Chapter 437 Crimson

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 437 Crimson

?Cleo closed the door after the departure of Moriarty and Ambrose.

"We are just letting them be?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, why not?" Cleo looked at her brother with a smile.

"..." Leo shrugged his shoulders and took a seat on the ground below the destroyed window.

"I've felt a little need for a bathroom break." Cleo turned to her brother and asked. "What do you think happens if I log off for a moment?"

"Just put a temporary spawn and come back, I think." Leo said.

"Is the risk worth it?" Cleo asked with a smile.

"Can you hold it in?" Leo asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope!" Cleo shook her head with a childish laugh.

"Then go." Leo closed his eyes. "If we get disqualified, so be it."

"All right!" Cleo laughed, brought out his interface, put his temporary spawn in the room, and then logged out.

Leo watched as his sister disappeared and then looked at his body to see if he was also going to vanish.

However, nothing happened. N♡vεlB¡n: Transforming Moments into Memories.

"..." Leo didn't feel relieved or happy; he was just indifferent.

He then pulled out his injured hand from his pocket and saw a few bones poking through the flesh.

'My Hand Spear had been successful before, and I have trained my flesh for all my life to not break my hand, but this time, it had failed miserably.

'Why? What's his body made of?'

He silently stuffed the broken bones back inside his hand and used his sleeve to clean up the blood.

After a short while, Cleo returned among flash of light, and let out a thrilled laugh after seeing that they weren't disqualified.

"Ahh, I feel much better!" She smiled hugely and looked at her brother. "What about you Leo, want to take a visit in the bathroom?"

"Sure, I guess." Leo put his temporary spawn, and pressed the log out button.

Cleo sat down on the ground, and waited patiently with a smile on her face. She didn't seem to be bothered by the screaming of the undead.


"So, who were they?" Ambrose asked as he and Moriarty sat down on the bottom floor's stairs.

"Cleo and Leo are known as the Kiramise Twins." Moriarty said. "That title actually came from the real world, as they practice martial arts known as Kiramise."

"They transferred their knowledge of Kiramise to Martial Online and became one of the most powerful Brawler-class users in the whole game.

Before it could land, Ambrose ducked out of the way into a crouching stance.

Moriarty quickly kneed him towards the face, but Ambrose managed to put his hand in the way and block the knee strike that could've shattered his nose.

Ambrose tossed him aside and threw a straight punch that landed on Moriarty's block.


Moriarty swaggered backwards from the force of Ambrose's punch, momentarily losing his balance.

'Sheesh, what the hell is with his strength?' Moriarty also glanced at his shoulder, which had lost all of its feeling once he used it to block his punch.

Ambrose quickly moved his foot behind Moriarty's heel and swept his leg out from under him.

Moriarty fell down to his buttocks.

At that moment, Ambrose rushed in and smashed his fist down.

Moriarty's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly rolled out of the way.


The fist smashed through the solid floor and sent shards of broken wood flying about.

Moriarty awkwardly staggered back to his feet and felt cold sweat drenching his back. If he had taken the punch head-on, it would have surely knocked him unconscious.


A terrifying sound tickled his ears.

Ambrose rushed after him and threw a storm of furious punches. His glorious purple eyes had lost their focus and were fueled with one goal: attack!

'H-he is suddenly much faster!' Moriarty thought, struggling to keep up with Ambrose's lightning-fast movements.

He could barely see Ambrose's fists as they blazed through the air.

Moriarty tried to dodge, but Ambrose's punches were too swift and relentless. They rained down on him like the power of Mother Nature.

"A-Ambrose, calm down; you are going to kill me!"

As the fist was about to smash through his face, it stopped suddenly, just inches away from Moriarty's nose.

He looked at the fist with a bleached face and looked at Ambrose in shock.

Drip, drip.

"Huh..." Ambrose touched his nose, which was bleeding profusely.

The shocking thing was that it wasn't blue blood but instead crimson blood, as if it were the real thing!

"Ambrose?" Moriarty called out to him, but he couldn't hear anything.

Ambrose's vision turned hazy, and his legs gave out, causing him to collapse to the ground.
