Chapter 712: 'The Dark Land”

Name:Marvel Hogwarts Wizard Author:
Chapter 712: “The Dark Land”

The world where Ankhseram is located is called Andros World, which is a fantasy world full of swords and magic. Those who use swords can practice their spirit and be called fighters. The powerful fighters can even break a mountain with one sword swing.

The use of magic is called a mage and is divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, and magister. The destructive power of forbidden magic used by a powerful magister is far greater than that of a fighter.

Ankhseram was the most powerful magister in the Andro world at that time. He devoted himself to studying magic, hoping he could one day explore its true meaning.

Until one day, he finally broke through the limit that mages had never broken through, mastered the mysteries of life and death, and used magic to resurrect family members and friends who had been dead for hundreds of years.

Even later, he began to realize the true meaning of magic and created an independent world that he could completely control. At that time, Andro, the creator of Andros World, appeared in front of him.Fiind updated novels on no/v/elbin(.)co/m

The creator did not reward him for his achievements. Instead, he accused him of being a shameless mortal who stole the power of the gods and needed to be erased forever.

Although Andro defeated him at that time, he still had the power to protect himself. Taking advantage of Andros underestimation of him, he blocked Andro with the magic he invented, broke through the worlds shackles in time, and entered a place outside the world.

What is that place? At this time, Jerry interrupted and asked.

Ankhseram paused and explained, All the worlds created by the gods exist in the Dark Land. The Dark Land has no beginning and no end. I am not particularly clear about the details. Even the name of the Dark Land is the name given by another God itself.

But there is also something he must remember. According to Ankhseram, the gods in the Dark Land are hostile. But even if there is danger, he will definitely have to set foot in the Dark Land in the future.

Because if he wants to enter that place and create a new world on your own, it will be time-consuming and may not be completed in just a short moment. He thought it would be much faster to integrate the world that already existed and merge the worlds he had with it.

We had a great time here. Ill come back to you for more when I have time. Feeling that it was almost done, Jerry stood up and said goodbye to Ankhseram.

Ankhseram did not try to persuade him to stay. He just said with a hint, I hope that you and I will not be enemies in the future.

Dont worry. I have many friends in this world, and I hope you have time to visit them in the future. Jerry knew what Ankhseram meant and gave his answer sincerely.

This is indeed the answer he gave from the bottom of his heart. He and Ankhseram didnt really have any grudges. At most, they just used each other to exchange some knowledge.

But he has a good friendship with everyone in Fairy Tail. Even if his strength exceeds Ankhserams in the future, he will not go to war with him and force this world to be included in his collection. This includes the world of Harry Potter and the world of the Socerers Apprentices.

After feeling Jerrys assurance, Ankhseram was finally relieved.

Jerry has never let go of his vigilance since he first appeared. He has been worried that his world will be consumed one day because he has done this kind of thing before.

In this way, after bidding farewell to Ankhseram, Jerry returned to the Fairy Tail Guild.