Chapter 409 Dragon

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 409 Dragon

?Ten minutes ago.

Screams filled the front lounge of Saward Estate.

"Shut up!" A deep-voiced armed man pointed his automatic rifle to the ceiling and pulled the trigger.

The bullets loudly flew out of the gun and shredded through the ceiling.

The screaming members of High Society swallowed their cries of help and quietly sat down on the ground. Their faces were tear-ridden, and they were shaking.

Hydra watched as several armed figures dragged away the security guards, who were filled with bullet holes.

"Ahem." A suit-wearing man entered the estate through the front door and fixed his necktie with a clear smile. "Hello, everyone."

The teary-eyed women and the pale-faced men turned towards him and could tell that he must be the leader of these armed individuals.

"Here, sir." The goblin pulled out a chair, offering it to the leader.

"Mm." The leader sat down on the chair and crossed his legs with a smile.

He looked at the lofty, expensive-looking members of high society. They were always looking down on peasants from their skyscrapers and lofty mansions.

However, now they looked at him like he was a god.

The leader's lips turned into a sickening smile. He loved this feeling. He loved those gazes of fear.

"My name is Dragon." The leader said, and he intertwined his fingers professionally. He knew he had complete control over these people.

"Who the hell are you?" Nero Saward rose to his legs with trembling hands. "Do you know what you are doing?!"

"H-husband, sit down!" Amber pleaded with her husband not to do anything stupid, like make the armed figures angry.

"I know what I am doing." Dragon pointed his finger towards Nero and made a finger-pistol gesture. "Bang."


A bullet shot through Nero's shoulder.

"Aargh!" Nero's eyes widened in shock, and he fell to the ground with a bleeding shoulder.

"Husband!" Amber screamed and hurried to her husband before putting pressure on his bleeding shoulder.

Ahh—others screamed as they realized that the armed individuals didn't care whether they hurt them.

The phone showed that it was currently calling someone named 'Son'.

"Hmph." Hydra stomped down the phone, breaking the screen and the phone. "So, you managed to hide a phone, huh?"

After taking control of the mansion, they confiscated all the phones, but she managed to hide one somehow.

"Hydra, is everything all right?" Dragon asked with a frown.

"Yes, she almost called someone." Hydra said. "Everything is under control."

"Good, give her a lesson about what happens when you try to defy us." Dragon said.

"My pleasure." Hydra slammed the butt of the gun across her face, sending her sprawling to the ground.

Anna lay there, blood dripping from her split lip. Her head throbbed with pain and was warm with blood.

Hydra scoffed and pressed on his radio phone. "Phoenix, have you secured the second floor?"

He waited for the answer, which didn't come.

When he was about to ask it again, everyone in the lounge heard some distant gunshots. It sounded almost like someone had emptied an entire gun on something.

"Huh?" Dragon frowned. "That was on the second floor; didn't we send Phoenix there? What is that fool doing?"

Goblin kept his head down, but he was still frowning in worry.

"Hydra and Goblin, take a few others and go check what the hell that was." Dragon ordered, his voice filled with urgency.

"Yes, leader." Hydra nodded, motioning for Goblin and a few others to follow after him.

"Whew..." Dragon sat down and rubbed his head. He then pulled out his phone and showed it to everyone. "Now, I am going to call the police and tell them our demands.

"They and your family will decide your fates in the coming hours. You better hope that your family loves you."

After that, he smiled menacingly, savoring the fear in their eyes, and then dialed the police's number.

Soon the phone call connected, and Dragon, with a smile on his face, started speaking about the situation in the mansion and his demands.

It was instantly taken as the highest priority by the police, and officers were dispatched to the mansion immediately.

Because High Society worked closely with the police, the news traveled instantly to all thirty families.

Dragon pocketed the phone and chilled with a relaxed smile. He looked like he had everything under his control, as if there weren't going to be hundreds of cops outside the mansion in a few minutes.

At that moment, the whole mansion shook as a primordial, angry-sounding howl erupted from the depths of the mansion.

All the windows shook violently, threatening to shatter into a million pieces.

"What in the world was that?" Dragon stood up hurriedly and looked towards the second floor with a serious look. "Some kind of beast?"