v3 Chapter 774: Dara Shinjo

Feng Hao thinks that Da Luo Shenzong may be the ancestral gate of Qingyang Xiandi. The reason for this idea is because the disciples of Qingyang Xiandi created the first fairyland Da Luotian in Jinxian Realm.

However, this is only speculation.

In addition, at the critical moment of the Hundred Sects Competition, all the Hundred Sect disciples will compete in the Da Luo Shenzong.

It is conceivable that the status of this Da Luo Shenzong in the Xuanxian ancestor world.

In this business, Feng Hao was originally alone, but now Zhu Bilie and Zongmen Jin Hao and other disciples are walking with Zhang Lai.

This feeling made Feng Hao suddenly feel a sense of belonging.

That is, Yuhua Shenzong is his gate.

But ... Feng Hao thought that Sun Wukong and Ju Yi had reshaped the body of Xuanxian, and coexisted with Yuhua Shenzong.

He has difficulty in turning into the Emperor Shenzong, and it is impossible for him to stand idly by.

A group of strong men who participated in the 100 Sects of Big Competition finally arrived at Dala Shinto ...

As the first Shenzong of the Xuanxian ancestors, Da Luo Shenzong has a wide territory, from tens of thousands of kilometers from the boundary of the gods to the core of the gods.

It occupies the most fertile resources of the Xuanxian ancestral realm. At the same time, the disciples are also recognized as the Tianjiao gathering place in the ancestral realm.

The gates of Da Luo Shenzong are magnificent, and many temples stand directly on the floating islands.

Each fairy chain is connected to each other.

The waterfalls hang from the suspended fairy island for nine days like a galaxy.

A hundred disciples who have been to Da Luo Shenzong from the future, after seeing the Xuanxian ancestral mountain gate, their eyes are straight ...

Some elders are even more emotional.

There is an impulse to run to Da Luo Shenzong.

But Da Luo Shenzong's requirements for recruiting disciples are particularly strict. They only accept Tianjiao ...

What is Tianjiao?

It's the kind of sleep you can take or you can break through the realm, but ordinary people need to pay ten or even hundreds of times to do it.

Therefore, Da Luo Shenzong has always been known as Tianjiao.

It means that the disciples of Da Luo Shenzong are all Tianjiao, work hard a little, and immediately are the unparalleled talents in Xuanxian ancestral realm.

When Feng Hao, Zhu Bilie, and Zongmen's disciples arrived at Dalu Shenzong Mountain Gate, they saw this beautiful scene.

Suddenly felt that Yuhua Shenzong was like a small town.

The Da Luo Shenzong is like a bustling metropolis, and the gap is not a small star.

As a small town in the border area of ​​Yuhua Shenzong, when I did n’t know how many years the gatekeeper of the city, Jin Hao, after seeing all of this,

He walked almost directly outside the gate of Da Luo Shenzong.

The expression was dull.

At this time, Feng Hao also wondered ... Will Jin Hao give birth to the idea of ​​worshipping Da Luo Shenzong.

But Jin Hao has recovered and chuckled: "It is indeed the first case of the Xuanxian ancestral realm. I believe that ... the Emperor Shenzong will be so eye-catching in the future ..."

Feng Hao smiled slightly.

The elder leading the Emperor Shenzong was in a good mood at this time.

To be honest, Jin Hao's disciple Jin Hao was a dark horse in this one-hundred-competition contest, almost coming through five levels.

It is true that we have come to this step on our own strength.

The middle **** disciples of the Neizong, and even the disciples of the elders, but in front of Jin Hao, became soft persimmons.

The defeat was a complete mess.

At that time, the suzerain also said that Yuhua Shenzong had two hos, both of whom were dragons and phoenixes!

Even the suzerain made such a statement, and Jin Hao became a core disciple of the Neizong.

Even this time in the Hundred Sects Competition, if he can achieve impressive results again, the Emperor Shenzong will not lose his reward.

Dalu Xianzong Mountain Gate did not open at this time. The disciples and various elders who came to participate in Dabi successively waited outside the gate.

Each case marked a place, and the disciples who participated in the contest were there.

The chief elder Zhu Bilie of Tianxuan Shenzong, reasonably said that he should return to the door of Shenshan, or return to his domain.

But Zhu Bilie was to stay with Feng Hao.

However, Zhu Bilie did not say hello to Tianxuan Shenzong, but the two elders led by Tianxuan Shenzong saw him.

The two elders had white hair and looked at the elder of the canopy, who was with Feng Hao, and then arched, "Why is the elder here?"

Zhu Bielie shook his body, and his inspections brought him up.

Suddenly, the two elders looked shocked, then stopped talking and left very tacitly.

The inspections did not allow them to enter the queues of their ancestors. This is the rule of a hundred cases.

At this time, the people of the Emperor Shenzong knew that the old man who was staying with Feng Hao turned out to be the inspector of the hundred supervising and supervising ambassadors.


Everyone felt a toothache at the time.

Feng Hao is a superintendent, and the entire Yuhua Shenzong knows it. It can even be said that it is famous throughout the Xuanxian ancestor world.

Because of the one hundred supervisors, only the median **** Fenghao, who is the feathered **** of the sect, served as the supervisor of the hundred contests.

The role of the median **** as the ambassador is the first case in the entire Xuanxian ancestor world.

However, Zhu Bilie is the inspector in charge of supervising and supervising the envoy. It stands to reason that between the inspector and the inspector, there is only discomfort to each other.

Can't wait for each other to make mistakes.

But abnormal behaviors such as Feng Hao and Zhu Bilie can make people feel tricky.

But Feng Hao and Zhu Bilie don't seem to care about this ...


I do n’t know how long it has elapsed, but the Zongmen disciples who came here one after another felt that I did n’t know when it was time.

Inside the gate of Dalu Shenzong Mountain, a loud voice penetrated the whole gate.


Suddenly, there was a ripple in the void of Da Luo Shenzong, apparently it was a formation.

Then a faceless old man came out of the ripples, he looked around, and arched, "You guys have been waiting for a long time ... the old man, Qingfengzi, is a disciple of Da Luo Shenzong! Please follow me ..."

When Feng Hao heard Qingfeng Zi's words, he couldn't help but be shocked.

This Qingfengzi is not too young, and even cultivated to be extremely deep, a little stronger than Zhu Bilie.

But just such a strong man, he is just a foreign disciple.

Not even Neizong's disciples!

Not even Elder Ezong.

As the Qingfengzi's voice fell, those hundred disciples who had been originally trimmed also got up one by one and entered the Daluo Shenzong in an orderly manner.

Feng Hao and others have already entered at this time.

In Dalu Shenzong Mountain Gate and the like, there are already more than a hundred disciples at this time, who are responsible for receiving everything during their time in Dabi.

And every disciple has a symbol above his head.

That is the symbol of the major gates.

It means which symbol of Shenzong appears on the head of which disciple, and they can follow that disciple.

The Hundred Cases Competition has not yet officially started.

But Da Luo Shenzong arranged everything early, it seems that he is waiting for this day to come!