Chapter 2031: evil city

Chapter 2031 Evil City

To speak such arrogant words in front of the monarch, what kind of courage is this?

Although the jealous monarch in front of him is not the body, but an incarnation, this incarnation also represents the monarch!

At this moment, everyone in the field was sweating for Xiaoxie, and those with a stronger sense of substitution were already trembling.

Everyone was afraid that the monarch would be furious in the next second, so he killed Xiaoxie directly, and solved them together along the way.

But no one thought that the jealous monarch just frowned and regained his calm, saying: "Okay, it's enough to vent, there's no need to be relentless. Wells once served as my boss. Messenger. You should be friendly, not drawn swords."

"Just him?" Xiaoxie pouted, "Is he worthy?"

The jealous monarch glanced at Xiaoxie displeasedly.

Those eyes seemed to say, in front of so many people, are you really not going to give yourself some face?

"Okay, I was wrong." Xiaoxie had enough to vent, of course it was impossible to fight against the jealous monarch. "As long as he doesn't provoke me in the future, I can ignore it."

Tianyu monarch showed a satisfied smile: "Very good."

paused, and the jealous monarch looked at Wells' remaining wisp of consciousness: "You also remember that you must not provoke the evil **** in the future."

Everyone looked at Xiao Xie in astonishment, they almost thought they had hallucinations, evil god?

The jealous monarch actually called Xiaoxie the evil god?

You know, this is a title with a little respect!

Xiao Xie had a smug expression on his face, as if he was telling everyone that the monarch would have to call me the evil **** if he saw it.

A moment later, the monarch of jealousy flicked his fingers, and a strand of muddy nectar flew to Wells. Under the urging of the former's consciousness, the muddy nectar was instantly refined and turned into a fountain of life, nourishing Wells. After a few breaths, although Wells did not return to his heyday, his consciousness had completely recovered, and his will was once again stabilized.

I saw Wells reshape his body, and then knelt down to the monarch of jealousy: "Thank you, monarch!"

The jealous monarch nodded slightly, and then without waiting for Wells to say anything, the figure slowly faded and disappeared.

"How about it, do you want to play again?" Xiaoxie looked at Wells with a half-smile.

Wells shivered and lowered his head quickly: "My lord, I was wrong. I shouldn't provoke my lord."

"It's really boring." Xiaoxie was suddenly bored, "I thought you had a tough temper."

shook his head, Xiaoxie's figure fell back to the ground, and after a few flashes, he came to Si Ming and others: "Let's go."

Wells' face changed for a while, but in the end he could only swallow his anger, not daring to say a word of cruelty.

Other people looked at Xiao Xie admiringly, even Si Ming was both respectful and awe-inspiring, and they were completely convinced.

Xiao Xie is definitely the first person they have ever seen who dares to directly attack the monarch!

The point is, even if Xiaoxie hates the monarch, the monarch doesn't care about it, and doesn't mean to blame at all. This kind of treatment is tantamount to the monarch's own son!

If it weren't for the difficulty of the monarch to give birth to offspring, and there is no precedent for a monarch to give birth to offspring, they would even doubt whether Xiaoxie would be the illegitimate son of the jealous monarch. The Legion Commander never got it.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaoxie glanced at everyone in a daze, and said lightly: "Hurry up, the monarch has divided me a piece of land and allowed me to build a new city. Next, you have to contribute."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more stunned. What do you mean by building a new city?

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" Si Ming couldn't believe it, "The monarch asked us to build a new city?"

It is absolutely a great honor for such a task to fall on them.

"Wrong." Xiaoxie corrected: "It is not the monarch who asked us to build a new city, but the monarch who allowed us to build a new city ourselves. This new city does not belong to the monarch, but to me, and the taxes in the future will be excluded from various expenses. In addition, the remaining Hunmeng Origin Orbs only need to pay half to the monarch, and the remaining half belongs to me. In addition, all the positions in the new city are arranged by me, whoever I want to be the city lord is the one City Lord, whoever I want to manage the order can manage the order. The whole city, I alone have the final say!"

Everyone's eyes widened, and there was an unreal feeling like a dream.

"I've already thought about it, this city will be called the evil city in the future." Xiaoxie smiled, "It belongs to this king alone, the city of the evil god, the name of the evil city is just right."

"Does the monarch have no other requirements?" Si Ming swallowed.

"Request?" Xiaoxie raised his eyebrows, "The monarch wants me to serve him forever, how could he possibly make any demands."

Hearing this, everyone vaguely understood something.

Fiddles said cautiously: "Your Majesty, are you not the commander of the extreme army?"

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and they thought about the fact that Xiaoxie almost killed Wells with one move. Just because of the attitude of the monarch, they were so shocked that they almost forgot Xiaoxie's tyrannical strength. You know, Wells, who was almost lost in seconds, was a former envoy of the monarch, who was close to the commander of the extreme army!

"You have good eyesight." Xiaoxie looked at Fiddles with admiration, "Yes, this king is the commander of the extreme army."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Commander of the Extreme Realm Corps!

They never dreamed that the master they followed turned out to be the commander of the extreme army!

"No wonder Lord Wells can be defeated so easily." Everyone suddenly realized, "No wonder the monarch condoned him so much."

Only the commander of the Extreme Realm Corps can get such attention from the monarch. This can be seen from the previous Bruce, Rox, and Ren Tian of Mingzu.

The patience of the monarchs for the commander of the extreme army is extraordinary!

What's more, Xiao Xie, the commander of the Extreme Realm Corps, promised to serve as the monarch's messenger, so he was naturally more valued by the monarch, and he was more condoned by the monarch.

This kind of treatment is obviously higher than the uncontrolled Bruce and Rox.

Xiaoxie ignored the shocked crowd, and directly summoned the envoy Jade Seal, which had just been refined, and then activated the teleportation circle to teleport everyone to the area that the monarch Tianyu had assigned to it. The city, but it is not small, the most important thing is that there are quite an astonishing number of Hunmeng Lords of the Celestial Clan accumulated here. As long as a new city is established, countless Hunmeng Lords will immediately settle in and attract Hunmeng Lords from other cities to come over. .

"You three." Xiao Xie looked at Si Ming, Wen Er and Tom, "From today onwards, you are the vice city lords of the evil city. In the future, all matters of the evil city will be handled by you. The duties of others will also be handled by you. You arrange."

Hearing the words, Si Ming and the others were very excited: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty is wise!"

If it was just an ordinary city, it would be impossible for Si Ming to be so excited, but this new city is destined to become the focus of the Heavenly Envy Realm, becoming the most special one. Not even a single position, he can serve as the vice city lord of the evil city, and he is still such a special new city, which is definitely enough to be envied by countless people.

"Right." Xiaoxie suddenly thought of something and said: "The construction of the evil city also depends on you to plan. Anyway, I am not good at this aspect, so I will leave it to you. Which location to choose, how to build it, etc., It's all up to you, I won't intervene, just look at the final result. I hope you don't let me down."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I won't let you down!" Si Ming said confidently.

Others were also in high spirits, eager to start work immediately.

Fiddles also no longer has the idea of ​​escaping from Xiaoxie's side. Such a master is worthy of his follow.

"That." Seeing that Xiaoxie was no longer speaking, Tom hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your Majesty, look, should you give us some Hunmeng Origin Beads first, so that we can recruit workers..."

"Hunmeng Origin Orb?" Xiaoxie looked at Tom vigilantly, "Why do you want Hunmeng Origin Orb? It's just to build a city, don't you have your own skills? What kind of jobs are you hiring?"


"Anyway, I don't care. If you want to recruit workers, you can find a way by yourself. I only see the results." Xiaoxie interrupted without waiting for Tom to finish, and said, "If you can't do it, you can tell this king directly, it's a big deal, This king will find someone else to replace you, but the position of the deputy city lord will probably have to be replaced..."

"Wait." Tom was in a hurry and said quickly: "Your Majesty, I can do it! I promise, I will make you satisfied!"