Chapter 1544: The Horror and Power of Wanda

An iron ball of such mass is expected to punch a large hole in the floor when it falls.

Even if the quality of the floor is excellent, there is nothing to do in front of the iron ball with such a small force-bearing area and such a large mass.

The iron ball did not continue to hit forward, but Wanda, who was still two meters away, was held in Natasha's arms and dragged aside like a big baby.

Obviously, Wanda looks a bit taller than Natasha, but Wanda has no resistance in Natasha's hands.

The huge iron ball had already fallen, and just when everyone was ready for the huge shock of the floor cracking, the iron ball suddenly stopped in the air less than five centimeters from the ground.

And on top of its huge iron ball, a layer of crimson energy gradually appeared.

But on the other side, the two barbells weighing more than 1,500 kilograms that were originally suspended in the air fell heavily to the floor, making several impact sounds.

However, such an impact did not cause any damage to the floor, it just left a few white marks on it.

The barbell lost control and began to roll randomly on the ground. With such a weight, even Sam, Pietro and others beside him could not block it well.

Instead, Rogers and Stark directly braked the rolling barbell on the ground with one foot.

Facing the barbell weighing one and a half tons, Rogers raised his hands, groaned heavily, and even pulled it straight up from the ground, pushing it to his chest.

But his whole body also began to tremble a little, apparently a little close to Rogers' physical limit.

But then, I only saw Rogers maintaining the status quo for a little while, and he looked a little exhausted just now, but he was quickly relieving.

The physical fitness that exceeds the limit of human beings is blooming incredible power on Rogers.

With a loud shout, Rogers straightened his chest, and even lifted up the barbell weighing 1,500 kilograms.

This record far broke the current world record held in the sports meeting, and even doubled it several times, but it was realized on Rogers.

In fact, this should not be possible with this physique, but Rogers did it.

On the other side, Tony Stark, whose physical fitness was piled up to 20 points, couldn't help but want to give it a try after seeing this scene.

But just by pulling his hands hard, he has reached Stark's limit, let alone making clean and **** movements.

Seeing this scene, Leo's eyes became a little serious, and his eyes scanned Rogers' body.

The strength shown by Rogers is not like what his physical fitness can do.

The gorgeous golden light introverted into Leo's eyes instantly invaded Rogers' body.

After maintaining the clean and **** state for a few seconds, Rogers exhaled fiercely, and threw the barbell in his hand down, hitting a few marks on the floor again.

And all the reactions in his body appeared in Leo's eyes.

'This reaction? ! It has exceeded the recovery speed of normal people, and there is another energy assisting Rogers' body! '

In Leo's eyes, on top of the already clear body structure, there was another strange energy flowing out.

This strange energy flow appeared from nowhere, flowing through almost all the meridians in Rogers' body.

Stark put down the barbell in his hand and looked at Rogers who completed the clean and jerk, still a little unbelievable. Is this what the human body can do?

You must know that Stark has swallowed a large number of Baker Stones, and has strengthened his body to the limit, and the Baker Stones cannot continue to strengthen.

It stands to reason that he has also reached the limit of his body, and Stark is also very shocked about his physical fitness. Compared with his original self, it is simply a world of difference.

But when I compared Rogers in front of me, I found that there was still a big gap. In other words, Rogers had not only evolved to the limit of the human body, but also surpassed it by a lot.

Gu Yu

Leo looked away from Rogers. Although something was wrong, Leo didn't care much about it.

What is certain is that there is really another strange force supporting Rogers on his body.

Perhaps there will be more opportunities to observe this in the future.

Leo still turned his head and focused his gaze on Wanda.

Not only Leo, but almost everyone focused their attention on Wanda.

I saw that although Wanda was hugged by Natasha, she didn't even stand firmly on the ground, but the outstretched hand firmly grasped the metal ball weighing twenty tons. It was fixed in mid-air.

And there is no shaking in the air.

It is just such an ability that everyone is moved by it.

You know, with a weight of just one and a half tons, Rogers, who has made his body reach the peak of human beings or even break through the peak of human beings, can't stand it.

But the twenty tons of weight, in Wanda's hands, did not seem to be too much pressure.

The huge gap in this is of course self-evident.

Fu Rui, Natasha and the others, who had looked down on Wanda just now, also had their eyes widened when they saw this scene. They did not expect that Wanda's ability to control is so powerful, and this weight does not seem to be Wanda. reached the limit.

Wanda regained her stature, and her somewhat thin body was still a bit unsightly under Natasha's strength.

Everyone could even see that the red mark on Wanda's arm that Natasha had just caused due to excessive force showed that Wanda's body was just that of an ordinary person, and this was an extremely fatal weakness.

If you want to deal with Wanda, what you do doesn't need to be tough, maybe only one bullet is enough to solve it.

"What is Wanda's limit strength? If so, there is too much room for growth."

Natasha on the side couldn't help but said.

"Now, in a stable state, it should be able to exceed 60 tons."

Leo said directly.

"What is a steady state?"

Stark asked directly, and Fu Rui also looked at Wanda in shock, realizing that he still underestimated her a little.

"If it is not necessary to maintain the shape of the controlled object, UU Reading Wanda's limit is a very exaggerated number, and I am not sure."

Leo looked at Wanda and laughed.

The fair-skinned Wanda looked at Leo with a shy blush on her face.

Seeing Leo's encouraging eyes, Wanda nodded and gradually clenched her right hand.

Everyone saw the metal ball wrapped in a layer of faint translucent crimson energy, quickly lifted into the air, and at the same time, there was a terrifying metal twisting sound.

The 20-ton solid metal ball gradually distorted and collapsed in the air, and the originally round spherical surface began to collapse inward irregularly.

The entire metal ball was slowly twisted into an irregular metal block whose size had shrunk by about one-third.

And everyone who saw this scene at the side couldn't help feeling chills all over their bodies.

There was a touch of panic in the eyes looking at Wanda.