Chapter 1577: Leo's decision

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Catherine didn't come back to her senses for a while, and looked at Leo in a daze.

"What... did you do?"

"I said I wanted to avenge you. This is the headquarters of the Black Snake Society. There are twelve staff members, seven killers, and two so-called leaders. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Leo looked at Catherine, asked curiously, but looked at the baby in Catherine's arms who had gradually woken up, and said with some concern.

"No... no, thank you, thank you very much."

Catherine looked at the avatar and related information about herself projected in Leo's hand, which had become gray and slowly dissipated.

He couldn't help covering his mouth again, with clear tears streaming down his eyes.

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Leo shook his hand lightly, the projection dissipated, and he put away the phone, "This is just a branch. In San Francisco, they have two more bases, and I will solve them."

"As for you, just go home first and have a good rest, no matter what, life will go on."

Leo looked at the sad Catherine in front of him, and took off the earphone from the baby's head in his hand. At the same time, a burst of golden light sank into the baby's body.

"The baby will grow up healthy. This is what Rhodes hopes to see. He was killed for saving people. He will go to heaven and will guard you silently in heaven."

Leo could only sigh lightly, stretched out his hand to support Catherine, his body changed, and the two disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in Catherine's room, and bright sunlight poured in from outside the room, illuminating most of the hall.

Catherine stood in place with the baby in her arms, a little helpless.

She understands that Leo is leaving, but what should she do to repay Leo's kindness, she seems to be unable to do anything.

But Leo stretched out his hand and waved, and a small pile of cash appeared on the coffee table, about 200,000.

"This is some cash from the Black Snake Club as compensation for you."

"By the way, there is another car, right? That car is damaged. It's hard to take it out from the police station. I'll give you another hundred thousand yuan in the card."

Leo looked at Catherine, nodded again, and let Jarvis transfer 100,000 from his card to Catherine's account.

"There is only so much I can help you,?? But I can guarantee that there will be absolutely no follow-up trouble to find you here?? So, live a good life, I believe in you."

Leo patted Catherine on the shoulder and said softly.

"thanks, thanks!"

Catherine's red eyes looked at Leo and said softly, she didn't know how to repay Leo, he had done too much for himself, and the words of thanks were too pale, she didn't know what to do.

But Catherine knew that from now on, she had a new belief, which was Leo.

"A good life is the best thank you to me, come on."

Leo smiled and walked to the door, "Okay, don't send me off, clean up the house and have a good rest."

Seeing that Leo disappeared without a trace the moment he stepped out of the door, Catherine came back to her senses again, looking at the baby in her arms, looking at herself with a satisfied smile, the innocence in her eyes. The expectation finally ignited Catherine's confidence to continue to live on.

"Baby, you must always remember that we have a savior, the golden legend!"

Catherine looked at the baby and shook her body gently.

Then he couldn't help but look out the window, "You are my god!"


Leo didn't stop too much, what he has decided, then continue to do it!

Sure enough, Leo disappeared again.

When Leo reappeared on the street, the Black Snake Club, which was distributed in three corners of the city, had been completely destroyed. It was obviously a powerful killer organization covering the entire city, but in less than ten minutes. , it was destroyed most of the time.

Of course, there must be many killers who have not been killed, but it is conceivable that after they discover this, there must be very complex psychological activities.

What can be guaranteed is that the city will be a lot calmer in the near future.

Leo was walking on the street, even though there was such a violent storm yesterday, but it had little impact on the city, and even the originally chaotic streets were almost cleaned up at this time.

The streets are full of tourists, all yearning for this golden legend. In this turbulent city, Leo can't feel any pleasure standing on the street.

It's just that Leo, who was stained with blood again just now, didn't want to go back so soon. As he became stronger, Leo felt that his sense of estrangement was getting heavier and heavier.

When you surpass human beings too much, you will find that you are farther and farther away from people.

For this, you can refer to Hulk, Sol, and even Superman in the DC universe. In fact, if it is not for their unique fetters, the earthlings are meaningless to these guys.

And Leo is also fortunate that, here, he still has Jenny and George who will love him forever, there are so many partners and friends, and there are a lot of things he cares about.

However, among the body's instincts, it is slightly excluded from all the irrelevant humans around them. Their thoughts are full of limitations, and everything is guided and controlled.

Strong and weak emotions are constantly wandering in Leo's mind. It seems that the more he takes in, the more strange memories and knowledge appear.

This kind of weird knowledge makes Leo feel a faint sense of strangeness, but it can't help but let Leo's own thinking be affected by it.

It was because Leo recognized this that he was reluctant to open the third golden pill for a long time, afraid that he could not restrain his desire to devour it.

But even if Leo realized this, he was inevitably influenced by these unfamiliar knowledge.

Walking on the turbulent street, Leo really felt so lonely. Even if he was surrounded by crowds, he felt so lonely.

Although he appears to be indistinguishable from humans on the outside, he has other qualities.

Leo himself does not need to eat and drink, and he does not need to be tired to sleep. Just his physical strength is not inferior to Sol Hulk and his like, and it is enough to withstand the explosive attack of missiles.

Can such a person be considered human?

Leo looked at everything around him, but he couldn't help frowning fiercely. Although this emotion was guided by his actions just now, these emotions were all true.

Leo felt like a robot, like Ultron or Vision.

Walking and walking, Leo did not know when he had reached the edge of the city, behind him were three or two small bungalows, and further out, there were winding roads and rolling green hills.

Leo looked at the green mountains, but his eyes were a little firmer, his body changed, and the whole person turned into a streamer and disappeared into the forest.