Chapter 2279: wake!

Chapter 2279 Awaken.

As a result, a very weird situation appeared on the top of Shenshan Mountain. In the middle of the sky, there was a colorful golden cloud standing silently in the sky. On top of its head, there were clusters of dark thunderclouds condensing. An extremely arrogant momentum suddenly permeated.

Even more terrible than the power of heaven punishment is the law of heaven punishment. If the half step emperor wants to be promoted, it may be the punishment of heaven in the ancient times before, but it is definitely the power of God punishment in the present era.

Even the existence of the supreme level can not ignore the power of heaven punishment, let alone the condemnation of heaven.

Therefore, this time the promotion of colorful Jinwu is an unknown number. Whether it can be broken is a question worth considering, but Feng Hao and others dare not bet, in case Colorful Jinwu really survived the power of condemnation, and became The real emperor, Feng Hao, could n’t even imagine it.

Feng Hao tried to stop desperately, but the other colorful Jinwu blocked it desperately, even under Feng Hao ’s terrible attack, but it still showed failure, but it still refused Retreat to fight against Feng Hao.

"Get away from my little master." Feng Hao was so entangled by the other side, and his heart was also annoyed. Although the other side was only one person, he had already burned his soul to strengthen his own power. Even if he wanted to resolve the other side quickly impossible things.

Nowadays, time is the most important thing, Feng Hao wants to stop the other party's promotion.

"Haha, humble human beings, just wait for your death." The second child in the colorful Jinwu has a terrible breath, and under the almost crazy attack of Feng Hao, he can be immortal. It is already very lucky. Already.

However, at this time, a purple thunder suddenly fell into the sky, and the bucket was as thick as a dragon with the same claws of teeth and teeth, which directly slaughtered the boss of the colorful Jinwu.


The boss of the colorful Jinwu suddenly opened his eyes, and a burst of anger was shot in his eyes, staring at Fengfeng fiercely, saying dumbly: "When my promotion is completed, it will be your death, kill my brother's enemies, don't take you Frustrated, how can I calm the anger in my heart. "

After saying this, it rose up into the air, but it was a purple thunder that fell directly into the sky toward the past.

This scene exceeded the expectations of Feng Hao and others. Ordinary people can avoid the punishment of the heavens, and they can avoid it. How can there be such a thing as rushing by themselves, what is the difference between this kind of behavior and death.

However, Feng Hao thought carefully to understand that he was afraid that the colorful Jinwu was desperate and wanted to spend the day penalty as soon as possible to complete his promotion.

Although this kind of behavior is very risky, it is the most reasonable choice under this situation. In the case of Feng Hao and even other people, they will choose to do the same.

"Brother, you can go to peace and be promoted, and give it to me here." The second child raised his head and roared, his voice was full of feelings of desperation, because it was very clear, he had burned himself, and it was almost impossible to survive. The only thing I can do is to get enough time for my brother as much as possible.

"Second brother, wait for me." After the roar of the colorful Jinwu roared, he disappeared into the purple thunder. At once, the entire sky seemed to explode, advancing innumerably. The purple thunder fell densely, drowning the summit of this mountain completely.

Ordinary people encounter this situation, I am afraid how far they have run, they will not approach it at all, but this time, Feng Hao cannot retreat, even if he is in the penalty, and he has the same thought Yes, there are two black monarch monarchs and blue rain.

At this time, even these two people can only desperately prevent the other's promotion.

But at this time, no one, including Feng Hao, did not notice that the figure that had been sitting in the middle of the colorful gods suddenly opened their eyes, and the colorful gods quietly also quietly opened their eyes. Began to fall apart.

Xiao Yu, about to wake up.

But today's Feng Hao is also caught in a crazy battle. The colorful Jinwu in front of himself knows that his life is not long, and he is not afraid of any attack by Feng Hao, even if these attacks have caused many injuries on it. , But it still gives up.

With the increasing number of thunders in the sky, the terrible fluctuations are becoming more and more intense, and Feng Hao's heart is even more anxious, because Feng Hao can clearly feel that the heaven punishment at this time has already It is gradually transformed into condemnation.

He didn't know if the colorful Jinwu was able to survive these days of condemnation, but he couldn't afford to gamble himself, so every shot was almost full force, even if the colorful Jinwu in front of him was not afraid of death.

This kind of battle lasted for a while, but it caused a stronger shock to the outside world, because all the powerful men above the half-step emperor could clearly feel that the imprisonment between this world and heaven seemed to be loosening more and more. The power within them gradually showed signs of awakening.


A thunder dragon roared past, Feng Hao's face was extremely dignified, looking at the second child in the colorful Jinwu with only half a breath left in front of him, and he said coldly, "Since you want to die, then I will complete you."

In the duel just now, although the second child has already burned himself, in the face of a Feng Hao who is stronger than it, he can only support it for a while, and he cannot delay too much time. This is just a moment. The two have already fought hundreds of times.

Each encounter can leave a terrible injury on the second child. Even if the second child burns himself, he cannot reverse the situation. Seeing Feng Hao will kill himself successfully.


These colorful golden blacks are hard-hearted, knowing that they can't resist, but they still struggle to get enough time for other people, even if it is Fenghao, they also have no sense of this spirit, but the enemy is the enemy and cannot do it To have any sympathy.

After a loud noise, Feng Hao's figure appeared in the dazzling silver Rayman. He was panting, and also had some injuries on his body. After all, he wanted to kill a nearly self-destructing colorful Jinwu without damage, which could not be achieved. At no cost.

However, no one can stop Feng Hao now. Regardless of his injury, he stepped into the terrible thunder sea step by step. At this time, he is not only facing the colorful Jinwu who is being promoted. And that terrible condemnation.