Chapter 644: 'The Arriving Companion”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 644: “The Arriving Companion”

In the passage of a mere three months, time slipped away like grains of sand.

In the early morning, Jerry awoke to the rhythmic ticking of raindrops. Rising from the tatami mat, he effortlessly used magic to freshen up and dress.

Pushing open the sliding door, he strolled towards the villas dining room.

Today marked the anticipated day when Yuuko had promised to transport him to other worlds.

Over these three months, Jerry had meticulously absorbed all the laws governing this diminutive world.

In reality, he had completed this endeavor within the first month, noting striking resemblances in low-level laws between this world and the Magic Card World he had previously visited.

Perhaps it was due to the common originator or creator behind these worlds.

Whether it was the Magic Card World, his current realm, or the future worlds he would explore, shared threads of similar laws intertwined them.

The Magic Card World and the current realm, crafted by the same entity, exhibited a greater convergence of laws compared to the divergent small world he traversed through the panel.

Worlds like Harry Potters, the Sorcerers Apprentice, and Fairy Tail, created by different entities, showcased unique sets of laws distinct from the common threads uniting the realms of Cardcaptors and Jerrys current dwelling.

Nevertheless, this approach may result in a smaller quantity of low-level laws gathered in each world compared to Jerrys initial expectations.

Yet, this method boasts its advantages, namely a significantly reduced time investment.LaaTest novels on (n)ovelbi/n(.)com

Some worlds may harbor such repetitive low-level laws that Jerry can swiftly amass them within mere days or a fortnight.

This development didnt overly dishearten Jerry. Numerous small worlds held the potential for collecting low-level laws, including realms he had yet to explore, such as the Fairy Tail world.

If he so desired, armed with his current strength, Jerry could return to the main world, navigate the multiverse, and delve into various parallel universes to amass laws.

Marvels main world itself featured numerous parallel universes, exemplified by the three distinct Spider-Mans residing in three different universes. Mutants and similar entities also occupied separate universes.

In reality, Jerry faced no shortage of law collection opportunities.

Good morning, Mr. Carmen!

The first type was a spirit body, an extension of human negative emotions, often lacking intelligence and acting on instinct.

The second type was cultivated from animals, possessing human-level intelligence and utilizing various special magics.

Regardless of the type, Jerry found them relatively weak opponents.

With a light magic, thunder magic, or soul magic, he could effortlessly eliminate them from this world.

Miss Yuuko, when are we leaving for today? Jerry, enjoying the exquisite breakfast prepared by Watanuki, asked Ichihara Yuuko directly.

Without hesitation, Yuuko nodded with a smile, If nothing unexpected happens, your companion for dimensional travel will arrive in about two hours.

Well, thats a great news for me., Jerry responded with a smile.

After more than three months, and especially the last two months of relative idleness, Jerry was now in high spirits as he could resume his plan to collect laws.

Across from him, Yuuko observed Jerry with an inscrutable expression.

Two hours later, in the living room, Jerry, wearing a slightly surprised expression, looked at Ichihara Yuuko and inquired, Miss Yuuko, who are you?

To his surprise, Jerry realized that Yuuko was not a real person at the moment but a magical construct, a body resembling a clone.

Rather than being taken aback by Jerrys discovery, Yuuko smiled and explained, One of the soon-to-arrive guests is cursed with a potent spell. Anyone encountering a person with a stronger magical power will uncontrollably attempt to kill each other.

I find it more prudent to greet guests using a phantom body to prevent the house from being demolished shortly.

By the way, Mr. Carmen, you might want to employ a magic that shields your own magical power from the outset. Itll create a more harmonious atmosphere for a while. Yuuko explained to Jerry with a mysterious smile on her face.

Well, such a peculiar curse, thats interesting. Jerry mused to himself.

Upon hearing this, Jerry didnt object and casually cast a spell to shield his magical power, Protego! preventing any unintentional conflicts.

Since both he and Ichihara Yuuko were victims of the curse, it was wise to avoid confrontation to prevent accidental harm.

Jerry, rather than feeling anxious about the person thats soon going to appear before them with the powerful curse that Yuuko had explained to him, he is looking forward to meeting with the so called partner.