Chapter 575: 'Three Little Dragonlings”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 575: “Three Little Dragonlings”

Hermione, Harry, and Ron were aware of Jerrys gift of three dragon eggs to Hagrid.

However, they werent particularly surprised since Hagrid had previously possessed a Dragon egg, although it was stolen before it could hatch.

Hagrid was still searching for the culprit who had stolen the egg, and he once suspected that the wizard who lost a bet to him had taken it back, as indicated in a message that he received.

Seeing a Fire Dragon hatch is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We cant afford to miss it, Hermione reminded the others. Her words prompted Harry and Ron to quicken their pace as they approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, nearing Hagrids hut.Checkk new novel chapters at novelbin(.)com

Before they reached Hagrids hut, they spotted the enormous powder-blue rune carriage of Beauxbatons College.

The rune horses, resembling the size of elephants, grazed leisurely in an enclosed paddock next to the carriage.

A group of Beauxbatons students sat on the emerald green lawn beside the carriage, engaged in lively discussions and laughter.

Please do me a favor and just avoid them altogether The last thing I want to have is a headache while seeing the Dragons hatched. Jerry suggested avoiding the Beauxbatons students, recalling his earlier encounter with them when he was asked for autographs.

Hermione and the others agreed, as they primarily intended to observe the Fire Dragon hatching, and it was essential to keep this event a secret due to Ministry of Magic regulations that prohibited private ownership of fire dragons.

Upon arriving at the door of Hagrids hut, Ron carefully knocked on the wooden door.

Clang clang clang!

Within seconds, Hagrid opened the door and informed them that the dragon was about to hatch. He was clearly excited about the prospect.

Inside Hagrids warm hut, they noticed that the three dragon eggs on the oversized table had deep cracks, and something inside them was making playful rattling sounds.

Its about to hatch soon, I hope you guys are as excited as me to see them hatch! Hagrid with a bright expression on his face spoke similarly like a little girl excited waiting dfor the Dragons to hatch.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Jerry pulled up chairs and sat down at the table, closely watching the eggs, holding their breath.

Jerry, however, sat with a smile on his face, less enthralled by the event.

He had seen dragon eggs hatch numerous times in the ring world and found it less novel than the others.

Nonetheless, it was his lifelong dream, and he was unwilling to give up on it.

Fire Dragons have quite a temper, and they wont necessarily follow your orders as they grow older. Here, I have a solution for you. Jerry had previous experience raising Norbert and Norsa, so he understood the challenges of managing a fire dragons temperament unless contract magic was employed.

He handed a palm-sized box to Hagrid, who looked puzzled.

A box? What is this supposed to be? Hagrid asked with the thing in his hand as he observed it closely.

Hermione, standing nearby, had a hunch about what Jerry was offering.

Newt Scamander, the renowned magical zoologist, had an extensive suitcase that he used to house and care for various magical creatures he collected. I believe you need one too, Jerry explained with a smile, gesturing for Hagrid to open the box.

Initially baffled, Hagrid soon realized the gifts purpose when he peeked into the box.

Inside, he discovered a vast space created by the Traceless Stretching Charm.

Hagrid was deeply moved and found it hard to express his gratitude. Thank you, Jerry, but this is incredibly precious. Im not sure how I can ever repay you.

His eyes filled with emotion, and he had been touched when Jerry initially provided him with the Fire Dragon eggs.

Now, Jerry had presented him with a top-tier space magic item, strengthening their bond even further.

The emotions inside Hagrids heart was overflowing, touched by Jerrys kindness

Truly, even after the stereotype about how a Giant is supposed to be.

Hargrid is just a gentle Giant at heart

He only wants to spend his life watching over the magical creatures under his care till the day he die.

Of course, such life is going to be impossible under the prying eyes of others.

It would be Jerrys job to think what to do with Hagrid in the future to take care some of the creatures he would acquire.