Chapter 494: 'Portal”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 494: “Portal”

The woman in question had appeared, her gaze fixed on the rice cooker in Jerrys hands.

It was evident to Jerry that the woman had a specific purpose in mind.

As a result, when he began to soar into the air to cast the Mending Charm, Jerry covertly dropped the rice cooker.

He had referred to it as his magic wind pot, a precious family magical item, but in reality, he had casually fabricated it.

He had prepared hundreds of these rice cookers in his ring space in advance.

Following conventional wisdom, after the council retrieved this precious magical item capable of sealing demons, they would undoubtedly safeguard it in a secure location to prevent the release of the contained demons.

This way, anyone would be unlikely to discover that he had switched the bags.

If, by any chance, someone attempted to open the rice cooker, Jerry had taken precautions.

Before handing over the rice cooker, he had cast numerous magic spells on it.

To open the rice cooker, one would need to first break through his enchantments.

These enchantments were not of this world nor of this system.

Even if a skilled spell-breaker from this world attempted to unravel them, it would prove to be no easy feat.

Moreover, even if the enchantments were successfully dispelled and the rice cooker was opened, it wouldnt matter.

Jerry had included a little surprise within that rice cookera Dark Elfs space compression bomb, a purely technological device.

The moment the rice cookers lid was opened, the space compression bomb would detonate, collapsing the rice cooker and obliterating the individual who had opened it.

Magic practitioners could detect various magical traps but could not identify purely technological devices.

In truth, Jerrys ploy was designed to guard against villains rather than those with noble intentions.

A responsible council would securely preserve the rice cooker, ensuring that the demons within remained sealed. If, however, someone were to attempt to open it secretly, Jerry would be painted as the villain by default.

Thank you for your cooperation. Well handle the follow-up work. You may return. However, before you leave, please request Guild Master Makarov to draft a comprehensive report detailing the events leading up to and following this incident and submit it to the parliament, the woman stated.

Its indeed Clover Town! The group ventured through the fiery ring, taking cautious steps into the forest behind it.

Before them lay the familiar sight of Clover Town.

While space magic existed in their world, the council had employed a large teleportation magic circle to travel from the council.

However, such a teleportation circle necessitated the space anchors and the engraving of specific warlocks and specially crafted magical tools.

The resources, both in terms of energy and funds, required for such a setup were beyond the means of ordinary individuals.

Even the Magic Council struggled to set up a space teleportation circle in every town.

Conversely, there were some mages with innate talent in space magic.

They possessed abilities to move through space, but their magic could typically transport only one or two individuals over limited distances.

Jerrys ability to teleport atop the cursed demon earlier had been accepted without question.

However, now Jerry had created a space portal to another townone that could simultaneously accommodate many people.

This feat didnt require the establishment of pre-arranged anchor points or coordination with numerous spells, magical tools, and mages.

It defied their conventional understanding of magic.

Jerry, I believe you might slightly misunderstand the term a bit? Lucy teased, recalling Jerrys previous claims.

With just a little knowledge of time magic, Jerry had managed to restore an entire town.

He had brought the Eisenwald guild second-in-command to his knees with a bit of shadow magic.

With a smattering of wind magic, he had shattered an advanced wind barrier and unmasked Erigor, the Lord of Death, from his storm cloak.

Jerry had casually mentioned knowing a little about space magic. Yet, he had conjured an invisible blade to sever the Eisenwald guild third-in-command, teleported, and now created a portal to a different town, allowing for the passage of many.

The discrepancy between Jerrys claims and his actual abilities was staggering.

Erza, Gray, Happy, and even Natsu, who had been most concerned, all nodded in agreement upon hearing Lucys remark.