Chapter 308: 'Hermione’s Gift”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 308: “Hermione’s Gift”

I didnt think that youd grown bigger too in just a moment. Seeing Hermione coming over, Jerry couldnt help but let out a surprise.

He still remembers when he first came to this world, in Diagon Alley Mrs. Malkins robe store, when he first met Hermione. It has been two years since and seemed that a lot has changed.

How was your holiday? He slightly hugged Hermione, picked Crookshanks, and asked.

Hermione blushed slightly and pulled out the gemstone necklace engraved with Merlins spell from her collar, It was amazing. Also, thank you for the gift. It is very helpful for my study!

Glad to know you liked it. Your hair and teeth seem to be different than before

Jerry nodded and then suddenly found that Hermiones originally somewhat fluffy and messy hair had become much softer. It also seems she has light makeup.

I got a magic hair lotion when I was in France, it works well, and as for the teeth, thats because I learned a new kind of magic. Is it nice? Hermione ruffled her long, silky brown hair and blushed slightly.

When a girl starts to have someone she likes, no matter how nervous or unconcerned about her appearance, she will gradually learn to dress herself. When she received a necklace from Jerry in France, Hermiones heart was a bit touched.

She began to pay attention to her own appearance, and asked her mother to teach her some dressing skills, but also specifically walked throughout the street of France to find to make their hair softer with magic products.

Yeah, thats pretty good.

By the way, Dad. Could you please get my bag? Hermione seemed to have suddenly thought of something and waved to her father behind her.

Jerry, wait here. Scabbers is sick while he was in Egypt, and now its dying. I need to shelter him for a moment.

Ron saw Crookshanks in Jerrys hand and immediately covered Scabbers, who was already shivering in his pocket. The Crookshanks was raised by Jerry when it was staying in the Slytherin dormitory, so there was no problem.

But last semester, because Hermione liked Crookshanks too much, Jerry gave Crookshanks to Hermione to take care of him, which led to the Gryffindor common room having Crookshanks chasing Scabbers around.

Hermione stepped forward to defend Crookshanks and said, Its just a cat. Cats going after the mouse is normal. You dont need to exaggerate things.

Me? Exaggerating?

Rons mouth twitching was about to retort, but he was interrupted by Jerry, who said, Well, Ill keep an eye on Crookshanks from now on. Its getting late. Lets go buy new books.

He knew that Rons Scabbers were not in an unhealthy condition, but he heard the news of Sirius Blacks escape from Azkaban and was terrified.

Everyone thought Sirius broke out of prison to kill Harry and avenge Voldemort. But in actuality, he wanted to avenge the person who betrayed Harrys father, and thats why Scabbers was scared.

Jerry knew that it was not a good time to find Sirius, so now he did not continue to look deeper into the issue but changed the subject.

I already bought my things, but I can accompany you guys. Harry stepped forward and chimed in.

So, the Weasleys and the Grangers stayed at the Leaky Cauldron to chat while Jerry and Hermione, and everyone else headed to Diagon Alley to do their shopping together.