Chapter 448 The Clue

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 448 The Clue

?"Boss, it's me, Nosferatu." He spoke with a humbling tone. "Subject 1126 asked for another shot of medicine. His ringing has gotten worse."

"..." The voice on the other side of the phone stayed quiet before a voice came: "He's been using the headset for longer periods. If this continues, he'll kill himself."

"He said he'd limit his playtime." Nosferatu smiled. "However, I'll keep an even closer eye on him. Of course, we won't want our new slave to die so soon."

"Is he feeling suspicious yet?" The voice asked.

"It doesn't seem like it." Nosferatu said. "He still thinks the ringing is the only side effect."

"I see." The voice said, "I'll have to visit the Land of White soon. The payment is late..."

"Oh, the mercenaries failed to pay?" Nosferatu chuckled. "Death for them, then."

"I am giving them one last chance..." The voice said coldly. "Keep me posted about Moriarty, and also, have you found another target?"

"Yes, I think I have." Nosferatu replied with a glint of excitement in his eyes and took out a picture from one of the shelves.

It was a picture of a purple-eyed man with a handsome countenance.

"His name is Jesse Rothsmith." Nosferatu said with a sly smile. "After I found out that this person is Moriarty's teammate, I sought him out, and I think he is a good fit for our 'Slave Program'."

"Very good." The voice seemed to approve of the choice. "If they qualify, seek him out in Loch City and show him the power it can give him. If he doesn't, go to where he lives."

"Yes, master." Nosferatu said with a humble smile. "No one can resist the allure of this incredible power."

The call was then disconnected.

Nosferatu pocketed the shell phone and laughed. He looked back at the mess he had created, with broken headsets scattered about.

"I suppose I need to create another one for this 'Ambrose', but well, soon he'll just be another subject of our ever-growing army of super slaves."


"And, 1111." Zadkiel stopped in front of a door that was an ordinary-looking brown door with a gold door knob.

It looked exactly the same as the other thousand doors in the hallway.

Ambrose and Julian watched as Zadkiel put his hand on the door knob and slowly turned it.

The door creaked open, revealing an ordinary bedroom with a door to the bathroom and a curtained window that didn't show anything except the misty outside world.

They entered the room and closed the door behind them to ensure their privacy and not have other players come scooping around.

"Huh, what is this?" He curiously checked it out and widened his eyes in shock.

Julian leaned closer to him, and after seeing the context, his eyes narrowed.

Ambrose raised an eyebrow and asked. "Can I see?"

Zadkiel turned to him and moved the piece of paper in his hand as if he were contemplating something.

Ambrose narrowed his eyes. 'Don't rip the paper.'

But then Julian took the piece of paper from Zadkiel's hand and handed it over to Ambrose.

"I was just kidding." Zadkiel threw his arms up in the air and laughed.

Ambrose nodded in gratitude and looked at the small piece of paper with great interest. It was a short sentence, but it was enough to put his mind in disarray.

[Choose one skill]

"It looks like every player can choose one skill for the next round." Zadkiel laughed. "Very interesting."

"..." Julian frowned and started thinking about what skill to choose.

'What will I choose...' Ambrose frowned.

'Immorality? It could save me at one point.

'Slash of the Six Worlds? I would need a weapon for it, though.

'Can I choose to get my Inner Power back? It would be very useful.

'Maybe I could choose Formlessness?

'So many choices. I need to think this through carefully.'

"Anyway." Zadkiel took the piece of paper and destroyed it. "Ambrose, you can tell Moriarty, but do not tell anyone else. This is the only advantage we will have over others."

"I know." Ambrose nodded, understanding the importance of their secret.

"Good." Zadkiel approached the ladder and started climbing down.

"Good luck in the second round." Julian nodded briefly before following Zadkiel down.

Ambrose also left the attic, soon departed the room, and fully closed the door down.

He slowly made his way down the hallway, keeping his footsteps light to avoid drawing attention.

'What skill should I choose? I need to talk with Moriarty, and perhaps we can strategize it to our fullest advantage.

'The next round will be battle royale, it seems.'