v2 Chapter 209: Ascaris appeared

At this moment, the power of this maggot was also suppressed by Feng Hao. This scorpion was condensed from the strength of the heart in the heart. At present, because Feng Hao completely isolated everything around him in advance, there was no ability at this time. Facing Feng Hao's blow!

After a punch, these four weeks were completely calmed down, and the air was even surrounded by mists of white ice and cold, but Feng Hao unlocked the ban. These forces did not affect him at all!

"Very well, this tapeworm has weakened a lot, and I can feel it."

At the moment, Xiao Hei is also very happy. The weaker the tapeworm, the better. At present, because Feng Hao suppresses this part of the energy, relatively speaking, the refinement of Xiao Qingmeng will also become simpler, at least. There is no danger.

However, at this time, Le Xin still looked at Feng Hao coldly, and said coldly, "I look down on you. In this case, don't hesitate to save this person."

Feng Hao's eyes tightened, and his face suddenly changed, angrily, "Morocco, what do you want to do?"

"What do you do to undermine my plan? If that's the case, I won't make you wish, to save her, to dream."

Moroccan's power controlled Le Xin, and immediately gave out a stern laugh. Suddenly her eyes tightened suddenly, and Le Xin's body began to tremble violently. At this moment, from her body, The transmitted force became more intense!

"Oops, no, that maggot's power seems to be out of control."

Xiao He opened his eyes sharply, because it was instilling power into Qingmeng, so he could easily know the body in Lexin's body at this time.

Hearing that, Feng Hao's face became more dignified, and asked, "Is there any way?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, then the poisonous worm of the soul would completely escape from her body, and then completely devour the last soul power of joy, and at that time, naturally, There is no way to save people. "

"Meaning, do I want to kill this poisonous worm?" Feng Hao paused.

"Yes, all you have to do is stop this poisonous insect from appearing and devour the last soul power of Lexin. On the side of Qingmeng, as long as you give a little more time, you can use the power in your body to control the poisonous poison. Now. "

Xiao Hei Shen chanted, after such a refinement, Qingmeng also gradually controlled the power of this soul's poison, but she still needs time to fully control, but this premise is that the soul's poisonous poisonous insect and Nothing is to destroy the last soul power of joy.

If not, it is tantamount to abandoning all previous achievements.

"I understand."

Feng Hao nodded at the moment, and immediately again took the opportunity to apply a layer of magical spells on the body of Le Xin, and then waited for the poisonous insect of the soul to appear!

This time, he can't be careless. This poisonous insect is the key to soul poisoning. However, this poisonous insect is related to Moroccan, so it is easy for Fenghao to imagine that he is not dealing with ordinary poisonous insects. .

Even this poisonous insect has some Moroccan power attached to it!

In this way, this poisonous bug is not easy.

After a while, Le Xin's body was struggling consciously, showing a painful look. At this time, she was back to normal. Moratian did not continue to control Le Xin, but even worse, from her body. The power that pervaded became even more terrifying!

Immediately, Le Xin's throat squirmed slightly, as if there was something to struggle with. After a moment, she vomited subconsciously, and a haze of white light suddenly burst out of her mouth. It's like entering a cold place.

The temperature dropped sharply, but Feng Hao suddenly stretched out his palm at this moment, holding the misty white light tightly.

This is the poisonous worm of the soul.

The feeling of starting was a kind of coldness. At the moment, Feng Hao's entire arm was covered with a layer of hoarfrost. However, at this time, Feng Hao's face changed drastically. He felt that this group of gods Mang actually wanted to enter his body.

"Well, it's so naive, so I can invade your body."

The mist of white energy radiated Moroccan's voice immediately, Feng Hao's eyes narrowed, it can be clearly seen that judging by his own feeling, this should be a bug, but this bug I want to get into my body, which is the soul poison.

The guy from Moruotian is so cunning, no matter whether it is Xiaohei or Fenghao, he thinks that Moruotian will destroy the joy, but he did not expect that Moruotian would pay attention to this!

"The abacus is quite good. Unfortunately, it seems naive to want to plant this soul into my body."

Feng Hao also sneered slightly, even though his arms were covered with hoarfrost at this time, and even a little numbness appeared, but the power in his body moved quickly, directly against the soul poison. Invasion!

"Feng Hao, hold on, Qing Meng still needs a while. Don't let the soul poison your body. Otherwise, you will give up your work by then." Feng Hei's anxious cold came from the ear Sound, he reminded at the moment.

Today, the refining of Qingmeng has entered a critical period. As long as she is given a little time, she can find a way to completely control the poison of this soul. At that time, this soul is poisoned. The dream is in control, and even if Morotian has the greatest ability, he can't do much more.

Feng Hao took a deep breath, and immediately he held the mist of white energy in his hand, and he closed his eyes slowly. The historical one in his body was working automatically to compete with it. This soul is a poisonous invasion.

Within Dantian, the power of Lingzhu burst out suddenly, and the faint blue goddess quickly emerged above Fenghao's arm.


A slight sound came, and suddenly, Feng Hao also found that the hoarfrost that had covered his arm before was gradually resolved.

"this is"

Feng Hao could not help but hesitated slightly. Even if he noticed this scene, he also discovered that it seemed to be related to the power of the soul. Could it be the power of the spirit beads that restrained the soul's poisonous power, but it was wrong How did this not happen before?

"You and you have spirit beads." However, at this time, the voice of Moroten's desperation was heard.