Chapter 454 The Two Battles

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 454 The Two Battles

?A hand appeared from the ground, reaching out towards the sky.

At that moment, a figure covered in light blue soil emerged from the ground with an exhausted expression on his face.

It took him many hours in the world of souls to dig out, and now he was completely exhausted mentally.

'I can't... keep this up...'

Ambrose stood up and started dragging his feet behind him as he slowly made his way towards the town.

As he neared it, he was thrown out of the world of souls, and the world turned to the same, ordinary speed.

The black smoke again sped up and swirled around the jungle as it headed straight to the town. The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Ambrose limped down the street, and he didn't see Moriarty anywhere.

'I need to hide immediately; hopefully the black smoke doesn't completely destroy these buildings or there is no place to hide!'

He tackled down a door, slammed it shut, and headed to the second floor, in case the black smoke could penetrate through the walls.

Thump, thump!

Ambrose held the railing, limped slowly up the stairs to the second floor, and heavily breathed a sigh of relief as he reached the top.

Tap, tap, tap, tap!

Rapid footsteps sounded, and an agile figure tackled Ambrose down the stairs. He tumbled down the stairs like a tumbleweed and came to a stop at the bottom, bruised and disoriented.

"Oho, aren't I lucky?"

The voice sounded innocent and had a very childish vibe, but there was hidden mischievousness and a hint of darkness lurking behind the words.

Ambrose shook his head and stood up, brushing the dirt off his clothes. He then looked up the stairs and saw a cute-faced young man with white-as-snow hair and cat-like features.

"You..." Ambrose pointed the wooden, made-up sword at him. "I recognize you."

"My name is..." The person leaped off the stairs and drop-kicked Ambrose in the chest.

Ambrose stumbled backwards and collided with the door.

"AnarchyCat." The young man said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I am a member of Zahhak."

"Yeah, I remember seeing you."

Ambrose shook his head to get his thoughts together, and he took a step closer to AnarchyCat.

He didn't expect to face such a powerful foe this early on, but he didn't plan on backing down either.

AnarchyCat coughed, and then retaliated with a swift knee to Ambrose's back.

"Y'know, you also underestimate members of Zahhak." AnarchyCat revealed his sharp teeth. "We are quite crazy."


At that moment, AnarchyCat plunged his sharp teeth into Ambrose's shoulder, drawing blood and causing him to flinch in surprise.


Moriarty hid behind a counter, the wooden spear in hand.

The room was eerily quiet, with long shadows stretching across the walls. It was dark, unusually dark, as if all the light was sucked out.

Moriarty took deep breaths, as if he were doing a breathing exercise, and then jumped out of the cover and threw the spear across the room with deadly accuracy.

The spear flew straight to an unsuspecting target who was slowly heading down the stairs.

At the last possible moment, the figure bent his back and dodged the spear. The spear narrowly missed his head and plunged deep into the wall.

However, since the made-up spear wasn't very durable, it broke upon impact.


The figure looked over to the counter, where Moriarty was still standing, in his throwing stance.

"Moriarty, I recognize you." The figure stepped into the light, revealing his stern-looking face, shoulder-length brown hair, and humorless attitude.

"I recognize you, as well." Moriarty narrowed his eyes and said, "Arsenal, the thousand weapons."

"I thought you were an honorable person, always having to fight head-on."

Arsenal stepped down the stairs with a cold smirk.

"It ticked off many people as they thought you did that for your image, but it also earned you a loyal fanbase. I guess it was a fake persona."

"..." Moriarty narrowed his eyes. 'The honor bullshit is Knight's fault.'

"Aren't you Ambrose's teammate?" Arsenal asked and scratched his stubble. "Where is he?"

"We don't need to talk. Let's stop wasting time and just fight; we know how this will go anyway."

"Very well." Arsenal rolled his eyes and pulled out a strange, twisted blade from his belt. "I am also interested in the fighting capabilities of Knight Moriarty."

"As am I." Moriarty pulled out a knife from his trousers, which he acquired from the players he killed.

"I heard about Arsenal's ability to wield a thousand different weapons; alas, that's where your nickname comes from. You are a person who, strangely, never decides to use one weapon consistently."

"I have been trying to search for a weapon that feels like it is part of me." Arsenal sighed and said, "But I haven't found one yet. That's why I am changing weapons every day."

"That's your biggest weakness." Moriarty said. "If you decided to train on one weapon, I am sure your fighting capabilities would rival the best in the world. Yet you handicap yourself."

"Hah, I feel like this is what I excel at." Arsenal said with a smirk.