Chapter 423 Kalvin The Ghost

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 423 Kalvin The Ghost

?"From what I've found." Moriarty rubbed his chin, looking intelligent and calculating at the same time.

"I think the reason for the ghosts existence is the tavern owner's son." He took out a dusty, weathered journal and flipped through its pages.

"The tavern owner's son was a big fan of supernatural and satanic magic. In his journal, he spoke about being able to see the undead, who communicated with him and taught him dark magic."

Ambrose stabbed his crimson great sword through the ground and leaned against it with his arms crossed, listening intensely.

"At one point in time, before the tavern owner's son managed to learn everything about the magic, the town was attacked by the White Plague.

"Desperate, he created a spell that made the ones who died by White Plague rise from their deaths as ghosts."

"I see." Ambrose nodded. "So the thing about the ghosts existing because they have vengeance on someone was false."

"Yeah." Moriarty nodded and flipped to another page. "He also wrote about some goblins who were jailed in the town after they accidentally stumbled here.

"The townspeople were keeping it locked in a cage and even painted its face clown makeup to mock it.

"The tavern's owner's son was feeling pity for the little goblin. I have a feeling that the goblin didn't die from the White Plague, as it only affected humans.

"But then, one of the ghosts possessed the goblin, and I happened to kill it a while back."

"What is the plan now?" Ambrose asked.

"We have to kill the ghosts if we want any experience points." Moriarty glanced at him. "Since we are already on the same party, the experience points get halved between us. You wouldn't happen to have a skill that is able to kill the undead?"

"Hmm..." Ambrose pondered, scratching his chin. "Do you know about meditation and the gates?"

"Of course." Moriarty said, and looked at him with a smile of curiosity. "I ain't surprised that you do as well. Are you thinking about using our souls to kill the ghosts?"

"That was indeed my plan." Ambrose chuckled.

"Our world of souls has different dimensions." Moriarty said. "We wouldn't be able to help each other."

"Unless we join each other's world of souls," Ambrose said. "Your gate door is closed, I assume?"

"Of course, it is always closed to prevent any unwanted visitors." Moriarty said. "I had to learn the dangers of the world of souls the hard way."

"I was the same." Ambrose smiled and asked. "Are you bold enough to open the door for me?"

The ghosts were unable to penetrate the barrier and instead floated aimlessly, unable to harm Ambrose.

It was a barrier made of Ambrose's Inner Power, which was already at the level of the second gate. It wasn't easy to break through it.

Ambrose then created a sword made of golden light and swung it through the ghosts with ease, dispelling them one by one.

They couldn't do anything except die helplessly.

Both Ambrose and Moriarty saw that their experience points were accumulating at great speed.

Before entering the world of souls, Ambrose had 31,550 experience points accumulated, and to level up, he needed 55,000.

However, it had already gone above 33,000 after a few ghost deaths.

Moriarty leaped over a few ghosts and chopped his hand through their ethereal forms, sending them straight to the afterlife.

He saw what kind of weapon Ambrose managed to create, but he had to admit that he didn't have such control over his Inner Power.

'I can't look like the weakling.' Moriarty thought, and he threw a punch that decimated the ghost in front of him.

At that moment, a ghost appeared in the distance, and after seeing it, Moriarty came to a temporary halt.

'It's the tavern owner's son.' Moriarty said telepathically, communicating with Ambrose's soul.

'I see.' Ambrose cut through another ghost and saw the ghost in the distance, who had even eerier glowing eyes than the others.

It had a different vibe than other ghosts, as it seemed more powerful and malevolent.

Moriarty broke through the circle of ghosts and flew towards the tavern owner's son's ghost, who was floating at the entrance of the haunted tavern.

'Your name was Kalvin, wasn't it?' Moriarty spoke telepathically to the ghost, as if it could understand.

Kalvin the Ghost looked up to Moriarty and revealed a wicked grin. It created a ball of dark magic on its palm and launched it towards Moriarty, who barely managed to dodge in time.

As the ball of dark magic reached the sky, it exploded, and a dark cloud of smoke engulfed the area.

As the dark cloud of smoke landed on top of a few of the buildings, the surrounding structures began to crumble and collapse as if they were turning into dust.

'This ghost is not normal. It still somehow possesses the powers of its human self!' Moriarty shouted telepathically towards Ambrose.

'The other ghosts were ordinary humans, so not very powerful, but this one learned dark magic and probably powered its own ghost before dying of White Plague!'

Ambrose shouted in response and slashed through the dozen ghosts that surrounded him. He then flew straight to Moriarty and Kalvin, realizing that his help was required.