Chapter 19: contact

Although Obadiah doubted Leo's identity, he did not pay too much attention to it. Now he is full of anger at Tony's decision.

With a Cuban cigar in his mouth, he came in to find Tony.

saw Tony standing in front of the reactor, biting his cigar, angrily, some illegible words, "Look at what you did!!"

Tony also turned his head, a little embarrassed to face his uncle, "Everyone has drawn a bullseye on my head!"

"Your head? My head!" Aubadai put one hand into his trouser pocket and walked over.

"How much do you think the stock price will fall tomorrow?"

"Be optimistic, forty percent!" Stark replied very self-consciously.

"That's the least!!" Obadiah almost bit off the cigar head!

, holding the pole in one hand, persuaded, "Tony, we make arms!"

"Obi, I don't want to make a fortune from the dead!" Tony looked at his most beloved uncle, with expectations in his eyes, hoping that Obadiah would identify with him.

Obadai said word by word: "But this is our old line! We are arms dealers..."

"The company belongs to me, I have the final say!" Tony interjected, and Opadry ignored him and continued.

"Everything we do is to maintain the order of the world!" Staring straight at Tony's eyes, as if to put it on his face.

"What I saw there is not like this!" Tony looked at Obadiah with great expectation, "We haven't done enough, we can improve, ours do something else!!!"

Obady didn't care about Tony's eyes and frowned, "For example? Shall we make baby bottles?"

Tony also realized that Obi could not communicate now, and changed his attitude, so he had to say positively, "I think the arc reactor technology can be considered."

Obadiah laughed, "Oh, the arc reactor, that's just a gesture." He waved to the huge reactor on the side.

"Tony, stop making trouble, the purpose of this thing is to shut up the good guys!"

"It has value!" Stark said silently.

"Yes, you can also play as a science project, this thing can't even be collected, we all know it!" He walked behind Tony again.

"Arc reactor technology, there is no way out, right?"

"That's what you think!"

"Am I wrong? This thing hasn't broken through for many years? Ha, it's been thirty years!" Obadier said disdainfully.

"That's what they said?" Tony turned around and looked at his unhappy uncle, "Can your poker face still be stinking?"

"Don't worry, show me the breakthrough!" Obadier pointed to Tony's face with a cigar.

"OK! It was Rod who said it!" Tony's eyes were sad and he unbuttoned his chest.

Obady looked around and made sure that no one was aside, before staring at Stark's chest, he saw the rough small arc reactor firmly embedded in Tony's chest.

As if afraid of being discovered by others, he hurriedly fastened Tony's chest button, "Okay."

"Are you satisfied?"

Obady finally showed a smile on his face, and the joy in his eyes was unstoppable, as if he had discovered a huge treasure, secretly ecstatic.

Looking at Tony Stark in front of him, he sighed with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Listen to me, Tony, we are a team, understand? As long as we work together, there is nothing we can't do! Just like your dad and me back then!"

Tony looked at Obi in front of him, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you in advance, okay!"

"Tony, Tony! You can't do it like this in the future, do you understand?"

"This is my father's policy!"

Aubadai pursed his mouth and looked at Tony in front of him. After learning about the Ark Reactor, his mood has completely changed, "Let me settle this matter, we have to make a complete change, and we will become the focus of everyone. ."

walked out with Tony in his arms, and put Tony in Harpy’s car, but did not find another figure in the car.

"Leo, what did you just mean? I will see him soon! The leader of that organization has been blown to death by me" Tony looked at Leo, who was sitting calmly on the side!

"You didn't see his body again, how are you sure of his death, if you remember correctly, you only bombed the wall beside him at the time!" Leo smiled and looked at Tony, the golden light in his eyes made Tony unforgettable for a long time. .

Tony rubbed his head and really couldn't understand why this kid really knew the scene at the time, as if he was there.

"By the way, by the way, Leo, I still remembered at the time, did you seem to apologize to me? Why, I didn't know you at that time!"

Leo glanced at Tony and turned his head back, "Mr. Stark, my ability allows me to foresee death, but I can't tell you, so I have to apologize to you."

"What, you know Ethan is going to die!" Stark turned to face Leo. His left hand was still intact and he grabbed Leo's neck, a little angry, shocked, and regretful in his eyes.

"Yes!" Leo didn't deceive Tony on this point.

"You made me lose one of my best partners, my savior!" Tony gritted his teeth.

Seeing that something was wrong, Hapy stopped the car to the side of the road. UU Reading reached out and took out a swing stick, staring at Leo, even if he was just a child.

"But, Tony, do you think I told you, would you believe it? If you believe it, can you go to Ethan? Saved him, but will he really come back with you?" Leo looked at Tony, who pulled him up, was not angry, even smiled.

Tony thought about what Ethan said, ‘this is my plan’ ‘I’m going to see my family’ ‘this is the ending I want’ ‘Tony, cherish life, don’t leave it alone! With a soft hand, Leo sat back in his seat.

Sitting on the seat with eyes blank, Ethan's words still echoed in his mind, this savior who had lived and ate with him for three months.

Leo's eyes brightened, his gaze went through his clothes and flesh and blood, and he directly saw the device on his chest. Although it was a bit crude, it still firmly maintained Tony's life.

But there is a small piece of copper wire exposed outside. It is fine if it is not opened, but after opening, it is easy to touch the socket and cause a short circuit.

his eyes moved to Tony's right hand, which had been tied up, a small sprain, no serious problem.

"Mr. Stark, my family lives in Manhattan, Forest Hill Road, No. 42. If you have any questions, you can come to me anytime, if you need help, you can also come to me, Mr. Stark, I want to tell you, The future is very exciting, I believe you!"

Leo patted Tony on the shoulder like a small adult and walked out of the car.

glanced at the alert Hapi, smiled slightly, the swinging stick in his hand broke at the sound, and all the pieces were scattered on the ground.

And Leo pointed his toes, like a sports car, flew out in a whistling low altitude, and disappeared in a while.