Chapter 2570: First to reach Hualongtan

Chapter 2570 First Arrival At Hualong Lake

"These auras are weird. If you don't say it, I'm afraid I can't detect it." Le Huang opened his eyes and said the first sentence. After feeling it, he also found something unusual.

"So these auras cannot be absorbed. Otherwise, it will be unclear what the consequences will be in the future, which is even more troublesome." Feng Hao nodded.

"But it was discovered now, and there are not many problems. Let's move on. If there is no mistake, Hualongtan should be ahead."

Le Huang took a deep breath. At this time, the environment around them was almost invisible from a distance of 100 meters. However, because of Feng Hao's ability to perceive almost perverts, there is nothing to worry about.

Feng Hao nodded. Immediately, the two of them continued to move forward again. This time, they did not go too far. Soon Feng Hao and Le Huang came to the destination of this trip, Hualongtan!

A huge pool of water, the effervescent aura continued to erupt, and through this rich aura, the volatility of the water below was faintly seen, especially in this place, from time to time, there were some dragon groaning.

"This is Hualongtan." Le Huang showed a startled look, and then showed ecstasy. It seems that they should be the first people to arrive here.

"It should be right." Feng Hao nodded. The surrounding environment is very similar to the picture that just appeared in his mind. If there is no mistake, this is indeed Hualongtan.

"There are no people around here, obviously we were the first to arrive." Le Huang nodded, and then laughed, but did not expect that they were the first to find Hualongtan in the end.

"Don't worry, now we can't determine where the others are. If we now rush to Hualongtan and are bitten and attacked by others, the fun will be great." Feng Hao groaned and shook. Shake his head.

"Then what do we do?" Le Huang heard it, and it also made sense. At the moment, he was quite distressed, watching Hualongtan just ahead, but at this time, he couldn't start imbibing the real dragon spirit directly. .

"If this is not the case, you first go down to absorb the breath of true dragons. I will come and guard this place first." After a moment of groaning, Le Huang also said it suddenly. He felt that the tone of the two people wasted time. One absorbs the true dragon's breath, and then lets the other absorb it again, so as to maximize the interests of both of them.

Listening to what Le Huang said, Feng Hao's heart also moved, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "You go down first and give it to me here."

He is naturally clear that the first person to go down to Longtan will be facing the huge true dragon spirit, and the benefit gained is of course needless to say, even if the second one goes down, it is naturally impossible to communicate with the first. Compared to one.

"You are not staying properly. You are just the emperor's cultivation. Although it is a demon evil, but with the existence of this level of Chunxuan, once they arrive, you can't stop them." Le Huang laughed: " Rather than letting you go down first, maybe there will be some opportunities for chance. "

Feng Hao could not find a reason for refuting the words of Le Huang. Indeed, if Chun Xuan and others arrived, they would want to stop them, I am afraid it would not work.

With the characteristics of Chunxuan and others, after looking for Hualongtan, I saw that some people appeared earlier than them. It must be a hands-on operation without saying a word. At that time, someone must be able to stop their existence.

At this point, Feng Hao's current repair is still not possible, so the best thing is that Feng Hao first goes down and then changes to the music emperor, provided that they do not find Hualongtan so soon.

"I take this down." Feng Hao patted his chest, and he clearly understood that the benefits of being the first to enter Hualongchi were almost unimaginable, but Le Huang was willing to let him He goes down first.

"Don't be arrogant, big man." Le Huang also laughed, "Maybe I'll let you take the lead to see if there is any danger below."

In the face of Le Huang's jokes, Ye Qing also smiled slightly. At the moment, he is also willing to answer: "OK, then let me explore Hualongtan for you."

Without further ado, after a conversation, Feng Hao intends to enter the Hualongtan directly and let the Dehuang emperor stay.

"Did you just jump straight down like this?" Feng Hao asked helplessly as he stood on the edge of Hualongtan, watching the surface of the pond filled with thick white mist.

"It should be" Le Huang was speechless for a while.

"Okay, I'll go straight, and I'll leave it to you." Feng Hao took a deep breath, and then jumped forward, directly beside the pool, and jumped down.


A light rang came, although Le Huang did not see people and scenes, because the white mist was too strong and could not be seen at all, but Le Huang knew that Feng Hao had directly entered the Hualongtan.

"Hualongtan, what exactly is it?" Le Huang also felt it, and was very curious inside, but now he did not forget his duties, and began to sit directly beside the pond.

Now he can't perceive the situation under Hualongtan, and it's not clear what Feng Hao is facing now, but he also waits quietly. He believes that there will be others looking for him soon, and all he has to do Stop those people from entering Hualongtan.

After waiting for about half an hour like this, the emperor still didn't hear any news from Hualongtan, but Lehuang opened his eyes suddenly because he realized that he had a strong breath. Gradually approaching here.

There was a sound of footsteps, Le Huang squinted his eyes, and his face slowly became more dignified. Those who could find it at this time were either luck or by chance, or they were extremely difficult. .

If it is involved, it is better to deal with it, but if it is the latter, the only thing that Lehuang can do is to delay as much as possible.

Later, a vague figure appeared in front of the music emperor, passing through the thick mist. This was a slender figure, but behind him was an extremely huge figure. The long sword is inconsistent with his slender body.

But his pace was exceptionally firm. With each step, the space around them was slightly trembling. At the moment when he noticed this situation, Lehuang's expression became even stronger.