v3 Chapter 576: Heaven Recovery

The appearance of Jiang Zhi broke the silence in the hall.

The emperor Jiang Li returned to God and looked straight at Jiang: "Cough, cough ... nothing was missed ... nothing happened."

Jiang Zhi wondered: "Is that ... isn't the Immortal King just now?"

"Have it?"

Jiang Liyi solemnly said: "Maybe the emperor just read it wrong, how can there be any immortal king ..."

Jiang Li didn't want Jiang Zhi to know that Feng Hao was free to slay the immortal king.

Some things don't know to be better.

Lest Jiang Zhi follow suit.

Jiang Zhi didn't think too much. Maybe the man was not the immortal king just now ...

But it's too similar.

If it was really the Undead King, he might be scared, because when the man finally disappeared, the misery was like killing a pig ...


Feng Hao pulled the Immortal King out and walked around, there is no special purpose, to tell the Emperor Jiang Lie one thing ...

He is strong!

In fact, Jiang Li did feel his horror.

"Imperial brother, hurry ... Look at the portrait for Fengshen King ..."

Jiang Li quickly hurriedly instructed Jiang Zhi to hand over Hua Xia to Lin Yu, who saw the imperial look of the emperor.

I thought that if it was n’t the immortal king that was taken away by the King of the Wind God, he took off his head and kicked it for the emperor.

Jiang Zhi gave Feng Hao the portrait in his hand.

Feng Hao spread his hands, and this portrait spread out slowly in the void in front of him ...

The background on the portrait is a quiet night. A man in a white robe stands on a rock by the cliff, and behind it is a huge full moon ...

The whole picture is beautiful.

What surprised Feng Hao was that the man in the portrait really thought about him, similar to the same person.

The person in the portrait doesn't have that kind of demon feeling, it can be determined that it should not be a demon emperor.

But since it is not the demon emperor, it is obviously only himself ...

"Really me?"

Feng Hao murmured, this portrait is too weird, even if the person in the portrait is him, but who is painting next to it?

No one can imagine it out of thin air ...

If it is fantasised out of thin air, it can be explained a little bit. After all, there is still a great chance of encountering similar people in casual portraits.

Feng Hao closed the portrait, flicked her fingers, and returned to Jiang Zhi's hands.

Feng Hao said, "The background of this portrait ... do you know where?"

Jiang Li glanced at Jiang Zhi and said positively: "This is a picture of the **** of heaven, floating from the sky ... This background is not in the territory of Daxia, nor in other dynasties ... It should be a place where Tiandao recovers . "

"Heavenly recovery?"

When Feng Hao heard the word, he felt that it was not easy at that time, and the whole person suddenly became interested.

The word was like a stone falling into his calm heart like a lake of spring water, making ripples.


Jiang Zhi grabbed Jiang Li's right to speak, and said in full color: "What you see now as the God King is only the withering situation of heaven, and this heavenly **** picture from the sky tells us ... you are the recovery of heaven key."

Immediately after, Jiang Li said, "Whether or not the heaven in other places can recover, anyway ... God King, you are in the summer. Be sure to help us ..."

Feng Hao saw the two people Huang Jiangli and Jiang Zhi. You rushed to talk, and the whole person was a bit messy.

In an ordinary dynasty, when the emperor inevitably fought with his own brother to die for it, how did he get to Daxia in the ancient land, and the relationship was ridiculous.

Isn't ... the imperial power here is not attractive enough?

It doesn't make sense!

Who doesn't want to be emperor ...

Feng Hao is actually a little bit suspicious. Without the recovery in Daxia Road, these people are so powerful and outrageous. After the road recovery that day, wouldn't these people be more terrible?

However, this is not a suitable question to ask others.

Feng Hao suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the floating island he saw on the beast car when he first entered the Imperial City of Zhongzhou ...

The man Huang Jiangli told Jiang Zhi that the portrait of the **** in white fell from the sky.

Is it possible that it just fell off the floating island?

Feng Hao looked at Emperor Jiang Li and said, "This portrait fell from the sky. The emperor knows ... Is there anything over the imperial city of Zhongzhou?"


Got wool?

People's Emperor Jiang Liman's mind is full of questions. What can be over the Zhongzhou Imperial City?

Does air count?

Jiang Zhi is also a little stunned ... What is there over the imperial city, the air and the birds?

There are stars in the sky.

Feng Hao saw the two men look aggressive, and knew that even the Emperor Xia could not see the floating island.

Feng Hao is extremely curious about the island now. After he plans to talk to Jiang Li and leave, he will find a way to investigate.

In addition, Feng Hao also wants to know about the connection between the ancient land and the earth.

"The emperor knows that outside this ancient continent ... what is it?" Feng Hao chuckled.


have what?

Jiang Li feels that the two questions Feng Hao asked before and after are too substandard. There is air in the sky and there are endless seas outside the mainland ...

As a person on the Pacific continent, why don't you even know this common sense?

When Feng Hao saw the impertinence of Huang Li, he knew that this group must not know it, so he pinned his hope on Jiang Zhi.

who knows……

Jiang Zhi frowned, as if in deep thought ...

And Feng Hao found that Jiang looked directly at him, just like watching an idiot!

Feng Hao was upset at the time, and Shen said, "You know that there is a continent larger than your imperial city above the imperial city of Zhongzhou? Outside the ancient land is a world you have never seen before ... "

Finally, Feng Hao whispered softly: "Of course, you can't reach it ..."

Feng Hao figured it out a bit.

The emperor Jiang Li and Jiang straightened them. The reason why they can't see the floating islands and don't know the situation in the outside world ...

It's because everyone is in the same world, but just on different planes ...

It's like a high-rise building without elevators and stairs.

The house layout is exactly the same, but different people are born to live in it, and everyone does not meet each other.

One day, the residents in one floor suddenly had the ability to go to other floors at will.

Then he told the residents on the other floor what he saw on the floor, but other people didn't know and couldn't understand it ...

It's such a simple question.

Feng Hao thinks that this so-called God of Heaven figure has fallen from the floating island in the sky of Zhongzhou Imperial City.

Ren Huang Jiang Li followed Jiang Zhi and Jiang Meirou with wide eyes and looked at Feng Hao with an incredible look.

Is this happening?

Why don't they know that there is a floating island in the sky? Is there a new world outside the ancient land?

ps: qq search "Invincible from the beginning of recovery" ... or click the original ...