Chapter 142: 'Back To School”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 142: “Back To School”

Jerry had finished packing and was ready to enter the luggage space to begin his daily meditation when a meowing cat abruptly stopped him.

With a dead mouse in his mouth and his eyes filled with killing intent, Crookshanks turns his head and looks out the window.

Crookshanks, listen to me. I

Although he couldnt comprehend the cats language, he could infer from watching Crookshanks place the dead mouse on the floor and his subsequent meowing at him that Crookshanks must be scolding him now.

When he went to the second world, he forgot that he had left Crookshanks for a week.

He unexpectedly disappeared in the Leaky Cauldron for a week at the same time that the second little world was opened and the panel was renovated. Crookshanks was also left alone in the Leaky Cauldron for a week.

Despite Crookshanks extraordinary predatory prowess, there is no need to be concerned about its diet. But, going missing for a week will unavoidably cause Crookshanks to feel abandoned.

Jerry grabbed Crookshanks right away and leaped into the suitcase since he thought his reprimand was too harsh. He then set him down near a sizable pond.

Crookshanks, heres a Christmas present for you. Albeit a week late!

Jerry used Defodio to dig the large pond when he was in the main world. Apart from hundreds of large fish, there was nothing else in it.

Crookshanks wont have to swoon over the fish outside Slytherins common room in the future. Crookshanks finally stopped meowing after spotting the fish in the pond and began to pick them up. It seems that he had sensed Jerrys sincerity.Reaad the latest stories on novelbin(.)com

A large fish that was considerably larger than its body was hooked by its cheeks and brought out of the water as its eyes stared at the pool in silence for less than five seconds.

While he was dragging the fish mouth under his body, Jerry then turned to face him and said, Thank you, but you can eat it.

After three days.

Jerry dragged his items and held Crookshanks while waiting at the Kings Cross Station entrance to greet Hermione. The two had agreed to meet at Kings Cross Station and board the Hogwarts Express back to school the day before classes resumed when they were apart while on holiday.

Enjoy your time at school. Hermione and Jerry entered the station and shouted as they entered, and the Grangers waved to them as they did so.

Their daughter had never had many friends, but she developed some unexpectedly close pals in a school for wizards. Her parents were incredibly grateful because they didnt hear their daughter mention her best friends over the holidays.

How was your vacation? Jerry and Hermione talked as they walked across platform Nine and Three-Quarters and settled into a seat on the train.

Its not too horrible, but occasionally relatives may drop by and ask which school I go to. But I cant tell them about it. Hermione said.

Hermione can only reveal her identity to her parents because she is the only wizard in her entire family. When her relatives question her about the school during family gatherings, it becomes difficult for her to respond.

Nevertheless, during this time. All of the books for the second half of the semester have been read by me. In fact, I already knew certain books from the first half of second grade.

Jerry smiled and lifted his hand to give Hermione a thumbs up as he observed her joyful look. Thats wonderful!

Jerry essentially knows every detail of the seventh-grade textbook now. The majority of the spells in it can be successfully cast, with the exception of a few of the trickiest ones.

He used Refreshing and the Ring of Merlin to learn them all, but it took him longer than three months. Hermione only used two weeks of the Christmas break, demonstrating how exceptional of a learner she is.

Hence, Jerry truly means it when he compliments her.

As a result, the train passed through numerous small farming communities, entered remote hills covered in dense forests, and eventually came to a stop at the Hogsmeade platform just before the sun entirely set.