Chapter 358: 'Guardian of the Reality Stone”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 358: “Guardian of the Reality Stone”

I am Thor, the God of Thunder, fighting for the glory of Asgard.

As Thor entered the spaceship, he let out a mighty roar and skillfully employed his hammer to deflect the laser gun blasts from two dark elf soldiers.

However, before his roar had even subsided, a powerful laser cannon struck his silver armor, propelling him backward and crashing into the metal wall of the spaceship.

The spaceship defense system automatically locked onto and attacked the intruder.

Bombarda! Jerry swiftly threw an explosion spell at the laser cannon concealed within the wall, reducing it to a pile of scrap metal.

Thor, are you alright? Jerry is concerned about Thor.

Im fine. The armor on my body is forged from Uru metal by the dwarf king. This laser weapon is useless against me. Thor rose from the ground, dusting himself off and confidently standing tall.

The armors worn by Odin, Loki, and Thor were crafted using the Uru metal and combined with the exceptional training skills for which the dwarves were renowned throughout the universe.

They were particularly effective against energy weapons such as lasers and magic. Even if damaged, they would gradually repair themselves over time.

The laser cannon had made contact with Thors armor, yet it had caused almost no damage. However, armor made of Uru metal did have its weaknesses.

They were less effective against physical bludgeoning and penetration by sharp weapons. For instance, if Jerry were to attack Thor using ordinary magic, his armor would likely block it.

Unless Jerry aimed for an unprotected area, such as Thors face, or employed powerful spells like the Patronus and slammed Thor into the ground, it would cause him some damage.

Fortunately, Jerry had Thor by his side.

Seeing Thor emerge relatively unscathed, Jerry silently thanked his decision to have a formidable ally act as his shield.

If Jerry had been the first to enter, the laser cannon had a high probability of tearing him apart.

Laser beams moved at incredible speeds, leaving little time to cast the Protego Charm as a defense.

Moreover, always wearing the Protego Charm made it cumbersome to cast other spells.

Theres more coming!

A metal door opened nearby, and dozens of dark elves wielding laser guns charged toward them aggressively.

Expecto Patronum!

Jerry first summoned the second form of his Patronus, then encased himself in a Protego Charm.

They needed to be cautious, as who knew how many hidden laser cannons or other advanced technological weapons lay in wait.

For now, Jerry ensured his own protection by entrusting the attack to his Patronus and Thor, who was impervious to harm.

The dark elves fired lasers at Thor and Jerry. Jerrys spell blocked all incoming attacks, while Thor wore a one-armed head guard and hurled his hammer at the enemies.

Observing this, Jerry controlled his Patronus to fly in tandem with Thor toward the dark elves. In moments, all the dark elves who had launched the assault lay defeated on the ground.

Once they confirmed their safety, Jerry temporarily lifted the spell and had his Patronus subdue the remaining conscious dark elf.

Imperio To capture the king, one must first capture his men.

Given the size of the spaceships, the unknown number of dark elves, and their advanced defense mechanisms, they had to understand the ships structure and swiftly locate the leader.

The Imperius Curse was cast smoothly. Evidently, these ordinary dark elf Soldiers lacked strong willpower.

Tell me, where is your leader? Jerry asked sharply.

The dark elf replied gleefully, Akamara Grucka

Thor, what did he say? Jerry looked at Thor with a puzzled expression.

Thor shrugged helplessly, Dont look at me. Im not Loki. The dark elves disappeared for so long, and I havent had the opportunity to learn their language.

Well, thats a reasonable answer.

Jerry had initially expected Thor, who had lived for over a thousand years, to have some understanding of the dark elf language.

However, Thor hadnt invested his time into learning their language.

Jerry adjusted his strategy and gazed into the dark elfs eyes, casting a spell once more.

Legilimency allowed for the direct reading of thoughts and memories, facilitating a form of spiritual communication. Even with limited language proficiency, relevant information could be extracted.

The mage and the Asgardian warrior are breaching our defenses and heading straight for the command center! A dark elf rushed back to Malekith. His voice filled with anxiety.

Thor, do you seek revenge? Jerry inquired, observing the cursed warrior momentarily halted by the Patronus.

The Kurse warriors strength was estimated as similar to Hulk.

While the Patronus possessed immense power and formidable magical defenses, its physical defense capabilities were lacking, making it difficult to sustain against the Kurse warriors onslaught.

Moreover, Jerry intended to avoid employing any powerful spells that could cause substantial damage in the command room, as he anticipated the potential usability of the dark elf battleship after neutralizing the dark elves.

Of course, Ill hammer his head! Thor declared, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He extended his hand to summon Thors hammer, poised to confront the cursed warrior again.

However, Jerry intervened and grabbed Thors arm.

Wait a moment; let me give you a little boost! Jerry said, extending his hand to touch Thors forehead and casting the Force card magic to enhance Thors strength.

He then dismissed the pierced Patronus, who had fulfilled its role as a distraction.

Oh, Jerry, what have you done to me? I feel like I could take on ten opponents now! Thor exclaimed, tightening his grip on the hammer and exuding a newfound explosive power. He had never felt as physically formidable as he did at that moment.

Its just an auxiliary magic that enhances strength, Jerry explained, grinning mischievously as he plucked a handful of melon seeds from the box and began munching on them.

The Force card magic operated by amplifying the casters strength through a unique method. The stronger the caster, the more pronounced the effect.

Thor possessed immense strength as the God of Thunder, and with the added assistance of the Force magic, his might was further magnified.

I love you, Jerry! Thor exclaimed jubilantly, grabbing his hammer and charging toward the approaching Kurse warrior.

With a resounding impact, Thor sent the Kurse warrior flying. Thors relentless barrage pulverized the Kurse warrior, who ultimately succumbed to his assault.

On the rooftop of Kamar-Taj.

Jerry released Malekith from the Stupefy spell and allowed the remaining 100 dark elf soldiers, pilots, and Malekith himself to exit the suitcase box.

He turned to The Ancient One and asked for her guidance.

The Ancient One, what should we do with the leader and the remaining dark elves?

Master Carmen, as you have defeated them, you hold more authority than I do in deciding their fate, The Ancient One responded, her gaze fixed on Jerry, eager to see how he would handle the situation.

Jerry contemplated for a moment before delivering a righteous proposal, From their perspective, their desire to ensure the prosperity of their race is not entirely wrong. However, their actions have posed a threat to the entire universe.

My suggestion is to confiscate their ship, erase their memories, and send them back to their homeland, Svartalfheim, where they can continue to thrive.

Jerrys thoughts were to execute them all, leaving no room for future trouble. However, considering the circumstances and The Ancient Ones test, he knew he couldnt answer that way.

Impressed, The Ancient One nodded in approval, seemingly satisfied with Jerrys response. I extracted the Aether from Miss Darcys body while you and Thor were engaged in battle. She is unharmed.

Thank you for your assistance, The Ancient One. Jerry expressed his gratitude alongside Thor, Jane, and Darcy.

Subsequently, Jerry cast Obliviate on the living dark elves to erase their memories, followed by a false memory spell to implant fake memories.

Thor summoned the Bifrost and transported the dark elves to Svartalfheim.

It appeared that Odin, through Heimdall, had been informed of the events transpiring and temporarily lifted the ban on Thors presence.

With everything settled, Jerry stored the spaceship inside his suitcase as requested by The Ancient One.

He bid farewell to her, expressing his gratitude, before opening a portal to send Thor, Jane, and Darcy went back to Coulsons plane.

He provided a brief account of the situation before returning to his villa.

Upon arriving home, Jerry promptly accessed the panel to assess the rewards of his recent endeavor.

As anticipated, the number of red stars awarded to him in this event involving the Infinity Stones was substantial.

His red stars had surged by 300,000 in just one day.

However, this incident also exposed a deficiency that needed immediate attentionJerrys magic power.

Engaging in large-scale combined spellcasting had depleted half of his magic reserves with a single use. This indicated that while his magical strength had significantly increased, his magic capacity struggled to keep pace.

Consequently, he resolved to slightly reduce his research time and concentrate on purifying the wizards blood.

Even with his current efficiency, it would require several decades to achieve substantial breakthroughs.

Therefore, purifying the wizards blood became his primary objective for rapidly resolving his magic power problem in the near future.