v3 Chapter 257: Valkyrie Sovereign

Suddenly ...

Everyone of Wushenzong stood up, with hundreds of thunders in his head.



"Lin Xinlin is gone, why ... what happened?"

"Is there a problem with the formation?"

Wu Shenzong's disciples, elders, shuddered as if they were struck by lightning.

While stunned, his body shook like sieve.

Xuan Tiance stood on the platform of Tayuntai, and the whole person felt scalp numbness, but that was the heart-training forest ...

For thousands of years, unexpected levels have never happened.

Ren Tianjiao's excellence was also more or less devastated by the demon in it, but like Lin Yu, the situation where the refining forest has disappeared is the first time ...

After the refining forest dies, Feng Hao stands alone in the forest, giving the impression that he is the center of heaven and earth.

"Lin Xinlin is gone. Those guys should be able to pass the three levels ..."

Feng Hao murmured in a low voice.

At the time of passing this level, by the way, I think about the people behind me, it is estimated that there are not many.

Fortunately, the powerful people in all countries also understand Feng Hao's heart, they began to look at Feng Hao.

Of course, there are some unscrupulous people who feel they are undermining their future.

Maybe there is a huge opportunity in the heart of the refining forest.

"We need to seize the opportunity. Without the refining forest, we only need to pass the second pass."

A dragon in the dragon group is extraordinary.

Then began the evaluation of Tayuntai, followed by Yang Yan and the **** dog, and then he was a strong country.


At the same time, in the depths of the Emperor Wuzong Sect, an assessment elder was kneeling in the bamboo house.

Opposite him was an old man with white hair and a thin body.

You can't see any spiritual fluctuations on your body, and it's no different from an ordinary bad old man.

Even ... the whole body was filled with death.

The mortal man probably looks like this.

"Master, today's assessment, someone broke the record! Thirty-six seconds to clear the ladder to climb the ladder, and the time it takes to step on the platform is almost the same."

The appraisal elder reported excitedly.

"Um ... thirty-six seconds? The foundation is very good and outstanding." The Emperor Wushen nodded.

But his expression was extremely calm, and apparently he didn't pay much attention.

The elder of the appraisal froze.

Emperor Wushen said quietly: "Because climbing the ladder and stepping on the cloud platform are related to the realm of the passers through ... If this monarch goes through the pass, the effort of several breaths will pass. In fact, the real assessment is to consolidate the heart forest. The higher, the harder it is to pass ... "

At the moment when the elders were disappointed, the vassal suzerainer chuckled and said, "For those who have other ulterior motives, enter the vassal sect, and the refining forest will make them regret ..."

"Master, it's over! It's over!"

As soon as the voice of the Emperor Wushen had fallen, just outside the bamboo house, there was an elder of the assessment, who fell tremblingly from the sky.

His face flushed: "It's over ... it's over!"

"That guy is over?"

The elder who first came to report was surprised.

Valkyrie Suzerain said calmly: "The guy who shocked you, must have been killed to make the heart forest ... Valkyrie is not the one who wants to come, he wants to leave ..."

The pale elder, panting assessment elder shook his head again and again: "No, the young man is not finished, it is the refining of the heart ..."


The Emperor of the Wushen prince stunned for a moment and did not quite understand it.

Then the evaluation elders were also a little aggressive, so what happened to Lian Xinlin?

Even when they are elders in the sect, they need to sharpen their mind and heart, they will go to the Xinlin Forest for further study.

It seems that Lian Xinlin never ends.

"The youngest man who broke through the level quickly, when he was tested in Lianxin Forest, Lianxin Forest exploded directly."

That assessment elder's guts.

too terrifying.

Now that I think about it, he has a feeling of urinary incontinence. When the refining forest was annihilated, he was sent by the elder Xuanji.

What is the specific situation now, he wants to know now.


After hearing these words, the Sovereign Lord of the War God felt that his head was buzzing, as if he had been hammered hundreds of times.


He can't calm down now. Lianxin Forest is one of the core of Wushen Sect. It is used to select disciples and prevent people with ulterior motives from entering the Zongmen.

If Lian Xinlin is gone, it will be troublesome to recruit disciples.

If you want to prevent some people from entering the Zongmen, you can only stop recruiting disciples. However, if there is no fresh blood injection from the Wushen Sect, the talents may break down, and you may face the danger of extinction.

The originally calm and valiant Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign can no longer calm down at this moment, he is going to find out.

What the **** happened.

The Emperor of the War Gods turned into a light smoke and floated out of the bamboo house, the two elders were extremely envious.

You must know that this is the ability of Emperor Wupin's realm. One step away is Yipinfansheng.

As long as he is a martial art saint, Shou Yuan's skyrocketing will not be said, but he is also qualified to meet Lin Zhoutian Emperor.

The two elders calmed down and chased afterwards.


When the Emperor Wushen appeared in the assessment area of ​​the foreign ancestors, the assessment elders saw this scene and greeted him kneeling.

"Meet the lord!"

The movement was so loud that it immediately caught everyone's attention.

Feng Hao stepped out of the Lianxin Forest and boarded the place where the elders were assessed.

It is only a few hundred meters away from the Sovereign of Wushen.


Emperor Wushen saw Feng Hao stepping out of the Lianxin Forest, and thought it was a peerless hero.

Who knows he glanced at the past and found that there was no spiritual power in Feng Hao's body.

No different from ordinary people.

Suddenly impressed.

He looked at the bare Lianxin Forest, and suddenly there was a feeling of bleeding in his heart. After carefully inquiring the elders about how the Lianxin Forest disappeared.

All the spearheads were aimed at Feng Hao.

Therefore, the vassal suzerain went to Feng Hao. Similarly, Feng Hao should face the vassal suzerain.

A slight smile appeared on Feng Hao's face: "Wu Huang?"

This kind of cultivation is barely a majestic picture, but in his opinion, it is also no different from ordinary people.

"What is your name?"

The God of Warlords stared at Feng Hao: "Who sent you here? How did you destroy the Chaos Forest?"

A series of questions made Feng Hao frown slightly.

"You can see my name by yourself. No one sent me. As for how I destroyed the Chaos Forest? This question is a bit esoteric because ... I just said two words and it disappeared ..."

Feng Hao whispered softly.

He also concealed his identity for some reason, otherwise he would be revealed directly. I am afraid that the upper and lower levels of this martial art sect would respect him as the lord ...

?????? "What two words did you say?"

The Emperor of the Wushen Sect raised a brow and wondered if it was a means in the ancient mantra?