v2 Chapter 174: Ask for help

Chapter 174: Asking for Help

It is almost impossible now to rely on the strength of the human race to solve the problems facing the hundreds of continents today.

What was originally thought to be given to him by the old man Xuanyuan can be used to guide him to find the strength left by the son-in-law and solve the disaster this time.

But I did not expect that the final result would be like this, and now they also know that this time the turmoil of the hundreds of continents seems not so simple.

The monster that robbed the house seemed to be engaged in a conspiracy, an extremely unusual conspiracy, and the goal was naturally the three restricted areas!

Among the three restricted areas, the seals are the monsters from the ancient times. Together with the Pangu deity, there are monsters that cannot be killed.

Once a problem occurs in the restricted area, the consequences can be extremely serious.

"Now, we must find the two giant forces to help, otherwise, the power of the human race will not be able to calm down this turmoil." Xuanyuan old man Shen said.

"Do you really want to kill half a hundred ethnic continents?" Feng Hao slowly raised his head, even if he was, but thought of wanting to kill half a hundred ethnic continents himself, but any cultivation that was infected by the breath of monster One cannot stay!

Now, some time ago, the monster was out of control, and the hundred continents were caught in the war. The practitioners he infected did not know how many people.

However, these people must not stay, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Killing one person is sin, killing a hundred people is male, and male." The old man in Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "There is always someone who needs to stand up."

Feng Hao nodded, which was quite helpless. He knew that he might have done it like this. After countless years, the Baizu continent might describe him as a demon, but the current situation did not allow him to choose.

If you want to keep the hundreds of continents, then even if you slaughter half of the hundreds of continents who have been demonized, what is it? As long as you have a clear conscience, this is enough.

"Then we are now leaving, but Chi is changing. I am afraid that this monster also has other plans going on at the same time. If so, I am afraid it will be extremely troublesome."

The old man of Xuanyuan also slowly and authentically. Now the sooner this kind of thing is, the better, the smell of monsters is like a plague, and it is permeated rapidly in this continent.

Afterwards, Feng Hao also turned around and said to Yu Ning: "Have a good rest, and leave the rest to me."

"Feng Hao, I'm sorry, I couldn't help." Yu Ning said quietly, with a kind of sorry in his tone.

Feng Hao smiled, and touched Yu Ning's long black hair. "It's no wonder you don't mind it. It's okay."

Yu Ning had a good heart, and Feng Hao didn't want anything that could affect Yu Ning's heart, including the next thing to do, and he didn't tell Yu Ning.

Watching Yu Ning leave, Feng Hao's expression gradually became dignified, he said to the Supreme Master Hongmen and others: "Please prepare, wait for me to come back from the world of Penglai, ready to start."

"Do you really want to do this?" Huang Yuntian was slightly hesitant, even though he lived longer than Feng Hao, and had more insights than Feng Hao, but he wanted to kill him like this. .

"This must be done for the safety and security of the other peoples of the 100 ethnic continent." Feng Hao shook his head and looked at the distance: "There must always be one to stand up. In this case, my hands are stained with blood, and I have a long history of infamy, so what."

Some of the strong players present were silent. What I have to say is that Feng Hao is very courageous. Making this decision alone is not something that ordinary people can make.

Even after the eternal innocence of the world's infamous, Feng Hao still chooses, because he has a clear conscience.

Subsequently, after Feng Hao ordered something, he returned to the Penglai world with the old man of Xuanyuan, and directly brought together the two masters of Ling Xiaofeng and Xuandao Valley.

Today, Tongtian and Honggu have entered the realm of the gods, but their mentality has not changed much. After all, the significance of the existence of the two giants is clearer than anyone.

"You mean, is the situation of the hundreds of continents now critical?" Tongtian knew that Feng Hao would decide to do his best to those practitioners infected with monsters, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

That's estimated to be millions of lives

"If it weren't for the critical situation and there was no solution, I wouldn't be like that." Feng Hao sighed.

"Let ’s do it. Compared to these, once the seals of the three restricted areas have problems, the consequences will only be more uncontrollable." Hong Gu also slowly said, his character is quite decisive, since he cannot The contempt of reparation, it might as well be ruthless to start directly.

"Yes, but also as soon as possible, we don't have much time to delay." Elder Xuanyuan also said lightly: "If the two great forces send strong men, they should be able to make people a little easier."

Hong Gu and Tongtian looked at each other and immediately nodded. Since the old man Xuanyuan said so, they have no objection at the moment.

"Then let's call the strong. This time we will send all the strong in the realm of God. If not, I'm afraid it hasn't had much effect." Tongtian slowly said, indeed, relatively speaking, handling such things , I am afraid that the general strong can't face it.

Only the strongest in the realm of God can do it. Although there is a loss of some of the backbone in the Xuandao Valley because of the previous immortal infiltration, there are still dozens of strong in the realm of God. No problem.

"I can send fifty people to Ling Xiaofeng." Honggu also slowly said, this number is almost close to the limit of Ling Xiaofeng, after all, it also needs a part of the power to defend the Penglai mainland.

"That's bothersome." Feng Hao was also clasping his hands together at the moment, and then the two masters returned separately, convened the strong, and prepared to return to the Hundreds of Continents.

The blood-washing monster this time is probably a rather time-consuming thing. With the help of the two powerful giants, it should make people a lot easier.

After all, today's human race is already a strong guardian. At that time, the strong guardian will be added. Presumably this power will be even more powerful. The practitioners who deal with these monster infections are also sufficient.