Chapter 429: Death explosion

The door of the restaurant opened, and the SHIELD bomb disposal team walked in fully armed.

Mei also walked in.

"Sif, what's the situation?"

"There is another person. The explosive is on her body. She has lost too much blood and needs to be rescued quickly."

Sieff looked at the bomb disposal team wearing explosion-proof suits and explosion-proof shields, and said softly, “The explosives have been modified and the wiring is complicated, and many of them are covered by blood.”

The bomb disposal team did not speak, it seemed that all the team members were so silent, and several people spread around to conduct environmental monitoring and assessment.

There was also a main bomber and two other deputies who immediately walked to the woman lying in the middle of the bar.

Mei also looked at Sif and said, "Twenty kilograms of yellow TNT have now been found, and they have all been placed on the load-bearing main beams outside the two halls. Once detonated, the entire hall may collapse."

"Strange, there are basically no signs of people moving in those two halls, why did Ward put explosives there?"

"In terms of intelligence, forty kilograms of explosives were transported in. Now that hostage has less than three kilograms of explosives. What's left?"

May is a little confused.

Before Sieff could speak, he felt a strong feeling of something wrong, and immediately turned around and shouted at the bomb disposal team, "Don't move!!"

The main bomb destroyer stretched out half of his hand and stopped in the air, turning his head to look with some doubts.

In the next second, the hostage who had completely died was lit up with a fierce explosion.

The hostage's heartbeat stopped completely and activated the detonator. The powerful chemical reaction triggered strong heat and micro-current, which completely detonated a stable small amount of TNT explosive at the critical point of TNT detonation.

The extremely strong explosive power instantly tore the corpse into pieces of flesh and blood, and the powerful energy quickly spread to the surroundings.

And this is just a brief moment.

Even Sif, who was standing nearly ten meters away, just reluctantly tried to erect the shield in his hand.


"Ward, this kind of weapon on earth poses little threat to the Asgardians, not to mention that Shiv is still Asgard's most elite fighter."

Lorelai looked at Ward and said with some disdain.

"I know, that's why I will put half of the explosives there. The other two simple traps are just to let S.H.I.E.L.D. relax its vigilance."

"Even the Asgardians will be seriously injured under 20 kilograms of TNT explosives!"

Ward glanced at the watch interface that had become a straight line in his hand, a cruel smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

This is the power of an elite S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and the best doctor can be the most terrifying killer.

Similarly, once a tempered super agent rebels, he can also become the best terrorist.


At the original blasting point, under the woman with explosives tied to her body, there was a simple pit in which all the remaining explosives were buried, and there were even some other high explosives.

The resulting lightweight explosion also immediately caused a huge amount of explosives below.

In the next instant, a more violent explosion erupted from the center of the restaurant.

The powerful explosive power first disappeared from the countless flesh and blood residues that impacted the female corpse used as a trap, and then the bomb disposal trio on the side.

It was instantly torn and impacted into dozens of fragments, but it did not affect the spread of this violent explosion.

The powerful and terrifying impact of the explosion still spread out quickly.

Sif and May were next.

Sieve, who was more sensitive, tried his best, but raised the Ulu alloy shield that he had been holding in his hand, and tried his best to stand in front of him.

In this short instant, the shield also expanded instantly, barely covering Sieve's upper body.

Fortunately, Mei was standing right behind Sif, and Sif almost completely blocked the impact of the explosion.

Sieff couldn't stop the strong explosion at all, and the strong Ulu shield he held in his hand was not torn by the strong explosion.

But it slammed into Sif's body and pushed it away.

And Mei, who stood behind Sif, was naturally pushed out by Sif in front of her.

Then, the five fully armed bomb disposal team members who were still standing in the hall were also knocked out in the impact of this strong explosion.

The explosion-proof shield in his hand was torn into several pieces, and the explosion-proof suit on his body was also damaged in a large area under the impact of this explosion.

In just half a second, an explosive small mushroom cloud appeared in the center of the huge restaurant.

The powerful shock wave almost shattered everything within 20 meters around

The explosion came fast, and went fast. Two or three seconds later, there was a huge pothole and huge smoke that couldn't see everything.

All the glazed chandeliers and glass lanterns that were originally hung on the roof disappeared, and the entire huge restaurant was a pitted wreck.

Both Sieve and May were also pushed a dozen meters away in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground.

May was seriously injured on the spot and passed out into a coma.

Sieff, who was carrying the impact of the explosion frontally, fell to the side with the shield in his hand weakly, and he was also in a coma.


‘Boom! ! ! ! ’

Everyone outside the Caesars Hotel was shocked and heard the loud noise, as well as the strong black smoke of the roof fragments that were lifted including Cole who had been standing outside the hotel. Sen was also stunned by the sudden explosion.

In the next second, he couldn't help but rushed into the hotel.

"Mei!! Mei!! Siv!! Answer me!!"

Similarly, Skye, who had been typing on the keyboard, immediately threw down the laptop that he had regarded as a treasure, and followed Coleson to the explosion point.

Only Fitz, taking a step slower, hurriedly grabbed a communication device and a gun, and rushed inside with Fitz.

When Coleson arrived at the scene, the nearest S.H.I.E.L.D. Combat Team had arrived, and was quickly providing first aid to the wounded and clearing the scene.

In the most luxurious hall, there is a mess, one of the huge ugly pits, and the surrounding luxurious decorations have completely become a pile of tatters.

You can barely see some charred pieces of flesh and blood on the ground, and those are the bomb disposal guys closest to the center of the explosion.

Coleson walked directly to May lying on the ground, and hurriedly asked, "How is the person?"

"Sir, Chief Mei has no obvious trauma on his body, but he has severe internal bleeding and needs to be treated as soon as possible."

"As for this Asgardian, it is still unclear. More professional equipment is needed to detect it."

"The bomb disposal team still has two serious injuries alive, and the other six have all died. As for the other hostages, we haven't seen it yet."

Coulson looked at May with bleeding from the corner of his mouth, Sif who was unconscious, and not far away with severe burns on his body, and the bomb disposal team members with severed limbs.

A trace of pain flashed in his eyes, and he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number that had always been hesitant.


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