance of Hongmeng Supreme, then they will fall directly without any hope.

The three colorful Jinwu Wenyan also gritted their teeth and looked at Feng Hao fiercely again, as they had guessed. How could there be such a mysterious technique in the world, Feng Hao must be holding on hard.

Suddenly, the monstrous golden mansions once again diffused out. Divine power filled the entire mountain. Every inch of the golden mansions was like an impenetrable blade, tearing a piece of space into pieces. Hao's profile!

"These guys are still a bit of a doorway," Feng Hao muttered to himself. If the forbidden power controlled by Colorful Jinwu is thrown away, it is rare that the natural magical laws of space contained in them are so powerful.

Changing to other people to face must be extremely troublesome, but Feng Hao is different because Feng Hao has also practiced the laws of space. How can he be afraid of such a familiar force?

Raised his hand slowly, and suddenly, Ray Mang burst out, and Feng Hao at this moment also directly urged the wild uprising, and once again turned into a runaway appearance, and the body surface was constantly red. The mysterious runes were flooded, and more powerful power permeated from Fenghao's body.

But Colorful Jinwu did not budge at all, but the offensive was more severe. The more Feng Hao behaved this way, the more convinced they were. At this time, Feng Hao simply couldn't hold it for long, all of this was an illusion that appeared on the surface.

However, what they did not expect was that Feng Hao would not only fight back, but also directly kill a colorful Jinwu again.

Previously, the fourth and seventh were beheaded and killed by him one after another, and the shock caused was not enough. The killing in Feng Hao's eyes emerged, and the whole person merged into the bright thunder and turned into a roaring truth. The dragon, the two combined into one, directly collided with the colorful Jinwu.

"Boom boom boom."

The terrifying explosions continue, even the nearby battlefields of the black fire unicorn monarch and the blue rain are forced to retreat one after another, because the ability of Feng Hao's outbreak is too amazing, if it is too close, even Will affect themselves.

Because the attack of Feng Hao and Colorful Jinwu both contained the forbidden power of the tomb of the fairy tomb. The only difference is that one of them is the law of time and the other is the law of space. The two completely different types represent their ultimate strengths. When they met, extremely terrible ripples erupted.

A golden goddess dazzled in the sky, and from time to time, there was a hint of thunderous gods, with the roar of colorful Jinwu, and the harsh dragon groan. At this moment, let alone the mountain of God, even the whole fairy The graveyard was shaking.


After this stalemate lasted for about a moment, it finally changed. With a loud noise, a huge blood-stained figure fell from the sky and fell to the top of the mountain severely.

This is one of the colorful Jinwu, but at this time there are shocking scars on the whole body, and even the energy of the movement is not. From this, it can be seen that the surface scars are not the most terrible. Already suffered a weak energy shock.

With the defeat of a colorful Jinwu, the battle circle in the sky also temporarily stopped, Feng Hao is still standing in the sky, although this time he failed to successfully kill one of the colorful Jinwu, but it also hit a heavy blow If they hadn't reacted in the end, they would have been successful.

"Haha, your group of colorful Jinwu, if there is no restraining power, I will beat you nine, Master." Feng Hao glanced at the seriously injured Colorful Jinwu, and laughed arrogantly, although this sentence is a bit exaggerated , But not fake.

Seeing Feng Hao so arrogant, the remaining colorful Jinwu has resentment in her heart and cannot erupt. Indeed, as Feng Hao said, once they have no restraining power, let alone Feng Hao, just a black fire unicorn. The monarch is enough to make them difficult to deal with.

The strength of Feng Hao makes it difficult for the colorful Jinwus to accept. They never expected that in this world, there will still be such magical things as Phoenix Nirvana regeneration.