Chapter 243: Metal Hide

Leo sat down again.

"At the time, I told you that I went out because of the summer activities in school."

"In fact, at that time, I went to a place in Africa to practice."

"Is it about metal?" George couldn't help asking.


Leo nodded, and he was not surprised by George's discovery. After all, he had been playing with these metal models since he was a child, and he might have already guessed.

"My ability needs to use metal, but as my ability grows, I need more and more supplies, so I contacted Tony Stark."

"Later I went to Africa, but when I was practicing, I ignored the time. When I came out again, it was already February."

"I rushed back to New York, and after contacting Mr. Stark, I learned that you are in Malibu. At the same time, an alien has already invaded the earth, so there is no time to find you for the time being."

Jenny and George looked at Leo with understanding eyes, and seemed to agree with Leo's approach.

Leo continued.

"Then the bad guy opened the portal and let the intruders in. Of course, there is also a long story in it, so I won't go into details."

"I joined the Avengers and became one of them to resist the alien invasion."

Leo thought for a while, his eyes lit up slightly, and he took out a large piece of ordinary metal from the garage and flew over.

In the air, the whole piece of metal began to separate and decomposed into dozens of metal pieces of various sizes.

All began to slowly deform themselves.

A small piece flew on the roof, transformed into a hollow circular portal with a rotating appearance.

The other large metal blocks changed the appearance of the Leviathan behemoth, and the others also became dozens of small Zitar airship models, followed by drilling out of them and scattered.

Leo's other hand couldn't help but lifted up, and reached out another huge piece of metal.

Half of them became the tall buildings in New York City, and the rest changed to the appearance of Thor, Hulk and others.

Of course, I did not forget to have a model with its own wings.

Quickly shuttled among the tall buildings, and as the figure passed by, the Qitarui airships accompanying them also fell one after another.

Melted into the tall buildings, and then flew up from the edge, and flew out of the portal again.

Although this picture does not have any soundtrack, there is no collision sound.

But this tense scene still caught the gazes of George and Jenny tightly, and their eyes moved with the figure in it.

"A large number of Zetarians rushed out of the portal and slaughtered people wantonly. Their purpose was to occupy the earth."

"There are still a steady stream of enemies flying out from outer space, and the best way at that time was to close the portal."

Leo's fingers moved slightly, and a simulated beam of light stretched out from the ground, extending to the portal.

A device rose, and a figure was standing aside, holding a spear-like weapon on top.

"But the brainless congressmen tried to launch a nuclear bomb at New York."


As Leo snapped his finger lightly, not far away, a little bit of metal flew past, condensing the appearance of three nuclear bombs.

Leo wouldn't say that he let the director launch it.

"So, Iron Man, Tony Stark, flew over without hesitation, and used all the remaining power in the armor to carry one."

"And I, of course, obliged to take the remaining two nuclear bombs and fly to the portal together."

Leo's little figure followed closely behind him, carrying two nuclear bombs, and flew towards the portal.

Seeing this scene, Jenny still couldn't help holding George tightly with one hand, a touch of distress welled up on her face.

George also couldn't help looking at Leo, who was waving his hands.

"Finally, Tony and I sent the nuclear bomb out into the universe and hit the mothership of Zetaree."

"At the same time, Natasha also closed the portal device."

In mid-air, the device exploded slightly, and the entire beam also extended into the air, disappearing with the portal, and the remaining metal fell to the ground.

All the scenes began to integrate.

"All the Zeta Swiss soldiers are dead, leaving only the villain who opened the portal. We captured him and sent him back to his hometown for trial."

Leo's palm opened slightly, and all the metal gathered together, condensed into a human shape with wings.

A Leo model who was taller stood in front of them.

Taking off the glasses covering his face, the blurry scene that had been covered collapsed toward the face.

Leo's appearance was completely constructed.

"At that time, I thought everything was over. If there were no accidents, I wanted to go back to Malibu and pick you up."

"However, the energy source that constructed the portal accidentally collided with my body."

A hollow Rubik's cube the size of a palm stretched out from Metal Leo's hand.

"A strange energy envelops me, trying to teleport me out, but I can't resist this force at all."

At this moment, behind the Leo model, there were countless metal tributary filaments extending to the whole person slowly, looking a little shocking.

Metal Leo's face also changed to a more painful look.

"At the last moment, I ask Tony to take care of you, and then."

Leo's originally slowly opened palm suddenly grasped.

A blue light flashed, and the tall model disappeared into the air.

"I was transported into the universe by this energy body, and I couldn't come back until yesterday."

Leo put the model in the storage space, and there was a trace of ruddy on his face.

This level of fine control is not so satisfactory to him now

If it wasn't for my own microscopic control to be upgraded to B-level, and the multi-tasking that I exercised while floating in the universe, perhaps this series of images would not be that shocking.

Jenny didn't expect that the reason Leo didn't come back turned out to be because of this situation. She covered her mouth tightly, tears gushing out of her eyes again.

He stepped forward and hugged Leo, a little bit distressed for the child in his arms.

George's eyes were also full of shock. He couldn't believe the scene before him. From beginning to end, the shock in his eyes made his heart beat faster.

Looking at the little boy in front of him who had been taking care of him for ten years, there was also a trace of distress in his eyes.

Any parent would feel this kind of emotion when the child did such a dangerous thing. They stepped forward and gently embraced the two.

After a while, Jenny slowed down, her eyes full of tenderness and love for Leo.

"Then? Where did you go? How did you come back?"