Chapter 1622: Leo disappears, Quantum Realm

Leo, who was still shrouded in the color quantum field, suddenly looked back at the three people standing at the door and said anxiously.

"I'm going in for a while, don't worry, Hank Pym's physical problem has been solved, protect his body, I left the coordinates of his return on his body, don't let anything happen, just wait until I come back. "

After Leo finished speaking, he immediately turned his head to look at Hank Pym's body, and patted his hands directly on Hank Pym's chest.

Dazzling golden light shot out from Leo's hand in an instant, and all gathered on Hank Pym's body.

The colorful energy field sputtered out from Hank Pym's body, suddenly extended on the outer layer of the field and covered with a thin layer of golden light, and began to press inward in a blink of an eye.

The multi-colored quantum domain, which originally wanted to expand outward, was bound in the middle by this thin layer of golden light, but now, it has to be suppressed as a whole.

In this way, of course, the two sides had a fierce dispute, and the colored field was desperately expanding outwards, as if it wanted to swallow the other three people in and eat them.

But the layer of golden light wrapped outside is like a mountain of steel, unshakable, still slowly shrinking inwards circle after circle, at a very stable speed, as if it has not been affected in any way.

Visible to the naked eye, the colored field is suppressed step by step by the golden light, and the small space shrinks rapidly.

The three people standing at the door, of course, heard what Leo said before, and there was a trace of tension and excitement in the eyes of Wanda and Pietro.

"Pietro, check all the five surrounding blocks, and pay attention to places and people that are not right, Scott, you should not approach Dr. Pym now."

Wanda stepped forward and said directly, a little crimson energy surged from his hands.


Pietro first glanced at Scott with deep eyes, and then disappeared, turning into a silver light and disappearing into the room.

At this time, Leo, who was still in the domain, had lost connection with the outside world, and the scope of the colored domain had been continuously shrinking, and everything in it seemed to be slowly shrinking.

Even Leo, among them, is getting smaller little by little. At this moment, Leo, who originally had a head of 1.8 meters, has turned into a child, and is still getting smaller little by little.

The only thing that hasn't changed is Hank Pym. Even at this time, the colored energy fields are exposed on the head and feet, and the surrounding area is empty, and it seems that there is a tendency to fall.

Wanda looked at Leo with some concern. After all, the scene in front of him looked very strange. Even though he was such a big guy, he turned into a dwarf, and it was getting smaller and smaller. It looked a little scary.

But Wanda believed in Leo's judgment very much, and she couldn't say anything more at this time. She stretched out her right hand, and a burst of crimson energy lifted Hank Pym's body in mid-air.

A few seconds later, Pietro's figure suddenly appeared beside Scott, his face was flushed, and he was panting slightly. After seeing Wanda's movements, he said immediately.

"There is nothing abnormal within the surrounding eight blocks, except that there were two robberies, which were small disturbances and will not affect this place."

While speaking, Pietro stared closely at the body of Hank Pym who was exposed more and more in the air, and at the same time, he also looked at Leo, who seemed to be the size of a doll in the air.

"Leo, are you sure there is no problem?"

Wanda looked at Leo, who was only 20 centimeters tall in the air, and shouted anxiously.

"wait me back!"

Leo waved his hand, turned his head and said calmly, without the slightest tension in his words, as if he had seen through everything.

Just after Leo finished speaking, it was compressed to less than 30 centimeters, completely detached from Hank Pym's body, and the little colored ball suspended in the air collapsed and shrank away in an instant. ,


Leo just disappeared with the color energy field, and he did it without wearing any equipment.

This is not turning into Ant-Man like Scott did, but completely disappearing. In such a situation, I am afraid there is only one possibility, which is what Hank Pym once said.

Leo entered the Quantum Realm without any equipment!

And the only one who was still there was the sleeping Hank Pym held in mid-air by Wanda's crimson energy.

There is no way, after all, the original sofa and other objects, as long as everything that was just shrouded in the color domain space has disappeared.

What surprised the three of them was that none of the clothes on Hank Pym disappeared. This is the strangest thing.

In short, there is now a pothole about 50 centimeters on the floor in the center of the room, and beside it are the remains of the table, coffee table, and sofa. The scene is like a work of art.

Seeing this, Pietro moved a new sofa from the side hall, with the ruins in the middle, although it was smaller than the original one, it was enough to perfectly fit the unconscious Hank Pym.

Seeing this, Wanda also put Hank Pym down. They didn't choose to move Hank Pym suddenly, but chose to put Hank Pym where he was.

As for Scott on the side, he could only watch the actions of the two in front of him, dumbfounded.

Afterwards, everything returned to calm again. Hank Pym lay quietly on the newly moved sofa, and Wanda and the three sat on the chairs on the other side of the room.

Except that Pietro brought over the remaining pizza on the table, the three of them had no intention of getting close to Hank Pym's body, and were quietly waiting for something, hoping that Leo would show up soon.

Time passed bit by bit, and the three of them had already finished all the remaining meals, and they were still sitting where they were, waiting for a miracle to happen.

Wanda has been monitoring everything in the room Looking at Dr. Pym, his eyes slightly wrinkled, "Dr. Pym seems to be waking up soon, Pietro, I'm going to knock him out."


Pietro nodded and said, also stood up and was ready to make a move.

"Hey, wait a minute, do we have to do this? Maybe Dr. Pym knows something, so don't be so anxious to knock him unconscious."

After listening to Wanda's words, Scott stood up suddenly and said, waiting like this is not an option.

Wanda also frowned slightly. She had never dealt with any emergencies at all, and she was really struggling with the decision-making on this matter.

I was even hesitating whether to tell the other Avengers members and let them help.

Just as he was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Pietro appeared at the door in a flash, but he didn't make a move.

I only saw Hope walking in with Darren who was still sluggish. After seeing the changes in the hall, he was also stunned.