Chapter 559: 'Triwizard Tournament”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 559: “Triwizard Tournament”

Jerry, thank you for picking us up; now we dont have to worry about being late, Harry expressed his gratitude with relief as he observed Jerry and Hermione emerging from the fireplace ring in front of the Burrow.

Hed experienced the Weasley familys habitual tardiness over the past years, often making it a close call to catch the train on time.

Following their decision to go shopping at Diagon Alley two days prior, Harry had been staying at the Burrow.

Mrs. Weasleys warm invitation was a significant factor, but also because his godfather, Sirius Black, recently appointed as an Auror by the Ministry of Magic, was swamped with work.

Since the disturbing events at the Quidditch World Cup, the Ministry of Magic had been in disarray.

Few doubted Siriuss capabilities because of his heroic status from the First Wizarding War.

In fact, most of the Aurors at the Ministry couldnt match his skills.

Consequently, the Ministry had been persistently pursuing him to join their ranks, hoping his presence would somewhat restore their tarnished reputation.

Siriuss unjust imprisonment in Azkaban as a Death Eater for over a decade had seriously marred the Ministrys image.

Initially, Sirius had been reluctant, but the recent reappearance of suspected Death Eater remnants at the Quidditch World Cup had intensified his loathing of Death Eaters.

Fueled by his desire for vengeance, hed ultimately accepted the Ministrys offer.

Its not a problem for me, Jerry assured with a smile, acknowledging Mrs. Mollys upstairs activities of helping Ginny with her things.

As Ron appeared with his suitcase, Jerry inquired, Good morning, Ron. By the way, wheres Mr. Arthur?

Jerry had noticed Arthurs absence in the house, which was quite unusual.

Hes incredibly busy. His colleagues from the Ministry of Magic summoned him early this morning. It seems they need to establish regulations related to your portal magic. You know how my dad excels at that, Ron explained nonchalantly.

Jerry grasped the significance of Arthur Weasleys early summons by the Ministry when he heard Rons words.

Ever since that eventful night when he had transported the wizards at the camp to Diagon Alley via an oversized portal, it was clear that the magic of portals was more than just theoretical.

Everyone had seen its practicality, which had resulted in a sudden sellout of his magic book on portal theory.

Youre all in for an exciting year. I might even take some time off to come and watch part of it, Bill remarked cryptically.

Charlie shared similar sentiments without offering any further explanation.

The cryptic dialogue left everyone but Jerry feeling perplexed, their curiosity gnawing at them like persistent cats.

Trust me, youll find out soon enough at school. You might not be back for Christmas this year for various reasons.

Mrs. Molly, choosing her words carefully, added a hint of mystique to the conversation.

Her words only fueled the curiosity of the Weasley brothers, but their inquiries yielded no additional information.

With a gentle smile, Mrs. Molly, Charlie, and Bill ushered them through the portal to the other side.

As Jerry closed the portal, they remained in the dark, and the mystery continued to elude them.

Arriving at the platform an hour ahead of the departure time courtesy of the portal, they found the place relatively empty.

This situation had its benefits, as they could choose their seats without the usual hassle.

However, due to Jerrys recognizable face, they decided to minimize the likelihood of disturbance on the train by selecting the rearmost compartment.

Once they had stowed their luggage and settled into their seats, Hermione turned to Jerry with a question. Jerry, do you already know whats going on?

Both Harry and Rons eyes locked onto Jerry in anticipation. Jerry replied with a knowing smile, Why do you think I would know?

He did not deny having knowledge about the topic at hand and looked at Hermione beside him.

With a proud posture, Hermione pointed out, Because you were the only one who didnt react to what Mrs. Molly and the others said, you know people from the Ministry of Magic, and youve been staying at the Leaky Cauldron. I assume you must have some idea already.

Jerry responded with a smirk, A great observation! What an astute answer!

He ruffled Hermiones hair and, unlike Bill, chose to quench their curiosity directly, revealing, Thats right, because this year, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!

The revelation left Harry, Ron, and Hermione wide-eyed and brimming with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

The Triwizard Tournament had a storied history, often involving perilous tasks and magical creatures, making it both exhilarating and dangerous.