Chapter 1440: Difan, do you have Ethereal Gold?

Listening to Emperor Fan's weird tone, I don't know if it was the reason why he hadn't listened to it for too long, Leo actually had the urge to flatten him.

But Leo still suppressed the emotion of wanting to do something, and calmly looked at Emperor Fan in front of him.

"If you are free, you should really go out and take a look, instead of staring at these collections, otherwise you might find more."

Leo looked at Emperor Fan in front of him, and said seriously with his eyes.

"I know what you mean, but you have seen too little. In the countless years I have survived, I have seen too many things, but I have lost too much."

It seemed that after hearing Leo's caring greeting, Di Fan was a little moved, his face was also serious, and even a little memory appeared on his face.

"I have seen the death of countless lives and witnessed the demise of countless civilizations. I have experienced the lives of countless people in the universe. I am even bored to enter the primary civilizations and experience their lives."

"But you don't understand that this eternal life span is actually a curse."

Difan looked at Leo and said solemnly.

"You are too young. Your breath of life is like an ancient tree of life that has just sprouted. You have the same near-eternal life span as ours, but only a few decades have passed."

"I really don’t know if this is worth sorrow or happiness, but you still have countless novel feelings about this universe, and countless novel experiences, which will fascinate you, um, at least you don’t need to think about it for two thousand years. The meaning of life, because you can presumptuously experience feelings and things you have never experienced before."

"After a thousand years, you may be a little tired, but new and strange things are appearing in the universe every moment. This will make you still have an endless experience of enjoyment. You can breed the next generation, but believe me, we This kind of talent cannot be inherited. All you can witness is the demise of those lives."

"If this happens several times, you will lose this desire, and you will find that you don't need this feeling at all, you don't need offspring, and this instinct engraved in the genes of life will not be able to affect you. "

"Maybe for a while you will like to fall asleep, you will like this kind of confusion when you wake up again, seeing all the changes around you, but this feeling will not last long."

"At the end you will find that you can actually pursue a better life."

"Those guys of ours found their own pursuits in the end. This is how I am, and so are others. No one will live so mediocrely, and they will find their own final pursuit."

Di Fan roughly explained the reason. This was the first time he explained something to others, and Leo was also qualified to accept his own explanation.

Because in the eyes of Emperor Fan, Leo Ben is the same person as them, the same person who has countless years of life, and finally became a partner.

Although there is clearly no relationship between the two, in the next countless years, this relationship will only become more and more eager, because thousands of years later, people who can continue to want to chat, even in the entire universe , Too little.

"You actually hate your eternal life, so why don't you die? It should be easy if you want to die. At this point, maybe I can help you.

Leo looked at Di Fan in front of him with no anger in the slightest, his eyes were calm, calm and cold.

"Death? No, when you are on the verge of death, you will find that this kind of resistance is irresistible. You will not take the initiative to accept death, just like death will not come to you."

Di Fan didn't look angry at Leo and said, "So collecting these precious and exquisite lives is my pursuit, and I think my pursuit is more noble than everyone else. "

When Di Fan said this, he seemed to be a little bit proud. It seemed that in his endless career, the only kind of fun of comparison was in it.

"Although you don't know how long you have been alive, you haven't experienced the feeling of death yet, haven't you? Maybe you can still be resurrected."

Leo stared at the guy in front of him tightly, with a perverted feeling in his eyes.

And this feeling is really not wrong, this kind of life abandoned by death, this kind of life that doesn't know how long it has lived, is definitely a bit psychopathic.

Leo's guess about Difan is still too simple. The guy in front of him really doesn't know how long he has lived. At that time, he could live for tens of thousands of years if he wanted to come to Odin, and Difan would definitely only have more.

Di Fan also fixed his eyes on Leo, looking at the bright purple light on Leo's right hand. Even Di Fan couldn't help but step back slightly.

He is not afraid of death. For him who has lived for countless years, he does not have the emotion of fear of death, but in his body, there is a stronger instinct to resist death.

"Why are you killing me? We didn't have any conflicts before, aren't we trustworthy partners? But since I saw you for the first time, I treated you like the same kind."

With a weird smile on Difan’s face, UU reading www.uukanshu. com looked at Leo and said.

"Similar? No, we will never be the same, we are just cooperation, a simple cooperative relationship."

Leo said in disgust.

Only he has the capital to say this sentence, pushing away this sentence that countless people in the universe dream of.

"Okay, but you will understand one day, I believe you will come to me at that time, and I will always be waiting for you."

Difan looked at Leo still looking like this, "But if you want to know the news of Void Spirit Gold, I'm afraid no one in the universe knows better than me."

"Of course, I am even curious, how do you know this word, I guess only Asgard has a relevant record."

"No, maybe the legendary forging dwarves have related records. After all, it seems that your bracers of power were made in the hands of that race. This powerful technology is simply given to them by the universe. gift."

Difan looked at the wristband on Leo's hand with fascination.

"It is said that the number of forging dwarves of that clan is scarce, and the entire civilization spirit is completely invested in forging skills. I don't know how many people they still have now."

Di Fan said such words again.

Even though Asgard and Nidavi have disappeared in the universe for thousands of years, Difan still recognized the forging craftsmanship of the bracelet at a glance.

"Di Fan, do you have Ethereal Gold in your hand?"