Chapter 376 Berserker Epidemic

Name:Martial Online. Author:
Chapter 376 Berserker Epidemic


In Amaterasu's train station, a handsome purple-eyed man and a beautiful red-eyed woman shared an intimate kiss near the waiting train.

A few onlookers blushed and looked away as they awaited for the train's doors to open.

They were used to seeing lovers kissing publicly before, but rarely two individuals with otherworldly, attractive looks.

To many, it looked like a match made in heaven. However, there was also jealousy in the air.

Nearby young men looked at the black-haired man with burning jealousy, while several young women sighed in envy for the red-eyed woman's luck.

"Travel safe." Bella said with a smile and left his embrace with a shy look. She could feel the stares, making her soft-looking cheeks burn in embarrassment. n/)O)-V--E--L()b.-I//n

"I'll return shortly." Ambrose picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

He had taken so much stuff with him that everything couldn't fit in his inventory. Therefore, he had to carry some.

At that moment, the train doors opened, and the whistle echoed from the distance. The conductor started shouting to board the train.

Ambrose stepped through the door and waved one last time to Bella. Then he entered the fourth car and found himself a seat in the corner.

It was a good seat as it was next to the window, and he would easily be able to see the scenery go by. In that spot, he could also see Bella still standing in the train station, not planning to leave until the train had.

"Here, this is a good spot." A bun-haired woman dragged her young-looking child behind her and took seats in front of Ambrose.

The woman put her son's backpack on her lap, opened it, and brought out his sandwiches.

While waiting for the train to start moving, they ate to fill their empty stomachs as there was a long train trip to their destination.

As the fourth car of the train started to get full, only several seats were empty. The train whistle blew loudly, and the conductor announced that it was time to leave.

After the announcement, the train's wheels started moving slowly down the tracks.

"I appreciate." Ambrose sat next to the window and opened the window, then dangled his arm out of the window while taking in the wind.

The wig-wearing man didn't dare to sit beside him and instead sat beside his friend. They looked at him awkwardly and glanced at each other briefly, signaling to each other with their eyes.

"Well, weren't you talking about this Berserker Epidemic?" Ambrose glanced at them and took a puff of the cigarette. "I am curious about this rumor."

"A-ah, yes." As the mustache-wearing man was about to talk, Ambrose raised his arm again.

"Oh, very rude of me." Ambrose chuckled and asked. "What are your two names? My name is Jesse Cornwood. Nice to meet you."

"A-ah, my name is Don Le Mark Count." The mustache-wearing man said with a gentlemanly bow.

"M-my name is Maul Well." The wig-wearing man said with an awkward smile.

"All right, Mark and Maul." Ambrose smoked the cigarette and motioned with his hand to continue.

"I-It's not Mark, b-but okay." Mark wanted to say that wasn't his first name, but he didn't bother and opened his mouth. "Berserker Epidemic is a new epidemic that causes animals to lose control."

"Y-yeah." Maul nodded like a chicken pecking. "Cats, rats, horses, and even raccoons had suddenly lost control of themselves. They sound and look like they are under immense pain, then they attack everything around them."

"Oh..." Ambrose looked thoughtful and said, "I saw a horse like that. So, that was because of the Berserker Epidemic?"

"Yeah." Mark nodded. "No one knows where it came from, and the doctors are completely helpless. The only choice is to give animals a merciful death, as there aren't any cures."

"We are fearing that it might spread to humans," Maul said.

"Mm..." Ambrose took a puff and thought. 'So, more animals are suddenly getting soul injuries? But why, and who is doing this? I think this epidemic is bullshit, and it's the doings of a person.

'Whatever is the case, I'll have to learn soul healing. I don't want to feel that pain ever again, and knowing how to heal myself from any injuries is very useful.'

"T-that's pretty much everything we know." Mark said.

"Mm, I appreciate it." Ambrose stood up and tossed the cigarette out of the window. "Have a nice dinner."

Ambrose left the restaurant car and walked down a hallway of sleeping cars, where the passengers in their own rooms stayed. He didn't bother to get one, as they were unnecessarily expensive.

At this moment, one of the doors opened, and Ambrose had to stop as the door completely obstructed his path.