v2 Chapter 11: Let's compete!

After meeting with Teana, of the three men who are most threatening to them, they have already met with two of them, but they are Tianwei or Teana. Neither of them will be to Fenghao. Is the weak.

Especially the latter, Teana, this person from the guardian clan seems to be more mysterious.

Guarding the clan is a more mysterious existence than the two giants. For this race, no one has ever seen his true details, so Feng Hao is now the most jealous of the thunder and the emperor.

As for the Tianwei, although it is the Supreme Master Ssangyong, for Feng Hao, it seems far less threatening than the previous two.

Moreover, at this time, he has already completed the fourth breakthrough of Fosun Tianjue, that is, his sudden outburst has already increased by four times. This card can be used as a last resort.

No matter it is Tianyi, or Tianwei, or even the imperial thunder that has never met, as long as it has not broken through to the supreme state, then Fenghao has confidence and can completely rely on his own hand to open the sky and press the opposite side. .

Later, Feng Hao turned around and left. Now he has unknowingly completed the breakthrough, so he does not have too much worry, after all, he cannot continue to try to break through the fifth in a short time.

That is a bit unrealistic. For his current situation, it is already very difficult to open up the fourfold strategy. As for the fifth, it can only be seen in the future and cannot be forced.

In the following period of time, Feng Hao walked around the Luandao Building almost every day, but did not go out. As for the two people, Lehuang and Nangong Wuji, they also fell into their retreats. among.

On the third day, Le Huang and Nangong Wuji finally went out together. Feng Hao looked at the contentment of the two of them, and could not help but smile slightly, it seemed that they were in the retreat this time. It also has a lot of gains.

"It seems you have touched that threshold."

Feng Hao smiled slightly, looking at the music emperor in front of him, and was surprised at the breath of the latter. In just a few days, the music emperor seemed to have completed the transformation, giving a more elegant atmosphere. feel.

"It's a little worse, but it's not far."

Le Huang replied with a smile, and the threshold mentioned by the two populations was naturally the threshold encountered by the Lord when he broke through to the Supreme. This has to be said that Le Huang's qualifications are also very amazing, and he almost came into that. Among other realms.

As for Nangong Wuji, it is not so fast, but the practice in these days seems to give him a deeper understanding of the exquisite fairy ruler. Naturally, there is not much pursuit in his heart, although his cultivation may be a little weaker, But for him, the explosive power of the exquisite fairy ruler can completely make up for this.

"Haha, that's all right." Feng Hao shrugged his shoulders, and then smiled lightly, "Today is the start of the competition to marry relatives, let's go for fun."

"Well, isn't it that we belong to the kind of recognized players and don't need to participate directly?" Nangong didn't react for a while, and he was puzzled at the moment.

"Although that's what it says, you can't deny that in this world, it will never be a genius." Feng Hao explained: "Maybe this time in the draft, it really is There will be characters who even fear me. "

"Is it so powerful, people like this shouldn't be unknown," Nangong said without doubt.

Feng Hao and Le Huang looked at each other and shook their heads with a smile. The most interesting thing in this world is that you will never know who you will face next time, even if it is as strong as Feng Hao. I dare not say that it is to confirm that this time in the draft, it will not be a sudden black horse.

"Since you said that, let's go." Le Huang shrugged his shoulders, anyway, now that he and Nangong Wuji have already cultivated, then they can go out anyway.

"Well, let's go." Feng Hao nodded, and Nangong Wuji beside him also shrugged his shoulders. Feng Hao and Le Huang said so, so naturally he didn't have any chance to refute. Let's go out for a walk.

Subsequently, the three people walked out of the Lun Dao Lou, and sure enough, after leaving the Lun Dao Lou, Feng Hao and others felt that the entire Daocheng was caught in an unprecedented liveliness, which seemed to be accompanied by competition. At the beginning of recruiting relatives, the atmosphere of this Daocheng reached a critical point.

The strong people everywhere, the flow of people coming and going, the bustle of noise, constantly filled this Daocheng, Feng Hao and others naturally followed the flow of people, and gradually came to the place where the contest was held.

It is the center of Daocheng, Tianwutai.

Tianwutai is a rather unique place in the center of Daocheng. This is a huge competition platform. It is said that at the beginning, Xuandaogu established such a huge performance martial arts for the disciples to practice martial arts. station.

And gradually, Tianwutai also became a unique existence as the center of Daocheng. Usually in Daocheng, once there is any friction, or if grievances occur, it will be the most direct sign to go to Tianwutai A victory or defeat, even the most serious, is a battle of life and death in Tianwutai.

Therefore, Tianwutai has another name for life and death.

This time, because the contest of recruiting relatives was too grand, the Xuandao Valley was also decided. It was simply that the location of the contest of recruiting relatives was placed in Tianwutai.

In this way, the huge Tianwutai can accommodate more people to join the relatives to recruit relatives, instead of spending other efforts to think of other places.

"There are so many people in the trough." Nangong walked on the street without fear, and was surprised to see people everywhere.

"But then, I heard that this time we invited relatives, but there were tens of thousands of people participating." Le Huang shrugged beside him: "Don't underestimate the charm of Fenghao's daughter-in-law. Tens of thousands will fight for her alone. "

"Haha, don't take me out of the way, be careful that I can beat you." Feng Hao smiled, looked at so many people, said it was not surprising, it was impossible, but he didn't have much fear in his heart and was qualified to fight In the end, he is qualified to make him pay attention.