Chapter 1547: killed by me

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Next, was the training record for Pietro in the base, and Leo watched a series of operations with interest.

It has to be said that the equipment here is so powerful that even at the speed of Pietro, it is capable of accurate detection.

"Leo, where did you take Bucky?"

During the test, Rogers couldn't help but come over and ask.

"Ha, I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. I wonder if his problem has been cured."

Hearing Rogers' question, Leo smiled awkwardly and said so.

Rogers on the side had a black line on his face. Bucky, who was so concerned about him, didn't know where Leo had forgotten him.

At that time, Leo refused to tell Rogers the location, but it was very uncomfortable for Rogers, who saw Bucky again, to be separated like this.

Even when he went out to relax, he almost focused his attention on finding Bucky, trying to find the best medical structure in various places, and even using the S.H.I.E.L.D. system.

But still no trace of Bucky was found.

This made Rogers suspect that Leo had brought Bucky to a secret base in China for research.

Rogers had no choice at all. It was until now that he saw Leo again that he couldn't wait to ask.

But he didn't expect that Leo didn't take Bucky seriously at all, so he just left it behind.

He was obviously the person he cared about the most, but being treated like this made Rogers really speechless when he looked at Leo.

"Then I will take time to take a look in the past two days. You must know that Bucky's problem is very serious, and he needs a long-term treatment."

That's what Leo said.

Rogers also felt what kind of attitude was in Leo's tone, so he didn't continue to ask, and walked to the side silently.

And this behavior also caused Natasha and the others to glance sideways, and then they turned their attention to Pietro.

At this time, Wanda came to Leo's side and asked quietly, "Leo, why do you feel that you don't like that Captain America."

"Have it?"

"Well, it's a little obvious, I can feel it." Wanda simply nodded and said without any scruples.

Leo was a little speechless, "It's okay, after all, I won't be as nice to everyone as I am to my uncle and aunt."

Seeing what Wanda wanted to say, Leo also covered Wanda's mouth.

"Can you ask any other questions?"

"Yes, who is that Carol?"

Wanda, who broke free from Leo's hand, didn't seem to be disgusted by this behavior, but said with interest.

"You're curious about that guy?"

"Of course, after all she seems to sound strong, and she's a woman, which is pretty powerful."

Wanda said so.

Leo glanced around. The people here are all his own, so there is nothing to hide. After all, the news about Carol is not a big secret.

"Actually, I haven't seen her before, I just heard her name, so I know her a little bit."

Leo looked at everyone and said.

Following Leo's opening, several people around him could not help but crowd around, even Pietro, who was still training just now, was not surprised.

And Tony, who usually soaks in the laboratory, did not leave this time because of Leo, and also surrounded him.

As for Nick Fury, he was a little helpless, but he always regarded Carroll as his last secret method and never told anyone.

Even among those who knew Carroll's identity, they knew very little about it, and Nick Fury had almost all the information in his hands.

But now, it seems that Leo will reveal the old story, which is a little embarrassing.

But when Nick Fury saw Leo in front of him again, his heart was calm, and he was even a little happy.

You must know that although the communicator in the chest pocket is the only means of contacting Carol, it is also the last secret means of his own, which is regarded as a hole card.

But in front of him, there is an existence that is not weaker than Carroll, or even stronger than Carroll.

And he, not as unreliable as Carroll, doesn't know when he will be back.

So instead of relying on Carol, who doesn't know when he will be able to receive the signal, it is more practical to have a better friendship with Leo in front of him.

"Carol Danvers, who was originally from Earth, was forced to inhale a powerful energy due to an accident, thus losing his memory, and was brought to their civilization by the Kree, brainwashing, trying to Absorb Kroll into their power."

"Until one time, Carroll returned to Earth again due to a mission accident. With the help of Director Fury, he retrieved his memory and finally prevented the Kree from destroying the earth."

"So Carol can be regarded as saving the earth once, otherwise it will be destroyed by Ronan, the butcher of the Cree."

Leo looked at everyone and said calmly.

The words are not long, but you can hear the incomparable thrilling from them.

There is even a crisis about the survival of the entire human civilization on Earth.

"That's right, in the end it was Carol who prevented that destruction. She fought off the entire fleet by herself, and she has guarded the earth for a long time."

"Otherwise, the Cree civilization will not allow Earth, a weak technological civilization, to continue to exist after preventing their actions."

Furui nodded and said, UU reading affirmed Leo's words.

And Furui's words also shocked everyone, "So before Sol came, you knew that there was a powerful alien civilization threatening the safety of the earth?"

"Is that why you came to form the Avengers? I thought I had this idea after I knew about Asgard."

Tony Stark was also a little shocked.

Natasha on the side shrugged, "I knew about this plan earlier, but none of them had suitable personnel until I met you."

"No wonder you look worried every day. It turns out that this pressure has been on you for a long time."

Rogers said so.

Furui said lightly, "All I got was a promise. After that, I never saw her again. Of course, there will be pressure."

"The Kerry civilization is still being shocked by Carol, so don't worry too much until she doesn't have an accident."

Leo said so.

"I know, but Ronan, the accuser of the Kerry civilization, is slaughtering civilization in the universe. He is a lunatic, just like he wanted to destroy the civilization of the earth."

"I'm afraid that one day, he will be so crazy that he doesn't care about Carol at all, and will attack the earth directly."

"In this way, even if Carol finally avenges the earth, human civilization will have no hope at all."

However, Fury expressed his concerns. After all, there are several Skrulls, and he will also see some news on the star network.

Besides, the Skrulls are also exaggerating the fact that Ronan will destroy their homeland.

"Ronan? Don't you worry, I've killed that guy."