Chapter 2668: Transmutation

Chapter 2668: Metamorphosis

Under these circumstances, Feng Haoqiang endured the pain brought about by the transformation in his body. He had endured the pain caused by this transformation too many times. He grew from a small nothingness at the beginning to So far, this state has not transformed into a dragon after experiencing great pain.

Even at this time, a crunching sound came from Feng Hao's body. This was the sound of bone fracture in his body. The majestic essence contained in Dragon Ball would completely transform his entire body.

It was reborn, but at this time, Feng Hao suddenly noticed that the meridians in his body had also changed. It was like meridians made of crystals. This transformation occurred after the power of Dragon Ball penetrated into it.

"This dragon ball"

Feng Hao was astonished in his heart, because under this change, he noticed that his meridians had become stronger and could withstand even greater energy shocks.

However, this metamorphosis is far from over, and pains that cannot be expressed in words spread throughout his body. At the same time as the meridian metamorphosis, the skeleton of the whole body also changed under the power of Dragon Ball.

The golden bones originally in his body looked very strong, but under the power of the dragon ball, they gradually disintegrated. At the moment when the bones disintegrated, the power of the dragon ball even reshaped the disintegrated bones.

I do n’t know how many bones there are in a human body, let alone the fact that all bones need to be tempered. This process is simply a torment.

Feng Hao's face also became more and more painful. This feeling made people crazy. At this time, Feng Hao's body was spreading with blood mist immediately, and a continuous blood mist burst out from his pores.


With a roar, Feng Hao finally couldn't help the pain coming from his body, and made a loud scream for it, which immediately shocked the whole stepping fairy house.

The Le Huang and Nangong Wuji, who were in retreat, were also shocked this time. After a while, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the building where Feng Hao was located, and both looked at them solemnly.

"Feng Hao is refining Dragon Ball." Nangong asked in a deep voice, and he felt that there was a terrible energy in the building, and the magnitude of this energy was beyond his expectation.

Le Huang nodded his head, showing anxiety, and said, "Even things like Dragon Ball, even in the Penglai world, have never appeared, so no one can help him in the process of refining Dragon Ball."

After this sentence came down, the other strong men in Taxianlou were also startled. They all appeared here. Even the happy heart was startled. She glanced at her and frowned slightly.

"What is the boy doing?" At this point, Xuanyi also felt his beard.

At the moment, Le Huang also whispered to him that Feng Hao was refining Dragon Ball, and he was making breakthroughs around him.

"That kid is breaking through." Xuan Yi heard the words, and immediately hesitated, followed by anxiety.

"Well, it should be. He had absorbed the real dragon spirit and was on the verge of breakthrough. This time refining the Dragon Ball, it must be able to impact the realm of God." Le Huang nodded, and looked a little suspiciously. One glance at the mysterious doctor did not understand why he looked so exaggerated.

"Let everyone leave Ta Xianlou, fast, you have to be fast." At the moment, Xuanyi's face also became extremely dignified, facing Lehuangdao: "Here can't stay here anymore. We must know that once he breaks through to God's realm, it must be Caused condemnation. "

"The enchantment that has already condemned Xianxu Tower should still be able to bear it." Le Huang heard it now and waved his hand, not paying much attention to what Xuanyi said.

Xuan Yi heard the words, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head, and said, "You don't know the ability of this guy.

"Capable." Le Huang gave a momentary stun, as if it was remembering something at the moment, and could not help but blast, saying: "I XX, that guy has the power of condemnation."

Immediately, the response of the music emperor was too ridiculous. He forgot that Feng Hao had the power of condemnation, which proves that once this guy wants to be promoted, he will attract condemnation. However, such evils like Feng Hao exist to the extreme. Will the condemnation he triggered be compared to ordinary people.

"Leaving Ta Xianlou, hurry up."

At the moment, Le Huang also reacted and showed a helpless look. If Feng Hao triggered the condemnation, it does n’t matter if you step on Xianxian Tower, but if the people in it suffer any problems, then the fun will be great. Already.

You know, once there is someone else within the scope of triggering the condemnation, not only will it be harmed, but the person who passed through the condemnation will also suffer more terrible condemnation.

At the moment, under the command of Lehuang, all the strong men in Ta Xianlou were evacuated one after another, and together with the other strong men in the entire city of Ling Xiaocheng, they looked at each other in doubt from the Ta Xianlou. Strong.

"What's going on, how could the strong men who set foot on Xianxian appeared."

"A lot of people, what's going on."

With the gradual emergence of the strong men in Ta Xianlou, it also caused the entire city of Ling Xiao to fall into a panic, thinking that something major would happen, but after the emergence of these strong men in Ta Xianlou, there was no other action. It was a look of gossip one by one.

"Do you say this guy can survive the condemnation?" Nangong also asked with a tilted head.

"It should be possible. Since he chose to attack the realm, he must have the confidence to deal with the condemnation." Le Huang shrugged his shoulders at the moment, and said, "And that guy controlled the power of condemnation, and presumably dealt with the condemnation. One set, we don't worry too much. "

Listening to the conversation between Nangong Wuji and Lehuang, they didn't find it, but Le Xin's brow was always tightly frowning, and even a look of worry flashed from time to time.

As for the movements inside Taxianlou, Feng Hao is completely unclear. At this time, he is still undergoing the process of metamorphosis. After a period of time, the bone metamorphosis of his entire body has been completed. Those bones that have completed metamorphosis, It also became crystal clear and clear at this time.

However, Feng Hao can clearly feel that the bones in his body are surrounded by a faint stream of airflow. With these airflows, the bones that have just completed their transformation have become stronger.

Moreover, in the process of transformation, Feng Hao also realized the benefits of this transformation to himself.